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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. thks for precision Chewett, so i guess last post of Fang is an joke wonder why i was neg rep with my question
  2. Tom Pouce
  3. [color=#ff0000][size=5]Happy birthday! [/size][/color]
  4. Vital Energy negative? ? what apend if you put your slider toward 100 in your ritual? you kill your creatures?
  5. are those with categories mp3 mp4 mp5, or its an free for all fight?
  6. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1359692822' post='131787'] By fixed things, I mean they're one off, you do them once and then they're done. Ideally we need more recipes/cauldrons with expireable goods that consume the resources. Having recipes offers a more long term solution to the problem. The items produced would need to be expireable, otherwise we'd just be shifting the problem down the line, rather than fixing it. [/quote] I would like to put that comment To prevent to much or something exemple tea cup ... i dont feel making things expiriring like cold tead cup is the right way It would have been better that instead an maximum one can get in inventory instead for that exemple of tea cups, its so hard to get the necessary ingredient and making tea ... having it expired dont make me wish to make tea again or trade to get some .. when i know that probably it will expired before i use it all
  7. I feel that it should have no censur as for what holidays to point out in the calandar or make it an calandar with only relate MD things like opening of necrovion, when people of MD mythology and relate to journal apend. but for that it should be an problem as the time keeping seem weird in MD style ... so i mean things like - medal or some honour or event that has apend in either MD mythology or history who can say that holocaust is not fitting , one can argue that its relate to necrovion as for death or something like that .. same thing for any other holidays one can come up with, one can made up an explantation far etche or not
  8. POE 10pts -chase spell nadrolski 9pts -Alkahest (personal item) be coded with the ability of a Reality Coagulator AmberRune 8pts - acousticremains samon 7pts -an item/ability to make cauldron recipes, if possible with a testing cauldron and an alchemist tag. Mya Celestia 6pts -Summon spell Peace 5pts - A nightshade plant Pipstickz 4pts -ability to give a spell doc page Tipu: 3pts -name change : Lord Tipu Eara Meraia 2pts -Tag "Mirror Councilor" ZenTao 1pts - ability to add stories, news, quest arts and music to the MD archives library possibly under my own book or I would not mind helping update others such as providing an illustrated book cover for each book helping dust and in general creating a updated archives
  9. 5 gold + 20 silver
  10. POE -chase spell nadrolski -Alkahest (personal item) be coded with the ability of a Reality Coagulator AmberRune - acousticremains samon -an item/ability to make cauldron recipes, if possible with a testing cauldron and an alchemist tag. Mya Celestia -Summon spell Peace - A nightshade plant Pipstickz -ability to give a spell doc page Tipu: -name change : Lord Tipu Eara Meraia -a "Mirror" item. -Tag "Mirror Councilor" ZenTao - ability to add stories, news, quest arts and music to the MD archives library possibly under my own book or I would not mind helping update others such as providing an illustrated book cover for each book helping dust and in general creating a updated archives oops sorry chose -Tag "Mirror Councilor" for Eara Meraia
  11. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Happy birthday !![/color][/font]
  12. cant log in me to
  13. Happy Birthday
  14. [b]want[/b]: [b]10 to 15 more slots[/b] so i can get more creatures (or permission to make an alt for that purpose), those to be use in a project of making an quest and the[b] ability to code cliky [/b](same reason) [b]want[/b] an [b]personnal pass paper for necrovion[/b], thinking myself an MD citisen, not having access directly to every land is agains my feeling (note necrovion people are nice and everytime i wanted to go there someone as help me so its not agains necrovion people goodness i want it) [b]want[/b] even better an [b]personnal MD pass paper[/b], it would be acting like each existing pass paper ( same reason i think myself as an MD citisen) It would not give me really more effectually than having the necropass paper , but would be even more in my thinink of being in MD [b]want[/b] an [b]personnal, everlasting hot tea cup[/b] work as tea cup but is for infinite number of uses and dont get cold why? id like to have tea cup advantage .. to help me explore MD and more so in the high viscisity parts [b]want [/b]when MUR make it full functionnal an [b]personnal copy of his tomato soup cook book and an everlasting supply ot tomato[/b] why? i like tomato soup and i am curious of what effect MUr as giving it [b]want[/b] for [b]the cost of 1 MD credit the ability to use an avatar [/b](regardless of where i am at now in buying in MD shop)
  15. i cannot log in get message that wrong letters .. but tried many times and i am sure i did it correctly
  16. (sorry if i am not in subject of Fyrd post) -- Feathers -- Animal Hair that can stand in for Unicorn -- Precious Metal that can stand in for Mithril (possibly when alloyed with silver coin) -- Leather that can stand in for Medusa/Water Demon hide are those existing in md?
  17. [size=5]congrats mya![/size]
  18. Maybe yu should read if yu did not already do so Mc TAGGART (1908) Time is not real there link to file .pdf [url="http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=%E2%80%9CThe+Unreality+of+Time%E2%80%9D+(1908)+pdf&source=web&cd=22&cad=rja&ved=0CD8QFjABOBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Femilkirkegaard.dk%2Fen%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FJohn-M.-E.-Mctaggart-Time-Is-Not-Real-.pdf&ei=_wjtUOeBD4fs0QHs84DQAQ&usg=AFQjCNEDMMXjHtssA_wLEBSfZ8lQxZup7g"]http://www.google.ca...LEBSfZ8lQxZup7g[/url] (you need to find your own answer, i can only try to give you tool that maybe will help yu)
  19. Happy birthday and lots of carrots!
  20. [b] [size=4]Happy Birthday[/size][/b]
  21. its a quest or are yu dead again?
  22. better-than-a-council? bring back Manuel Tanase advantage : - vision of an artist - drive - experience - as the haw of being the creator, few will complain - dont hesitate to change drasktically MD to try solve problem he perceive disavantage - like all artist go to new idea (not all finished or complete) Better than both concil or Manuel Tanase? Can be a concil maybe Mur can try change the rule of concentious for magority vote, maybe it would make a concil more dynamic to change the chalange of a concil is to have the vision of an artist the drive of an game creator disavantage: concil of old dedicate players is both a strength, but can be an burden they need to always get an new eye, but keeping at same time an continuity, and aquire an vision, spontanity,intuitivity, creativity and somewhat randomness of an artist
  23. bonne année, happy new year, un an nou fericit

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