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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. [b]Make tools more avalable[/b] suggest: (in order of preference) - remove requirement of loyalty for all tools not of kind of land defence - make more item that gather material or process material avalable for citisen without loyalty - make tools that require no man land loyalty ... (its the only loyalty a new player can get ...)
  2. Remove or lessen or put way of newby to lower viscosity Suggestions either: - either remove viscosity all together - make Energetic immunity stat conter the viscosity - make another way easylyavalable for newby to conter or totally neutralise viscosity _ make it so that one can easyly get citisenship of each lands at will, so his loyalty gain for each land counter viscosity and gain access to tools to make wealth Hight viscosity completely ruin some quests Hight viscosity make exploration of MD only avalable to players with citisenship to many lands or wealtly to have thea cups or other mean to get more ap Viscosity is one off the main deterrent for newplayers and even me with my small 105 active day having vote often, find it almost impossible to explore tribunal for exemple [color=#ff0000][b]Hee guys why put negative rep on that post? You dont like new players?[/b][/color]
  3. [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/15q7yn8.gif[/img]This was my entry to that contest Congrat to the winners
  4. [b]Foreword[/b]: From what i understand of being dead, it dont seem much fun to be. I understand that one cant move from his corps. So i suggest still being in role playing to make it more fun. [b]Sugestion[/b]: That the one being dead, be a ghost with the ability to still move from his corps. Moving from his corps would be starting a counter For 1 hour free moving, and then teleport back to his corps, and then a cool down timer of 18 hours where he is prevented of moving. [b]Note[/b]: if the idea is taken, the moving time limit and the cooldown limit can be adjusted to what is tought of being best (my number being there only to illustrate the concept) [b]Note[/b]: and i would make it that the moving is not subject of viscosity, the ghost being imaterial
  5. I am really [b]agains[/b] making candies not permanent until used I am relatively new, and for me winning 2 candies is the real nice thing without that my inventoroy was almost empty, I was really happy to have got them, it make me feel good to have someting in my inventory, ... everyone as lots and lots of things in inventory ... as for the box, i got in tribunal, got one for one week and did not make me a candy, so what? ... i dont cry about it,... those with elecubration will use the candies and new candies will be able to be produced ... you all veterant arent you always talking about one need to know to wait ? be patient? [b]wait, and candies will be used[/b] or [b]ask MUR to make them more usefull to other things and then they will be consume[/b] And if you want 2 candies , come and trade with me something ill take as worwhile for me to trade agains. And to make it more understanding: [b]MAKING CANDIES NOT PERMANENT UNTIL USED WOULD ROB ME OF MY WINNING 2 CANDIES[/b]
  6. First note that i have no alt but reading this forum i get confuse - its ok to store creature on alt ? - do storing mean recruiting on main, sending on alt, and getting back on main? - or does it mean that one can recruit on main send on alt, and sel with alt and send coins to main? [b]Chewett and Grido please clarify that[/b] because if storing and aging on alt mean : recruiting with alt, aging it on the alt , and selling from the alt, and keeping coin on the alt its not "storing" for me, its playing the alt independant of the main ...
  7. Maybe you can look at [url="http://www.adrive.com/plans"]http://www.adrive.com/plans[/url] there is one basic free plan they say (note personnaly i never used it) or look at [url="http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-free-file-hosts/"]http://www.makeuseof...ree-file-hosts/[/url] maybe youll find someting there Note: better keep at home a backup, with storing online one never know if a service would become unavalable for a reason more so if its a free service
  8. Its look like just (not wanting to make it look bad) another creature that as many levels and will probably be locked for mp3, and mp4 with a nice story, but that is relate to nothing real (as real in game mechanic) for the power or not of this creature , ill let it discust by other knowing more than me. But i see your idea as a possible wonderfull new things, if the story part become real I mean why not a creature that is not level by win-lose heat and lock by level But instead a new thing enterely for MD, a personnal puzzle Lets suppose that if you have the creature game mechanic look at something personnal (adn or player id number or something thats will do same)then calculate a personnal secret code for each level of the creature. and add a part random so its different if you have more than one creature. Lets have 1 button more by each level 7 level to find your unique personnal solution to level your creature so each level as more possibility to try to explore.(like solving gazebo of equilibrium or harmony pillars) or something different but doing similar, or make it a puzzle like the broken gazebo type with more tiles for each level to upgrade say that to get to level odd to find is level 2 1 in 1000 level 3 1 in 10,000 level 4 1 in 100,000 level 5 1 in 1,000,000 level 6 1 in 10,000,000 ... and make that creature unique in that its not locked by mp level and transvert revert it naturally to level 1 so whats fun, its personnal if you get a strong creature you put time or where very lucky , and its not abusable as not same for each one and even an mp3 could have it
  9. I never used it, but they say that, the free version after the delay still work for watermarking, just few options than the paid version [url="http://www.uconomix.com/Products/uMark/Default.aspx"]http://www.uconomix....rk/Default.aspx[/url] http://www.uconomix.com/Products/uMark/Comparison.aspx
  10. Personnaly I put myself "seem stuck" Visiting loreroot golemus and necrovion of them only necrovion had made me "really stuck" if i would have not had chance that anniversary with its links to papercabin and troneroom had not been there soon after i got in necrovion i would still be there or needing outside help to get me out. If a limited number of go to paper cabin seem to much or abusable I suggest that LFO or some of them get unlimited number of spell to teleport a stuck player, (waiting 24hrs or 48hrs to be unstuck is aceptable i think) They could then judge if the situation is really stuck, and unstuck the player if its the case within that time i think. And if the situation is only seem stuck, they could always hint ... They could have a set policy of when and how to handle those situations And for what it seem to me LFO could be trusted with that ability ... As for being stuck in story or left out of an event ... did not yet apend to me ... but thinking possibility to be stuck for a long time knowing that there is a way out of stuck would be real nice
  11. To help a non experience player to understand the problem is it possible to get some info as to tel or is it a spoiler that cannot be told? - is that hability subject of this thread, as can make someone not only with lower stats, but with negative stats? - and if its stealing stats, is not someone using it would rapidely attain the cap for his own stats , and then should it not stop the stealing possibiliti? and are you talking about? - Regeneration, Energetic immunity,Trade sense,Briskness,Initiative,Defence, Attack, Power, Luck and or the principles of magic? and or the maximum :Vital Energy,Value Points,Action Points Note: and correct me if i am wrong, i understand that the damage is not temprorary, its permanent if someone do not act to regain what i lost?
  12. Ill take the pimped grassian plz
  13. Thks for the info, i was posting mainly as the message seem to me that i was reported as having done something wrong and logged somewhere
  14. Action reported, you do not have access to this document. If you feel it is an error please report on the bug section. #rpcdoc22 #:0 Apen 2 times, 2e time it close my connection to MD Action: i was only clicking on the [[url=""]Personal page[/url]] link on right hand logged back in MD and seem now fine
  15. Nice , it should be a sticky of its not already (and is there a FAQ in game interface that i did not yer found?) Thinking for newplayers is real nice, this game is not with intuitive, and many same questions should be always ask by many new players i suppose. (like I had not found by myself that cliking on http://magicduel.com/img/skin/default/progress_indicator.gif, was not a decoration but a button with info) (and even then, that info was not clear meaning for me)
  16. I would suggest - scan with highest scan resolution you have - ajust contrast and other - reseize and crop to size you want - make toutch up, even pixel toutchoup if you want - use a custom selection tool to make the outline you want to keep - paste as new image, save as gif (it is lost less compression) with transparent note: tiff is lost less compression, so wont make artifac ; jpeg is wit lost compression, and will make artifac to the picture best i suggest is gif
  17. Guillak I dont know if you read my feedback right way I assure you my feedback was nice and positive in my mind - that it was a mix of intuitive knoledge of people and luck is good for me look at the results, the winners are what i think active and old players , they won and i dont complain, and on the other way look i was abel being only 60 active day to make a good score, and i am happy to that result - My only suggestion would be to give over big prize small participation ... please read: small participation ... i dont know maybe value in this game i dont even talk about silver coins, i tought that cup of tea , or candies or pickel where almost free and of very little value , more symbolic .... and as for winners i suppose the prize where big prizessince the conclil was giving them If i tought it wrong sorry, its not what i meant
  18. Chewett post is right info so i feel that i should post about it I have vote in the pool, so my feedback is recorded I see that the magority of players liked or loved this competion, I am happy for them. My perception was different, and i had to act according to it. To explain ill only say that at the start most questions or riddle, me failing or getting it was allright. It was percive as just (maybe hard but feasible) (And i agree with one comment "I should give a compliment to Kyphis for posing interesting questions". It was really out of what i was expecting and interesting , but feasible.) So when i got to what i perceived as illogical to fullfill or impossible for me ...
  19. Congrat to the winners, and to those that made this contest Feedback: Its a mix of intuitive and knwoledge logic with part of random luck It make chance to all participants,and at same time give good chances to older players that with there knowledge of other players More creatures? feel not as new player dont know all names of creature at all there levels Make it permanent? feel not, as would make it possible to control one perception or make group voting My only suggestion to improve would be to give over the big prizes many small participation prize like 1 candy or 1 cup of tea, or 1 pickel (just suggestion as i dont know what is really apropriate necessary), so more or everyone would get out with something even if its not much. As for more personnal comments, i can say i like the contest, and the preformance i got (by luck or intuition) 20.5%.
  20. Subject: Modify "Free MD Shop Credits" page To ease voting Problem: one forget at what time he last voted, so may forget to look if he can, and not vote that day Solution: since the game remember when you last vote to reset links each 24 hrs, it would be easy to have either a message stating you last voted at 10PM or links will be enable in 5 hrs ... for exemple one just having a look , can then make a mental note, i need to get voting at ... Advantage for MD: making easier to vote for the players, may improve the number of vote cast
  21. Hi spartano Since i dont have any unholypriest, i would take 1 or 2 and i dont have any marksmen Ill be glad to accomodate yu and take criters note: i have nothing of value to give back in exchange
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