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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. First stage begin ! Players: Dante Lionheart, Donald Black, Clock Master, lashtal, dst, Valldore Nal, no one, Valoryn, Nimrodel, AmberRune, Grido, Dolomich, Sunfire, Xavax, Ivorak, Rophs, madjikman, Jester, tal Use that link for your first stage challenges Players: ackshan bemunah, darkraptor, John Constantine, Syrian, MRAlyon, Soothing Sands, Zyrxae, Intrigue, Aquellia, eara meraia Use that link for your first stage challenges
  2. Rule change I will not message each participant instructions with forum message at stage start instead i will post in forum thread two links participant will have to use the link that will be relevant to his / her choices for first stage sorry for the inconvenience of this change Reason: forum dont accept to send at same time to send the require number of message
  3. yes i respecfully and in the goal to improve things for new players that moderator take in account my suggestion to make more ovious and readyly evident the main part of the ruling not saying to remove or add the already set of rule but merely suggesting that putting an new an evident short warning would prevent maybe some misunderstanding My wording in my exemple is not maybe the best way to put it, but maybe an start for making an nice one Tom
  4. what swearing? And i dont complain about the rule nor try to change them in this thread ,, what i suggest is that the rule be made ovious for an new player (please read my posting as such) Note: Chewett, i respect all the work you make in this game, but i find at time you seem to take as an attack on yu and become defencive when its not the intention as for list .. you have 2 suggestion in this thread why not start with them before adding eventually more? (now stopping, .... seem what i say is taken as negative not positive, when its not what i try to do)
  5. one of my suggestion i remember (but not sure where to find it in forum) the disprancy between what one new player see in or when registering, i mean if one read all that is avalable to see about the game he see maybe 10 pages (i did before list all of them) quite an lot of pages talking about magic, principles , spells ... and as am aware its not implement or wide spread yet as for game play... an new player maythink (as i did when i started) that MD its an game of sorceror casting spell around ... my suggestion was to disable acess to those pages from outside up to the time that such part of the game is implemented is really the crux of the game playing or at least an good part another exemple remember all the shit i got about the gardening? if the quest maker would have mean aware that forum is "13 year old" censur , the report of make beleive planting could have been ask forum message or some more private mean or even say to put in hiding spolier tag and how to make it ... so i would not have been attack rudely for only making what is allow in game You have an posting about forum rules that is dry , long and not talk about the 13 year old censur and more that post of rule is hidden in no mans land, and even after what apend to me you dont talk about that Why not put an section at top : forum rules and in it the stick up rule posting of your but put before an ***short*** warning post that say only : This forum is rated 13 year old, and censur no talk about alcool , or drug , or drug name directly or indirectly is allow except in spolier tags and say how to make an spolier tag: use special BB code button and select spolier
  6. Chewett Please dont take my posting as an negative rambling or critising i know that Magicduel is an complex thing and to make sure everything is up to date and coerent is hard I did even some suggestions to make magic duel more such ... and nothing was done (i dont have coding power or redacting power to enact my suggestions) but what realistically can be done is for exemple, aware ness of each of those that actively can do things for exemple that head contest, someone is in charge of that, and maybe he could have look and see that its not upto date, and ask someone to that can put it up to date and awareness as for those that make priority of the work of those that can do things, its just what i say
  7. some toughts johnconstantine, donniecesar I share your feeling, as that for an new player, looking at the contest page, realising that what is written for rules is not what is follow seem unjust But you where told right older players are aware that an rule change was in an annoncement before, just that what was written was not updated MD community, concil I want to summit the idea that this case in an exemple of what make MagicDuel less friendly to new players And an priority to make effort to prevent such occurence seem to me it would be an idea for the good of MagicDuel I dont think its realistic to expect an new or recent player to dig in old annoncements to be sure there was not an rule change
  8. there seem to be 7 hours difference between me and MD server but did not want to make any error, so i provide instead the unerversal reference the UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. and there is still my time zone time, as i dont want to forget when i should do what i need to do to be sure that there was no error i use the link i did provide and copy paste to its no error but that site and modern browser make it write it in french, i did provide in (the translation of the day) and i use an unerversal reference the UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
  9. Quest scedule Registration end (I will not accept more registration at that time) Montreal on lundi 7 octobre 2013, 17 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: lundi 7 octobre 2013, 21 h 00 m 00 MD time tuesfay Quest first stage begin (I will post 2 link participant will need to follow the one they have made there choice for first stage) Montreal on lundi 7 octobre 2013, 18 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: lundi 7 octobre 2013, 22 h 00 m 00 MD time tuesfay 1 am Quest first stage end (participant need to have sent there first stage submissions before that time to be admit to second stage) Montreal on mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 18 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 22 h 00 m 00 MD time thursfay 1 am Quest second stage begin ( I will post instructions) Montreal on mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 19 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 23 h 00 m 00 MD time thursfay 2 am Quest second stage end (participant need to have sent there second stage submissions before that time to be admit to third stage) Montreal on vendredi 11 octobre 2013, 19 h 00 m 00 + 24 hrs UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: vendredi 11 octobre 2013, 23 h 00 m 00 + 24 hrs MD time thursfay 2 am + 24 hrs Note Montreal time is my time zone UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. This is an link that may help you convert to your own local time http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Note i did put to make chewett happy the md time but if there is an error its the UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time:that is right
  10. yes sorry if bother you, BUT your player name is PLAYER not *Player* the asterix are your title as lho (hint) :) note If you are aware of good new players, you could point them to this quest as they have an additionnal chance, with the less than 60 or 120 day promo to win something I revise my first posting to list who is registered to date Tom
  11. Hi Chewett This is an know to me problem that opera, ... but i dont know how to improve so it dont crash as an right now solution i had put an warning to that effect, and say i tested with exlorer and firefox and its good If yu know how to improve forms so it dont crash , youd be kind to message me the solution as its over my knoledge to do thanks Tom
  12. Find the One (by Tom Pouce at MD past and present ) Challenges testing your cuning, sharp wits, tenacity, learning, will to learn about MD realm, art, sciences, and magic need to register, quest in four stages Registration ended To register and details: http://bmmorpg.com/tompouce/a1/indexquest.htm Rewards: 1 wish point, 1 morph, 1 golden token for avatar, 1 rusty, 1 imperial aramor**, 1 tormented soul** **special for less than 60 and 120 day players Requirements: being an MD player, being registered in MD forum please register only one character (alt) How to start: Registration with that link http://bmmorpg.com/tompouce/a1/indexquest.htm If you have questions .. :) I am here to answer Tom Registration end (I will not accept more registration at that time)[spoiler] Montreal on lundi 7 octobre 2013, 17 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: lundi (monday) 7 octobre 2013, 21 h 00 m 00 MD time Tues. Oct. 8, 0:00 ST—Registration ends [/spoiler] Quest first stage[spoiler] Quest first stage begin (I will post 2 link participant will need to follow the one they have made there choice for first stage) Montreal on lundi 7 octobre 2013, 18 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: lundi (monday) 7 octobre 2013, 22 h 00 m 00 MD time Tues, Oct. 8, 1:00 ST—First stage begins Quest first stage end (participant need to have sent there first stage submissions before that time to be admit to second stage) time limit to send an soumission form even empty but for your name to gain stage 2 is increase by 1 hour Montreal on mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 18 h 00 m 00 +1 hour UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: mercredi (wenesday) 9 octobre 2013, 22 h 00 m 00+1 hour MD time Thurs, Oct 10, 1:00 ST—First stage ends+1 hour [/spoiler] second stage [spoiler] Quest second stage begin ( I will post instructions) Montreal on mercredi 9 octobre 2013, 19 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: mercredi (wenesday) 9 octobre 2013, 23 h 00 m 00 MD time Thurs, Oct. 10, 2:00 ST—Second stage begins Quest second stage end (participant need to have sent there second stage submissions before that time to be admit to third stage) Stage 2 will begin as was annonced, but stage 2 end will be extend by 24 hrs Montreal on vendredi 11 octobre 2013, 19 h 00 m 00 + 24 hrs = 12 octobre 2013, 19 h 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: vendredi (Friday) 11 octobre 2013, 23 h 00 m 00 + 24 hrs= 12 octobre 2013, 23 h 00 m 00 MD time Sat, Oct. 12, 2:00 ST—Second stage ends + 24 hrs = Oct. 13 2:00 [/spoiler] Third stage [spoiler]From (start) mardi 22, 18 h 00 (montreal) UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time, tuesday 22, 22 h 00 MD time wenesday 23, 1 am TO (end) samedi 26, 18 h 00 (montreal) UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time, saturday 26, 22 h 00 MD time sunday, 1 am[/spoiler] fourth stage fourth stage will start for those that have chosen to take it (I will then post an link to that stage) Montreal on lundi 28 octobre 2013, 18 h 00 m 00 UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: monday 28 october 2013, 22 h 00 m 00 MD time tuesday 1 am, 29 october and will last 48 hours to receive your answers Note Montreal time is my time zone UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. This is an link that may help you convert to your own local time http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- Registered players: ackshan bemunah, Dante Lionheart, darkraptor, Donald Black, Clock Master, lashtal, dst, John Constantine, Valldore Nal, no one, Valoryn, Nimrodel, AmberRune, Grido, Syrian, Dolomich, Sunfire, Xavax, Ivorak, MRAlyon, Rophs, Soothing Sands, Zyrxae, Intrigue, madjikman, Jester, Aquellia, tal, eara meraia player promo less than 60 days: Donald Black player promo less than 120 days: Aquellia ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rule change I will not message each participant instructions with forum message at stage start instead i will post in forum thread two links participant will have to use the link that will be relevant to his / her choices for first stage sorry for the inconvenience of this change Reason: forum dont accept to send at same time the require number of messages ___________________________________________________________________________ First stage begin ! [spoiler] Players: Dante Lionheart, Donald Black, Clock Master, lashtal, dst, Valldore Nal, no one, Valoryn, Nimrodel, AmberRune, Grido, Dolomich, Sunfire, Xavax, Ivorak, Rophs, madjikman, Jester, tal Use that link for your first stage challenges Players: ackshan bemunah, darkraptor, John Constantine, Syrian, MRAlyon, Soothing Sands, Zyrxae, Intrigue, Aquellia, eara meraia Use that link for your first stage challenges [/spoiler] ___________________________________________________________________________ Quest Find the One Second stage begin ! <<<<<<<<<< use the link --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third stage begin !! link for those that chosed cyclicity http://bmmorpg.com/tompouce/a1/third/cyclicity/indexcycli.htm link for those that chosed time http://bmmorpg.com/tompouce/a1/third/time/indextime.htm Note: Decision This third stage can be the end of your quest or you can chose to take the optionnal fourth stage But if you take the fourth stage, it can either lower or raise your overall rating from the stage 1 ,2 and 3 chose wisely for yourself May you be the One ________________________________ Fourth stage begun!! Link to fourth stage for those that have chosen to do it
  13. buzzz buzzz ^^ 1+1=0

  14. the new skill that would be aquired in lowering viscosity should be called mucilagting an new word that would come from mucilaginous adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or secreting mucilage. Definition of MUCILAGINOUS 1 : sticky, viscid 2 : of, relating to, full of, or secreting mucilage Mucilage is a thick, gluey substance produced by nearly all plants and some microorganisms so one can relate viscosity in MD as mucilage saying that its an thick , gluey substance produced in nearly all location in MD. so it can be relate to ferns and mucilagting the skill pertaining to lowering viscosity in absorbing that gluey substance, and later one can use that substance to use an wish point and make an object. using that gluey substance will lower its stocking and will need to be resplenish ..
  15. Happy birthday friend! :D
  16. YouPi !! got an place to put my files!! work will proceed ... soon is more close to soon soon now !!

  17. i dont have an mobile phone or android tablet .. i just goggle and found that above and that also http://www.bigfishgames.com/blog/how-to-get-flash-for-android-without-rooting/ just tought it maybe can help
  18. is that usefull? http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/google-android/3417930/flash-on-android/
  19. my creatures show 1% vitality and vitality wrong 1/1 / .....
  20. is some is wondering still working on my greath quest ... its more work than i anticipate ... see it soon

    1. Rophs


      soon soon or md soon?

    2. Tom Pouce

      Tom Pouce

      well its hope soon that is between soon soon and MDsoon ;)
      but realistically, its an bigger job than i tought, but almost coomplete for the puzzle, and to put it in story, and to look good
      what is missing is to make forms to get answers, put it on some server with php and debug and revise all

  21. Eara Meraia :) nice to know you beeing an good friend as you are but MD history as shown , that some are not as fortunate, or had only friends with limited ressources its why what i voice, is get at least some sure way: exemples: being dead being time limited to 1 week, with an automatic revive ... simple coding, one still has punish the target but its limited and if some are killed and want to take time to role play .. code an additionnal "buton" and one need to push it to enable the automatic revive and if one as an revive item, or as strong fighters friends, can be revive more quicly than the automatic revive, or with more fun for his friends, that combat molqier and even with molquier if i remember seiguart as wait an long long time to be revive, the solution that concil found is to make an annoncement that corps will be hidden in necrovion... so we are not bother by there laments
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