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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. It is getting worst !! really 1 min to get to the adress http://magicduel.com/ and then another 1 min to get to the log in page ... after voting i try to move around an little and time time to move scene to scene fully load 6 time i took 13 seeconde moving to next scene from clicking arrow and timing to get fully load new scene going back to wind sanctuary, i got some better step of 9 secounde for scene change (its more than i usually have)
  2. I am experiencing always now what look like an delay (few secound) for communication to site, then loading of page go .. about same speed as before i think but i see an lsoweness in loading page enoutht that page look like many :http://magicduel.com/img/skin/default/topr.jpg that make all the page height, before making the full load (its someting that was not apening before for me, or was so quick i didnot see that) and some time i get huge delay and page dont load completely ... like all page loaded but chat dont load from Canada province of Québec using firefox , on windows
  3. id say my conspiration theory was close to reality maybe :) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8052-conspiracy-theories/page-9 who as push the red button? and who push the green button? Chewett? :P
  4. Chewett pushed the red button he will wait 2 days then push the green button and be elected king being an hero :P
  5. my comment will be also that real garden in real life if more fun or more likely not an burden like in MD The real nice part on an real life garden, is you get to eat fresh fruits and vegetables .... all else was to that end and i will say more so, in real life, i dont go each day talking to my plants ... in fact i dont talk at all to my plants i just when there was not much rain for an few days, give an look ... and put water if necessary ... and say for tomato, remove suckers and when its fruit recolting time, i just go when i want an tomato, take what is red, ... thats all in conclusion for me an garden is not an look at, talk to plant or smell air .... its do minimun to get good fresh fruits for what i see in md its doing foolish things (i,e, not real and for no reasons) and one get nothing for that (except warn to not say same thing each day) its real not funny or fun for me thinking ... but some seem to like it ... so more for them and as for quest ... i participate in one from community garden, i did it like if it was real ... and LOL winner win only because nice drawing ... not in like real gardening if community garden make quest ... do it as an gardening quest, not an art quest or at least say so in the begining Tom
  6. another food for thought i dont have smart phone or tablet,, just an old PC but its comming of age, and many use those tools how playable MD is on those tools? probalby many new player will want to use those instead of an old PC
  7. comment to mouch banner advertising more so if moving or flash , if irritating for old players, ... think it even be more repulsing to new players ? so maybe an boost short term in revenue, but if no new players .... decline will be more
  8. Food for toughts about games lifecycle, players kind, way to make an free and get some revenue package those links even if not directly aplicable to MD, they can be in part some food for toughts http://www.raphkoster.com/2006/06/16/the-lifecycles-of-a-player/ http://anemonesoft.com/files/tutorial-html/introduction_to_browser_based_online_game_design_and_development.html http://www.altergamer.com/mmorpg-lifecycle/ http://www.altergamer.com/mmorpg-lifecycle/2/ http://www.altergamer.com/mmorpg-lifecycle/3/ http://sheepthediamond.wordpress.com/2013/05/10/crutches/ ---- I think that many have good toughts to wanting to improve MD, its retention of new players, and money making from MUR, concil, advertising, .. and most players But i want to point out, that looking at players kinds model and psychology would be usefull to make plan improve Same looking at some comments others forum have talk about life cylce of games, marketing stragegy and money model and note: MD is not first game, and other games have grow and die, maybe we can get learning from other games either mistake, or learning and i will comment that by my xperience, i saw some greath games died .. because of imbalances anyway posting hoping some will read that stuff and get some idea ... aplicable and maybe if some find some interesting references , can post link or reference in this thread or if its give some idea of strategy ... Tom Pouce
  9. suggestion (trying to make the blade for the rasor of Chewett) make another MD shop section illimited stock and its first item (costing like everything else only 1 credit) token shield (one use) this would enable someone to buy and put one on one of his chosen creature, one he dont want token on it and first token he will buy wont go on any creature with the token shield, but on one random creature without shield ... but at same time it make each token shield that one as , having made its use .. so he will buy more if he want to shield its creatures again that way one can even token exactly one creature he want but it will cost much token shield , for each token he put
  10. about randomness id say that randomness is often from to numerous interractions, or to many initial conditions to know and make an lack of pratical model that would predict an outcome for exemple dice (not tampered with), each throw outcome would be concider random as one cannot predict it, but one would say he can tel statistically the probablility in an greath number of thow of the outcome But if one could know the exact throw condition and control all variables (geometrie, mass, acceleration, friction, temperature .... of dice, and an mechanical throwing machine, and thrownes upon surface and ... ), one could predict the outcome of an throw but since its not pratical, we concider it random in many fields of science, computer and instrumetation have enable scientist to make model that describe phenomen that was impossible before having those tools.
  11. Not fund raising but relate asking is it possible to code for less bandwidth and so lowering cost? I am under impression, game is slow and load much info that could safely not be like all my creatures, if i look them, all could be load once, and looking at each done only in client side ... all that info for: cloud player detective www.google-analytics.com is it really necessary? when i vote , is it necessary to load each time link mixing order, and also load advertising? ... same thing, if i look what is avalable in md shop, seem to me every thing is load again each time i look at different sections ... why not load once, refresh only if i buy? I am sure coder know better than me what can be safely remove and keep MD game secure but lower very much badwidth
  12. Happy birthday!!
  13. MRAlyon :) your Mini BHC - Statless edition seem interesting and will probably be an nice success, and full of participants i just want to say i hope that only participant will be with head or attakable ... because for my own reasons i don't plan to participate, and dont wish to be attakabke especially if so plz say it before hand, ill make me out of the way when your competition is going on Tom
  14. I fully agree with DST both of her posts and having seen your performance for about 1 year in that project, i really wonder why you have council's/mur's approval and support but its only my personnal opinion Tom Pouce
  15. killing is now an wide spread tool .... maybe to wide spread? Molquert will now appear whenever anyone in the realm dies ... to help revive more quest making by players and concil sposorin some quest (its an very good thing)
  16. As it is now, that one need to be log off to see the rating i find it ackward so i dont like that since i wont bother except to look if an special posting as rating its like that rating dont exist anymore for me, i look the forum login ... so i dont see any rating and that way i am really not thinking to rate things ... well maybe some exceptionnal posting would warrant me to look at rating and then switch back to login and rate so i in general dont like how its made now reading forum twice , its not fun ... either make no rating at all, or make it one see rating and can vote login thats my suggestion
  17. Happy Birthday Fyrd !
  18. if i am login, i only see an button "like this" if i am logout, i see if some did like the post but cant push an "like this" button as i am not login and i remark also that if i am log out and see who as like an post its if ther are many like votes seeing onlly the 3 to 4 first ex. see that written "Peace, Phantom Orchid, Neno Veliki and 5 others like this" I dont know if its what you wanted to do Chewett
  19. thankks prise well received :)
  20. Was this an quest sponsored by MoC or concil? i was thinking so as it was in that theme and done during anniversary festivities ... If so what to do to get an prize? contact concil? or is there another award ceremony comming in?
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