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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. Balance Balance = desirable point between two or more opposite forces (source Wikipedia) for me is the true definition, but i would reformulate it to cover a more general case as Balance = necessary point between two or more opposite forces to maintain the desired effect that way one can understand either a static balance, or a dynamic balance and as looking at a system (or situation) that is balance versus a desirable effect, one need to distinguish if its a stable equilibrium, or an unstable equilibrium. i.e. will a small disturbance of the forces in the system tend to amplify, more and more going to an unbalance, or is the system such that balance will tend to be restore naturally. and also one can see a system (or situation) asking himself is there in this system, one or more stable points ... i.e. point from witch a small disturbance would would not change situation, as the system would naturally get back towart the previous balance point. Take an landscape, one can put on top of each mountain a large rock that would remain at its position, but a small disturbance could have that rock drop on its slopes. Take that landscape, and one can put in bottom of each lake a large rock, that would remain at its postion, but a small disturbance would not have the rock move from the botton of its lake. If i desire i can want to have that large rock in mid slope of a mountain, and if i build a support, its reaction, will make the rock stable at that position. "the nothing is balanced by the everything", to accept that statement as a balance i would need to know first to what desirable effect, and secound how is "nothing" an oposite force to "everything" to contribute to that desirable effect. "...we living beings, are counterbalancing the very essance of the void, we ARE" I can accept that statement, maybe if there explantation of how the "void" is a force that is oposite the "we are", and that the "we are" is a force that act agains it, and to what concidered desirable effect. But as it its presented i cant. Like saying that "there is ritch as long as there are poor", yes its a statement that is logical, but i dont see it as a balance. being ritch or poor is a state, not a force ... maybe a desirable effect ... if one want to be either poor or ritch. but the forces are many and such as the economic you live in, the trade one know, his luck in finding a gold mine, whom he know, what he know ... And even then, the desire outcome being either ritch or poor, can be different for some. One can see himself ritch having 3 wifes, 10 goats, and rice to eat each day One can see himself ritch having a private island of 10 square miles, with a mansion complex of 50 million, 20 servants, 1 prize wife, 2 concubin, a 1 million yatch, and a private airplane ... And i am sure some can find himself poor having only that. In the end one can either chose to like or dislike desire outcome. And affect the forces necessary to obtain and maintain it to his the desire state.
  2. Community Garden Scarecrow Contest Necrovion ScareCrow
  3. Nimrodel I really like the way you try to put words in my mouth , when logic fail you, when i prove to you that you are wrong anyway i am finish with you .. if you post further in this thread i will ignore you , as its wil be of no value to me
  4. "2.to complain with or as if with a whine <[color=#ff0000]always[/color] whining about the weather> :" [color=#ff0000]right you prove yourself my point "always" and about weather , an non important thing : i am not always complaining about same non important things[/color] your post is more winning than mine now look at definitions Verb 1. whine - move with a whining sound; "The bullets were whining past us" [color=#ff0000]Dont apply you will agree LOL[/color] go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" 2. whine - talk in a tearful mannerwhine - talk in a tearful manner [color=#ff0000]I was not and i am not tearfull, you seem tearfull to me in your post (poor baby)[/color] snivel grizzle, yammer, yawp, whine - complain whiningly mouth, speak, talk, verbalise, verbalize, utter - express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize" 3. whine - make a high-pitched, screeching noise; "The door creaked when I opened it slowly"; "My car engine makes a whining noise" creak, screak, screech, skreak, squeak make noise, noise, resound - emit a noise 4. whine - complain whininglywhine - complain whiningly grizzle, yammer, yawp kvetch, plain, quetch, complain, sound off, kick - express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about" snivel, whine - talk in a tearful manner [color=#ff0000]me first i point out that the summer festival was closed : proof 2 post .. secound i was doing something, asking for help , .... third it was asking question of what was apening, and why ... ... so in my mind [size=6]you are the whinner[/size][/color] [b]Conclusion i would agree to be whinning[/b] [size=4][b]only if[/b][/size] finding one friend and team leader dead is an small matter of no importance, and that i complain to that all the time [b]and[/b] if the only thing i had said would have been poor me, you all make me tearfull you should not have done that bad bad MD .....
  5. Of all the post content in this thread, the only one i take exception is Nimrodel your "Stop whining." Saying my opinion yes, trying to understand yes, trying to do someting yes , whining [b]NO[/b]
  6. Thanks for the advice Chewett I would suggest, that another time those concern be notify of the rules ... keeping me in dark had made me react to the apparences and its include Fyrd to have keept me in dark ... Note: Its not my fault if i stand for my team mates and friends as for my way of acting
  7. well i dont know ... it seem i was keep in the dark that is what i had read in our private forum when i logged in, after reading it, i had it confirm by Z that Fyrd was still dead and then did posting ... [b] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/3681-fyrd-argentus/"]Fyrd Argentus[/url][/b] Pickle Meister[list] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/3681-fyrd-argentus/"][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/uploads/photo-thumb-3681.gif?_r=0[/img][/url] [*]Member [*][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img] [*]797 posts [/list][list] [*]Gender:Male [*]Location:Through the looking-glass. [*]Playername:Fyrd Argentus [/list] Posted Today, 07:14 AM Well, I guess it's all over -- except that I'm still dead. [list] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=reputation&do=add_rating&app_rate=forums&type=pid&type_id=117818&rating=1&secure_key=ff435a2ec92a82f42b50e5adf8fb6b50&post_return=117818"][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/rep_up.png[/img][/url] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=reputation&do=add_rating&app_rate=forums&type=pid&type_id=117818&rating=-1&secure_key=ff435a2ec92a82f42b50e5adf8fb6b50&post_return=117818"][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/rep_down.png[/img][/url] [*]0 [/list][list] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=298&t=12568&qpid=117818"]Quote[/url] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=298&t=12568&qpid=117818"]MultiQuote[/url] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=reports&rcom=post&tid=12568&pid=117818&st=20"]Report[/url] [/list] ------------------------------------------------------- Now if its a quest, pre arrange with Fyrd .. like i said its ok but then the part of asking to help finish quest is then still in order, and for teams to make an comun effort .. why not? (me i am really not good at anagrams ...)
  8. If its all set with Fyrd , then ok
  9. Instead of saying what kind of quest i like ill say kind of quest i dont like I dont like quest that kill teams leader
  10. Well i dont understand its what we had for BFH answer talking about quests in our forum private K'BOOM!![list] [*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/3608-bfh/"][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-3608.gif?_r=0[/img][/url] [*]Member [*][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img][img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_images/master/bullet_black.png[/img] [*]842 posts [/list][list] [*]Gender:Male [*]Playername:*BFH Lightning* [/list] Sent Yesterday, 10:57 AM You can set quests as long as you wish, but all must end at 24:00-00:00 server of today [img]http://magicduel.com/userfiles/181413/bfh_2.gif[/img] ------------------- also trigger say: [b][b][i][color="#993300"]MD SUMMER FEST[/color][/i][/b][/b] [b]MD Summer Fest Finally ended. I must thanks all of you for your participation. Please state your comments and recommendations for other events on Forum. Also [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12683-md-summer-fest-main-quests-keys/"]Main Quest Keys[/url] are now revealed. --BFH[/b]
  11. Fyrd Argentus is still dead that quest was not complete and BFH in vacation he should have been revive as the festival is done. THAT IS NOT JUST Our team 1 had never fully there Fyrd Argentus dst AmberRune gonzalocsdf *MasterB* Lone Wolf Rannel Fenrar tom Pouce and that quest Zleiphneir, say need to be complete to revive Fyrd [color=#ff0000]I call upon team 2 and 3 and anyone avalable to please finish that quest as yu are better than team 1 and revive Fyrd[/color] [color=#ff0000]I call upon those that have revive tools, if they are friend of Fyrd, to please be nice and revive Fyrd[/color] Grido Eon Shadowseeker Note: personnaly i dont see it fun at all for Fyrd
  12. Tom Pouce


    have good trip
  13. [size=5][b]Necrovion suitability to raise crop; Research study from the agricultural view point.[/b][/size] [b][size=5]And specificity concerning pumpkins crop.[/size][/b] [b](Community Garden Scarecrow Contest) Submit an essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion[/b] [b]Part 1 [/b][size=5]Necrovion study to define Necrovion its suitability to raise crop[/size] [b]Methodology:[/b] An trip visiting 14 Necrovion scenes, follow by an intensive study [b]NOTE:[/b] [color=#ff0000]All observations where documented with screen shots and are avalable on request[/color] [u][b]study synopsis, including observations, conclusions and recommendations[/b][/u] [b]1* Necrovion possess large quantity of water, and mineral water, but its not on surface.[/b] - use of irrigation will be easy having an underground source of water - drop dripping irrigation would be the best choice, for its water concervation properties, and its usefullness when hard water is use. [b]2* Sunny[/b] most scene being without cloud cover. an eternal day time is observe. - Best choice would be sunloving crops, or if not using some shade cover or using some companion crop that would provide shade is recommended. [b]3* One see grass having taken root in many place.[/b] - Proof of good nitrogen content in soil, and absence of poisonnious contaminents [b]4* The soil at many place show dry cracking patterns[/b] - proof of a clay and sedimentary soil that once was moist. - sedimentary soil is a most rich soil substrate for growing crops - low humidity dry climate [b]5* One find bones[/b] - an importand source of phosphorus, and calcium [b]6* Estimation of the soil ph[/b] - presence of clay, and sedimantary soil indicate a neutral ph [b]7* One find presence of lizard[/b] - indicate hot climate - proof of presence of insect, some probably pest to some crops - adequate pest control will be needed [b]8* Observing fire pattern of a torch and an fire camp[/b] - indicate no wind at the time of observation - no need for wind breaker is surmised [b]9* Presence of the entities "Shades"[/b] No shades where seen in the study, but reliable witness reports indicate there actual presence. These entities dislike water, as water can be detrimental to them Page 94 [2008-05-26 03:56:20 -Golemus Wizard quest - sim.]It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth. - It is recommend to make treaty with the "Shades" so they dont destroy crops - It is recommend to use an irrigation method that will use only a small amount of water; This reenforce the recommendation to use drop dripping irrigation [b]Conclusion:[/b] Necrovion is well suit to grow crops, if care is taken in chosing crop and farming methods. [b]Part 2 [size=5]Pumking crop suitability to Necrovion study and recommendations[/size][/b] [b]Pumpkins benefit from a sunny location[/b] (see Necrovion study observation 2*) [b]Climate:[/b] All cucurbits are warm-season crops. They grow best during hot weather and cannot tolerate frost. Seeds will germinate at 15°C (60°F), but germinate best at 29-32°C (85°F-90°F). Pumpkins grow best at temperatures of 23-29°C (75°F-85°F) day and 15°C -21°C (60°-70°F) night. And prefer low humidity climate. (see Necrovion study observation 2*, 7*, 4*) [b]Soil Preferences[/b] Pumpkins benefit from a rich soil Pumpkins grow well on most well-drained soils. Sandy loams are ideal. They also grow well on clay soils, (see Necrovion study observation 4*) Well drained, sandy loams with pH range 6.5 - 7.5; avoid heavy soils. (see Necrovion study observation 4*, 6*) [b]Water/Irrigation[/b] Pumpkins and squashes are relatively deeply rooted (1.2-1.8 m; 4-6 ft) and can tolerate dry conditions fairly well. Plants also form adventitious roots at the notes and help with water uptake. However, extended dry periods will result in poor fruit set and/or poor fruit development and size. Plants tolerate wet conditions fairly well, but foliar diseases and fruit rots increase Critical demand periods: Establishment, 2-4 weeks after emergence, Bloom, Fruit set, Enlargement. (see Necrovion study observation 1*) [b]Weed Control[/b] some manual weed removal can be necessary at plant startup. As the plants cover the ground, they shade out many weeds. [b]fungus diseases[/b] Downy mildew, Fruit rot, Gummy stem blight, Powdery mildew Recommend harvesting only fully ripened fruit, practice good crop rotation as many of the rots are soil and debris related, good drainage and water management, and control of cucumber beetles and other insect pest. Dry climate help prevent or control (see Necrovion study observation 4*) [b]Insect pests[/b] Aphid, Leafminer, Looper, Melonworm, Rootworm, Spider Mite, Squash Vine Borer, Whitefly, Striped Cucumber Beetle, Western Corn Rootworm, Squash Bug, Western Corn Rootworm Insect control will be necessary (see Necrovion study observation 7*) Control can be with insecticide, or use of companion plants. [size=5][b]Conclusion: [/b][/size]pumpkins crop is well suit for Necrovion
  14. An alternative suggestion , to assure one that he get the small temporary boost (ve,ap,vp) by voting in timely manner for its use it could be like a burst, its accumulate as you vote , and release in clicking one button?
  15. essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion. [b][size=4]I am in necrocion, studying pumpkins and necrovion relations[/size][/b] Study is done, observations dones, compiling results and doing report ...
  16. [b][size=4](Community Garden Scarecrow[size=3] Contest[/size][/size][size=3]) [/size][/b] [b][size=5]Experimental ritual to make alive the necrovion scarecrow[/size][/b] [b]Foreword[/b] At first i have study the idea of trying to get an shade to fill the scare crow to animate it. But due to all the effort that where made thrue the ages to either control or catch a shade having been without success ... that have reject that field of research. That and the well know pact of protection between the shades and the necrovians. Then the idea of using liquid dust with its misterious properties still unknow was taken. Efforts to catch and harness that subtance was without success. And more so with its dangerousty ----- Page 156 [2008-08-07 03:14:05 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.] Khalazdad, having concluded that Willow’s incapacity to be harmed was his downfall in the House of Liquid Dust, makes his way to the entrance. He is confident that his vulnerability will allow him to be transformed. Khalazdad’s lungs begin to burn as his feet move the dust. The darkness is heavy, energized by an intangible force. He can feel the memory of another man, in the same spot, long…or soon, in here it is all the same. Breathing deeply, his lungs are ablaze, he feels weak and yet strong; a hollow voice booms out “At last you have come, I have waited so long…..” ------ Then next area of studie that was pursue, was to try to make a synthetic liquid dust,maybe in a control environnement one can stury and harness that substance safely. some interesting experiments, and many unsuccesfull ones made me put aside that option for now. As it became evident that success would not be avalable for the first of august. When time is avalable i plan to publish some of my hypotesis, in order that fellow scientific and mage continue to explore that area of research. [b]I was able to put together that experimental ritual base on research of know fact of MD and of similar .[/b] [size=5][b]Know facts:[/b][/size] [b]1 - The existance of pratical and working spell[/b] * mirror spell The Mirror Ritual spell makes whoever attacks you to fight himself as an oponent, just like fighting a mirror. It is both a warrior and a wizard spell * Ghost / Partial invisibility Spell At higher levels it allows temporary takeover of an other players name and chatting as if you were that player himself. It is said during Christmas ghosts are no longer ghosts. * Move lock Allows you to stop a player from moving away from the current location. * Locate character Tells you more info about the location of a character and the places he recently passed by *give vital [b]2 - The know fact that the old mages of Golemus where able to catch the spirit of Marin and put it in a statut with the berseker device[/b]. [b]3 - The aramor[/b] Aramors are well known throughout the Realm as they are one of the few entities who will aid anyone, without taking into consideration if their master is good, evil, sane or mad. Contrary to popular belief, there is no foreign spirit living inside the suit of armour, for the Aramor is alive and sentient through a permanent enchantment. [b]4 - The Barren[/b] There is a curse that forces those slain in battle by Necrovions to never truly die, thus transforming them into Defiled Souls. [b]5 - That it is possible to be change or transmute in MD as awiia is the living proof.[/b] [b]6 - That in MD it is possible to kill someone, with the apropriate killing tool[/b] [b]7 - The well know fact in magic of the power of the name, naming the object can be the object with the proper ritual.[/b] [b]8 - That heat can be a catalytic in making miraculous magic in MD, even raise the death, if its in sufficient amount.[/b] [b][size=6]Experimental ritual[/size][/b] [size=5]Preparation:[/size] Find an volounter to animate the necrovion scarecrow Find an necrovionian with that as a killing tool Get the mention spell know fact list Get an necrovion scarecrow [b]Note:[/b] the ritual need to take place at Christmas [size=6][b]Ritual to make alive the necrovion scarecrow[/b][/size] * Take a bone from the necrovion scarecrow, write the name of the volounter * Put back the bone in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast give vital on the volunter (to strengten) * Have the necrovian kill the volunter * The volunter should will itself in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast Locate character (to confirm that the volunter spirit is now in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast Move lock (to prevent it to wander) * Cast The Mirror Ritual (to seal his spirit in the necrovion scarecrow) * cast the Ghost / Partial invisibility Spell (to give his spirit form) Have a group of people giving heat and saying the ritual " volunter, i am giving you love with this heat, so you can be reborn as the necrovion scarecrow " " let the cycle of life begin anew " " let life become death, let death and love become life again " Then one must hope that the total amount and love and heat is sufficient to the accomplishment
  17. [b] [size=4](Community Garden Scarecrow[size=3] Contest[/size][/size][size=3]) [/size][/b] [size=5][b]How to make a Necrovion scare crow[/b][/size] [b]Note[/b]: This construction is fitting necrovion, as the toxic properties will not only preserve from birds the growing crops, but also provide some dead birds that will become additionnal nutrients to the soil. There death thus becomming part of a renewal of life. Part of a new life cycle. [b]Note[/b]: one should wear proper protective clothing and take adequate care in handling dangerous substances [size=5]Step 1 make an armature[/size] * provide 2 plank - make a cross - plant the cross in the ground [size=5]Step 2 make 22 leather sheets:[/size] * provide 22 skin * provide 24 water * provide heat * provide 22 sintropic dust * provide 4 Fat - heat the water - mixt the water, sintropic dust - put the sking - let it boil - remove the leather sheets - let it sun dry [size=5]Step 3 make soft and weather proof the leather[/size] - put Fat on leather - let it sun dry [size=5]Step 4 make leather rope[/size] - take 4 leather sheets - cut narrow strips - wove ropes [size=5]Step 5 make the head:[/size] * provide poison plants - take 2 leather sheets - take some leather rope - make a bag - fill it with poison plants - sew close the bag - put the head on the top of the cross - tie it with leather rope [size=5]Step 6 make an hat:[/size] - Take 2 leather sheets - make an hat [size=5]Step 7 make a trench coat:[/size] - take remaining leather sheets - make an [size=4]trench coat[/size] - dont forget the pockets - dont forget the wide lappel - dont forget the belt [size=5]Step 8 clothe the scare crow[/size] - Put the coat on the cross - put the hat on the head [size=5]Step 9 stuff the scare crow[/size] * Provide 50 branch * Provide 10 long bones - stuff the [size=4]trench coat[/size] arms with 4 long bones and 10 branches - put the remaining around the vertical planc to make a body and tie it with leather ropes [size=5]Step 10 Make the face:[/size] [b]Step 10A Make ink:[/b] * provide 1 Timeless dust * provide 1 Syntropic dust * provide 1 Fat * provide 1 sand - grind and mixt together [b]Step 10B draw[/b] - Take ink and draw face on head [size=5]Step 11 Make scare crow toxic and repellant:[/size] [b]Step 11A[/b] Make toxic repellent potion: * provide 5 toxic plant * provide 5 Solid stench * provide 5 Toxic gas * provide 5 Fat * provide heat * provide 1 water - take toxic plant Solid stench Toxic gas and grease - grind and mixt - heat water - mixt in water [b]Step 11B [/b]put toxic repellent potion all over the scare crow [size=5]Step 12 Make the final toutch[/size] * provide 4 toxic plants - put in the trench coat pockets
  18. Did you read the singpost? [spoiler]Loreroot Main Entrance The Loreroot lands guard great knowledge and power for those that understand their ways. This is a land of tradition and peace, but is not ignorant of the ways of war. The land is well protected by it's spirits, and no ignorant man can enter it without getting lost in these vast lands. (This is a trial for players that have advanced beyond MP3. It is meant to be difficult at MP4 and may prove impossible at MP3) [/spoiler]
  19. Just one another tought whatever you do, [b]please make sure that one can get the boost of temporaty[/b] AP i[b]n between timers easy[/b] Its a real real good thing for new players , without it its really difficult or impossible to go at places if you dont have much max ap yet [b]and same for temporary value points[/b], for a new player to get armour or recruit creatures
  20. remind suggestion: someting that easy (not many page to see) indicator either "voting is enable" or "next voting at xxxhxx", on first page that we use at all time (with chat one) if possible also i am with Burns 1 button to open would be nice also i tel that one need to open all first and then vote : because of all time it take to vote, if one dont do that it would be vote much later and much later each day ..
  21. Plz, sing me for a free tryal plot, thanks
  22. myself i did not unlock it yet, but it depend on how many items you buy in that section, to finally go to that being avalable to buy (each time yu buy out an item, the next one become avalable to buy) and maybe it as some requirements .. that i dont know (loyalty, experience or honour or other that you will have with time playing)
  23. Since the meeting thread is long and as many discution, can you plz point out the final decision as how it work? - i am confuse as the number of checkpoints per quest and final scoring rules - i am confuse as the one quest per day mean? is it that the quest is to be code in one day, or the code already done, the quest is enable to be play on the one day thanks
  24. Comments with the view point of a game player Whatever the solution that is desing - it will need to be implemented by Mur, or the Concil The players by themself dont have the mean to implement it - If you want to prevent futur quiting of players due to there death The reviving of a dead character need to be simple, and sure to be done in a timely manner. Me as a player , I would not find being dead fun, it would be equivalent of being banned ... how long i would tolerate being banned before quiting and going to play else where i dont know But sure the quicker i would revive would raise the chances i would still be playing and not be gone. So my sugestion, "keep it simple"
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