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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. yu can always try what i planted in my make beleive garden, its an medicinal plant legal for medicinal purpose in some country (like usa canada .. ) [spoiler]cannabis[/spoiler]
  2. [size=6][background=rgb(0, 255, 0)] [/background][/size] [hr] [spoiler] [indent=1][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][b]its now improved[/b][/background][/indent][list] [*][background=#00FF00]- its now give bigger stat boost for low stat players[/background] [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- still an percentage for bigger stat players[/font][/background] [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- and one must remember that effect is additive (you can activate many at same time)[/font][/background] [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- and yes its an temporary boost[/font][/background] [/list] [/spoiler] [hr][size=6][background=rgb(0, 255, 0)] [/background][/size]
  3. There is my feedback, if its usefull .... I [b]did not participate[/b] because 1: Those of you who pass, will be rewarded a special Spell Document, Black Water (from Mur). [Big reward, but usually in MD those quest mean "torturing" participant] 2:Those of you who fail... May Mur have Mercy on your Soul! (There are real repercussions to failing, so be prepared to complete the examination. I will not reveal the repercussions until they are handed out.) [[b]reading that warning did confirm my idea of point 1[/b]] 3:I am please to have chosen to not participate, [b]for me any quest with that >MD killing fun is not fun ....[/b] 4: [b]I am happy for any who participate and may have had fun with that quest ...[/b] its just that that quest was not for me. 5: [b]I am thanking Seigheart[/b], to have provide an [b]fair warning[/b] and description of his quest
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. [size=5][color=#ee82ee]Happy Birthday[/color] MYA [size=6]!!![/size][/size]
  6. [b] [size=4]MRAlyon, i see Fang role an stimulating or an making news in MD, it sure beet boredome ... i think MD is more alive with all his ever changing endavior[/size][/b] [size=4]me think that if he was not there, one should invent his role ...[/size] [size=4]anyway i like him[/size] [size=4][/size]
  7. voted both picture and description picture to see and description of some quality that show its value if it exist (age, artist ... ) i dont think showing picture is devaluating as the one buying get the right to use it exclusive ...
  8. [color=#0000cd]Happy Birthday![/color] for an nice game creator
  9. >Nimrodel You are right i have no idea of the value of what spells stones , and it was exactly the why of my message to Rumi in first place. And i certainly in looking at forum dont see any good value for spell stone the highest value i found is one instance the supercharge heat stone sold by Fang, all other reference to trading spell stone seem to be in the 1 to 2 sc max , and i see very few such trade. My message to Rumi was that i wanted to be sure the prise, it worth something not only a few silver coins, and was tradable and as an mp3 i dont have use of spell stone and yes i am happy that Rumi said he would give me gold instead ... and i will say it again that message would have been private if Rumi would have read it and start an discution and yu can read my feedback for this quest if yu did not yet do it
  10. who talk about an santa, its about draghorn we are talking about confuse santa .... give .... draghorn ... to Dark Demon .
  11. well you sold one of the 2 you had, you had one gift from confuse santa , before entering the make friend contest and win another one or are you saying you lied when you said so to me as it being what confuse santa gave you?
  12. Dark Demon I would take as an reward aceptable one of your 2 draghorn ... if you are so nice to offer it to me its as an nice value and is easyly trade if needed i did not complain when you won one draghorn in participating in quest make friend, when the quest maker had specified that he was wishing that those with already an draghorn dont participate to let chance to other to win one, and yu already had one given by santa. So why do you wish to prevent me to get an well deserve reward? quote: "Prizes I will scale upon seeing how many enter, but I intend to be generous with at least one drachorn- this is why I ask that people who are capable of acquiring these or already possess one let others have a try, in the spirit of christmas. Minimum will be at least a santa though." By your logic i should ask Shadowseeker, to keep the spirit of his quest, take back your draghorn ? and give it to me since i dont have one?
  13. if there is no depletion (not below 60%) ressource renew at an maximum rate chosing that option is optimum to get the most ressources produce, and if the ressources would be share in some fair way, it would be optimum for each players that want ressources probably doing so MUR wanted to see if individual will chose the greather good for all (but then the magority if not all of individual need to want it working), or will individual short term good, will preval and ressource depletion will apend in an ideal word i am for no depletion
  14. I dont care neg rep on that - that message would have been keep private if he had read and was answering my message - I still think that i should get an good prize for my efforts and compare to the other winning - I would even say as feedback on this quest: 1- the delay for the judging was to long 2- seem that the bonus facultative part was of no use whatever in judging 3- it should have state that only the niceness of the drawing is the criteria for judging ... it would have been same result
  15. Thanks, [i]An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver and [/i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers Still waiting for An aged tokened Archer prize
  16. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1360294664' post='132279'] These are the winners of the Community Garden Scarecrow Contest. I meant to announce with more fanfare during the mid-winter festival, but we took right to the final minute to complete the toolshed. Instead, this brief post. So, without further ado... Winner: Dante Lionheart - Wishpoint awarded by Rumi #2: Tom Pouce - Collection of spell stones from Community Garden treasury - contact Rumi #3: Plix Plox - 1 gold coin - contact Rumi gonzalocsdf did not complete the contest but will receive a reward for his artwork. joshdragon offered to sponsor this contest with an Imperial Aramor and a Joker. These rewards go to gonzalocsdf. If he is not available or no longer has these creatures, I will give you from my own creature collection. That's it! See you in the garden [/quote] please read my forum message, you asked me to contact you and you dont read your forum message !!!!! ---------------- so i will copy my message here so you can read it --------------- Sent 13 February 2013 - 01:39 AM hi about scarecrow and my winning 2e what is my prize? I am of the 3 winner the only one having complete all, and that include the bonus part ... since the first prize is an wish point and the 3th prize to be an value of at least 1 gold ... for someone that did not complete the requirements ... better be an very good value easy tradable ... in gold for me i think, not some junk spel stones than i cannot ever use or trade not easyly or of no value Tom P.S. Sorry if i have that tone, but was waiting that quite long for that result and did put the necessary effort in that quest ... and i was wondering if that its that noone wanted to give me winning or what is there someone that still bitch about my planting ?
  17. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1360977858' post='132693'] So, all the fuss is about 1 player ? Please add a voting system and if there aren't at least 15-20 players, just don't run the HC. [/quote] seem to me such an vote needed to get an HC ,, there will be never another HC ... LOL Ok Hc started, you old players participated but since one can win it only once, .. with time all players got some winning either black or gold head so after that initial phase , only relatively new players or new alts participate in HC so , it was HC with very few participant for an long time then some complain that they want to participate again since they remember first phase and tought it had beed fun : BHC was born (since i was not there, ill suppose ...) that an very strong player participate eon, and was always winning, and got to manage that Now some complains, eon quit ... no more BHC ... even as he is not there not many seem to want to participate in that Getting back on HC for some time it was fun in an sence, every one could get if he did no had and head winning either balck or gold competion at mp5 ... not much because most mp5 had won it once competion at mp4 ... not many participant because not many new players, and more so being at mp4 at time of one HC competion at mp3 .. some where planning and got it mostly alt , and when not many participant, some mp3 ys could get it even not planing to get it now what was to bad abut that situation? HC was someting that everyone could get in time like wish point 60 days ... but good hearts complains, to keep the "value of the head medal " for the principle that it should be "the best fighter" (when its all but that from a long time ... being online 24 hrs, help , hiding, or luck) its not to be anymore remove it for mp3 .... then still more complains ... in fact same complains but now its an crisis ... suggestions : remove it for mp4 ... or remove it for mp5 ,,,, or wait that 20 vote to have it ... or stop douing it... or stop it for 6 monts .... my suggestion, is put it back like it was before remoring it for mp3 i dont see it as an crisis, ... just like an nice feature like wish point at 60 days ... yu old hands that got gold head when HC started, could always know that you had work for it and that its at that time mean what you experience just acept that because the initial phase is done now (before stoping mp3) its had become just an nice medal to get either and gold or an black one, and that everyone can expect to get one So in conclusion , i ask that question [color=#ff0000]What is so wrong to have HC now as an nice medal that almost every player will get in time either gold or black?[/color]
  18. It seem that the original intent of the game is lost by many old hands in MD See this quote from the intro once written by MUR Quote from the game intro: "[b][size=5]Mindpower levels are not experience levels! You can remain at a lower MP level or advance, its a matter of choice[/size][/b]. At each level the gameplay will change a bit. Finding your role in this community is a task that you will have to do on your own and based on your true self. You will also learn that there are many "shades" between black and white and that loyalty and perseverence is rewarded nicely. " What next? This game is thought to be played a bit every day, comming back daily will give you certain advantages over time. Talk to the other players, share ideeas and work together to upgrade your characters, they are always willing to help someone new out. A lot of things like fast regeneration of creatures are possible only with help from other players, and no its not cheating, its a unique form of collaborative play so that you can bend the rules of the game in your favor. Keep an eye on the changelog, things are updating frequently. From time to time "Game Borders" are expanded and new features, competitions or even entire lands open for more adventure. Welcome to my world, a one of a kind game, Enjoy -- Mur [b]And as an side note[/b] when head contest was open to MP3 I had strenght enouth to be confident to win gold head if i would have want it. And i did understand enought to know that head contest is not really an fighting contest, but an contest of hide , and keeping most time log in game, and getting help I halways made it so that i did not get head, its only because i still want to keep with some leaway before cap, ... want to level some new creature i may get my hand to , at mp3. I would have get heads when or if i got to cap and just before being ready to go mp4 ... if i ever chose that. For me combat is not usefull in MD,. its would be usefull only to win either head contest or bos head contest and get that title of being winner
  19. [color=#ee82ee][size=5]Happy birthday![/size][/color] [color=#0000ff][size=5]Happy birthday![/size][/color] Now try to find witch happy birthday i said is for witch one
  20. Hi Fang I am late to post in that thread, ... I dont understand why yu posted, your used to be neg rep , and or have some disagree with you Acording to rules the only thing i think about alt that you would not do is trade between fight between and be at same time in same place .... And ovious scheme you can get that bypass game restriction mechanic ... so do your thing The *should not benifice* is an general statement that any one can take to any extrem and say you cant do a thing if someone want to find and stretch reasonning
  21. LOL always same solution that come in that forum ... restric for some mp ... usually its remover mp3 ... but its already done ... so go to remove another ....
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