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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. Chewett himself call for freeing i join my voice
  2. humm :) DST and Poe are same player , just different alts :P can anyone beat that conspiracy - theory?
  3. that link open only magicduel page "http://magicduel.com...onalpagetpl.php" http://magicduel.com/authentication.php?ln=&redir=/pages/help.personalpagetpl.php&rs=cof are you sure its what you want to show us?
  4. whats that? never mind .. got the answer http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13773-get-involved-and-help/
  5. ANalysis Of VAriance ?
  6. LOL dont work fire starter you get an translation of the loging page instead of the page your at in game layout and if you try to log in that translate loging page LOL 400. That’s an error. Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know. MUR did an to good job LOL
  7. Tiene usted razón al quejarse
  8. LOL funny "No one" as taken same resolution that i have taken for me recently :)
  9. new resolutions :), suggest nothing, see nothing and be happy

  10. http://storenow.net/my/?f=7b1821b3bc52208073a0d25b52336f7a
  11. Magistra new principles just mean ( if someone is knowing better .. tel it) that different token will work for you ... and it may be better to change altlar , if its the case of the one you use usually is not giving good value for your new principles .. adn number .... probably principles are in that ... but i dont see any use for that :) Magistra, if you need info that i have just ask me (as magistra ... not fun if its an alt pretending.. as i already knowyu as magistra ) the thing youd like to find out as an alt is ,, what kind of story endings ... there is, and witch story choices give what , or make yu die ..
  12. great improvement option for MD shop :) i am all for non graphic high loading time management creature solutions just plz put it somewhere an mp3 can get it in the shop
  13. Thanks for fire starter i now understand the joke :) the joke is that its not an joke but an psy test LOL .... but i would grade his thesis an low grade, knowing me and his conclusions ...
  14. Nice story I like the ending But i must be laking i miss the joke, seem make sence to run over snake ---------------- the only thing that i see is that yu can switch 2 letters "BETTER NATE THAN LEVER," to "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER," but still dont see fun
  15. Some ideas There is an saying that probably is in many language or culture if its not broken dont fix it That gem of popular culture as often some pratical true What bring that toughts of tightening rules in moderating forum? I ask that myself, because, i dont remember seeing things that would have choc me I think that most here are matur enought to wisthan some rudeness in some occasion, or some mocking But note i am not for slugging fest of evident insults, or arrassement of continual mocking on some individual ... But i am not aware of such occurance in forum What make me afraid of tightening rules, and more so in looking of the tone that this thread was going to ... possible kind of easy moderating, an 0 tolerance of whitewasing and possible banning I am not saying that its the intentions, but that is an possible outcome that i think would be much more damaging than some occasionnal occurance of rudeness. I think that on occasions even some hot exchanges can be not only acceptable but an sing of an heltly forum where real exchange can be going. one point was brought, saying that when there was positive and negative rating, it may have been an venting mechanisim that can prevent rought posting ... maybe there is some true in that.. or one can even say that that negative or positive rating can be an auto regulating by the community, showing in an way what is acceptable or not. Now talking for myself, i see myself as an polite, and mostly nicely talking (excepting evident bad english spelling) ... but i can thinking back and see that on some occasions i have post strongly either my view point or my rebuke of some other view points ... but i think that all was remaing in what was acceptable for mature players. If such occasions would have been with new ruling subject of heavy warning and possible banning .... i dont think it would have been right. Up to now i think morator have done an good job balancing an nice forum, and an healtly forum Balance and good sence should prevail in my opinion
  16. "Have any of you read the original post? The changes only include: If us mods decide that you've caused a conversation to descend into insults, the topic will be locked and you'll be given a warning. If you use a racial/sexist/homophobic/etc., slur then you will be banned for a period of time. " Change i am confuse with this thread, ok you say that but if so why did you say in this theread "Also, dst, in the part of Canada that I'm in, almost all if not all kinds of mockery/bullying is considered rude. I'm a native English speaker who is majoring in English and even I have tons of trouble with English. :P So I do feel for you. The problem is, it's hard to tell if someone is truly ignorant, or they're pretending to be ignorant. When in doubt, don't. Anyone can feel free to PM me text to ask me how I interpret it" if i read you, almost all is rude ? ... if its rude its not defacto insults ... so why bring the subject if yu begin to say that rude is equal of ensult and subject to ban ... then thats IS NOT AN MODERATE AND REASONNABLE POSITION and when you say to DST , message me in doubt ill say to you what to say ... its either sarcastic, or an honest offer of cencur of the worst kind ... and by the way i am from Québec province, its still part of Canada, but one can still talk there .. --------------- So i repeat, ok for an moderate forum, but not an whitewash forum that one can only say aprove words ...
  17. Id like to say that DST as valid points I am for an forum that is moderate (and moderate the key word) NOT an whitewash forum reading from 1er chewett post we see an dangerous progression of planned cencur 1er "to descend into insults" OK FOR THAT 2e "descend into rudeness" THAT IS NOT GOOD ITS TO SUBJECTIVE AND WHITEWASHING 3e Troll ban THAT IS EVEN MORE FUZY AND CAN WHITE WASH EVERYTHING dst Post is interesting and make good points pointing that its even getting tone, and mocking BAN I would like to nicely point that if we go in that extRems Chewett you should have been ban, in starting your topic for going as king in saying that you do it having finding that the other oponents where not wortly to being king/queen IT COULD HAVE BEEN SEEN AS RUDENESS RIGHT FROM THE START and an exemple of mocking that i think had been seen as fun and acceptable from community is the thread that DST made herself piss piss princess --- so in conclusion ,, yes for keeping forum MODERATE ... but in an MODERATE way not in what can quickly become whitewashing or cencur
  18. if yu give me enought wiia i can give you skin fat gaz , free my pimps would provide
  19. C:\Users\admin>ping magicduel.com Pinging magicduel.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 105ms, Maximum = 121ms, Average = 109ms from Québec Canada
  20. Chewett, my speed was normal and ok with going everywhere i had links .... as i had problem going MD in waiting for connection to MD site (1 minute) (and then page begin to load) i had time to go forum, load forum, log in forum, make an gogle search to chech if i had good speed ... and try an few links i have for MD ... you know what i told you in post above so either, its something in route from canada to your isp for MD or its something your isp is doing like trotling, or makind an wait time when one request MD page or its someting that is in MD script .. that make an delay or its the cloud thing , are yu still using it? is it working properly? is it an problem of DSN (the thingy that resolve the name adresss to the number adress?) i certainly dont know as i am not knowledge enought, but maybe you can look and rull out some of those Tom note: if i can get almost everywher in web around earth, without delay or big lag ... what is so special with where new MD location? and like i said before the MD moving i was without never delais or when walking i had often to quick for MD ,,,, got message ... and if i had an problem, i had problem with going every where not only MD ---- retryed and seem better now but seem somewhat slower than before .. but not that huge problem as i told .. about 8-9 sec walking
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