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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. : Avaritia squeals, a bit be-latedly : Tom Pouce being at Meeting of the Roads : Tom Pouce look at his gargen location : Tom Pouce see Grassy meadow : Tom Pouce look at Dark Slime, still there, near his garden, and dont want to disturbe Dark Slime : Tom Pouce give directive to his 2 elemental to burn all vegetation in his garden, but not to disturb Dark slime that is near : Tom Pouce dont take chances that elemetal make mistake and let one priest to supervise the elemental : Tom Pouce for general protection, and kill any vermin instruct his Marksmen to remain providing protection : Tom Pouce estimate that by tomorrow, it will be ready to plant, the ground having time to cool off : Tom Pouce near his garden, put 1 priest in charge to begin scarecrow construction, with a grassan for the eavy part of work, and water being1 to do the detail work : Tom Pouce instruct that they follow the step 2 of the instructions to make a scarecrow, making 22 leather sheet : Tom Pouce read carefully http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9566-community-garden-design/page__st__20, and have it follow closely he istruct the priest : Tom Pouce estimate that they will do it in one day : Tom Pouce to tomorrow we will have leathers, and a garder we can begin planting : Tom Pouce go make arrangement to have tomorrow the necesary ingredient to continue, and plants already started in box
  2. Rumi There is no garden plot to use, yur page say that contours are not done and not eart work done, and it will be done .... (at a date already past) sorry i dont see going nowhere talking in empty space, when your self say in your paper there is nothing and for the record i have posted saying that its per your paper not yet ready ... so before saying one dont do its part [u][b]do your part !!![/b][/u]
  3. I agree with pipstickz Putting it in highviscosity place dont make sence If that form is to easy contact tresory keepers lets keep it in low viscosity place It its a so bother to Mur, i suggest to have Tk put an emal adress or a forum thread or some other easy mean of contact ...
  4. my thanks to lashtal for making that quest and the wonderfull prizes
  5. Hi My only remark is that ressources are much depleted often .. So i suggest that you dont make that if one use tool and miss that ressources are remove from scene we just can say that it drop on floor, or that it was not pick up ... so it can still be taken
  6. If i cannot be there this would be my line: "[u][i][b]Because he dont want to remain dead ![/b][/i][/u]"
  7. [b] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/11011-fang-archbane/"]Fang Archbane[/url][/b] My post say revive all our dead except if the dead dont want it .... its for Seighearts to know if he want to be revive or not if yes ... i am all for it ... if no let him be remain as he want so Seighearts post saying he want revive, count me in if its post is that he dont care ... then no
  8. I dont know Seighearts, I dont remember ever speaking with him BUT I really dont understand what some find fun in being dead in MD I myself would think it as an banishment , and would soon stop playing MD if not be revive very quicky and with no cost or efforts needed from me Death in MD is without any defence, and feel it is wrong for anyone being killed and not automatically revived in a very very short time Seighearts himself as killed, witch i think is wrong ... but then its MD that is with a twisted thinking in having in first place made killing possible, with tools , without defence, without automatic revive, and putting those tools in player hands, Without any rule agains killing That is the real problem [b]So to make it clear what i think[/b] [b]Im say that [u]every [/u]dead we have should be revive very quick (it mean hours, not days waiting), [u]except if[/u] its the dead himself that dont want to be revived[/b]
  9. about viscosity Muratus del Mur post 77 of this thread , is saying that changes are in order, that : "i believe, in concept, md can start with a highly addictive gameplay.." its maybe a new say than the thread that Burns refer: [url="http://magicduel.inv...and-intentions/"]http://magicduel.inv...and-intentions/[/url] that thread date of July 2011 maybe lowering viscosity for no mans land is in order to remove or really lower viscosity traps for newbyes, that are mainly at first going only in nomansland anyway (mains travels routes are ok now, but newby can be trap at forge, in front of gate gridge of age ... and few others places in no mans land, that become traps no making good impression to newbyes ... ) and if one want to make MD more friendly in general, maybe a small lowering in some other selected land can be consider and doing so would not be even agains Mur posting of July 2011, as it can be seen as not removing viscosity as a concept, but only an ajustement of its value . concidering new priorities
  10. [u][b]If one want to give paper easier to new players that want to RP[/b][/u] - [b]give paper "Comments of self" if they complete the story[/b] that will meet there needs for RP, and still give them a reason to go get the others papers in MDA later Note: when i was new, no one was even wanting to tel me where to get my papers execept "you will find it eventually " Note: dont rely on like someone suggested to organise trips to lower viscosity if you want them with some paper give them, trying to relie on trips,... is really not for all, first it need to be some trip , secound you need to be in right hours ... [u][b]If one want to lower problem of viscosity trap for new players[/b][/u] - [b]just lower viscosity in "no mans land" to whatever number you want[/b] dont rely as suggested, on some community tool that LFO can give or not first its an additionnal burden for LFO, and then youll need to be a lucky one that get it, .... [u][b]if one want to make MD more friendly[/b][/u] -[b]redefine what is spolier and not [u], make an official definition that is more relax [/u][/b]so when newby ask he get some meaningfull answer on game mechanic, and on some commun knowledge of the main features in DM and [b]please make it clear and easy to understand[/b], not in the kind of MUR postings (show of force 1,2,3 .. and others) its so obscure that some strict use it to say everything that a player dont find by himself is a spolier [u][b]if one want to make MD more friendly lower viscosity everywhere in MD[/b][/u]
  11. Tom Pouce looked parcels are not yet delimited, or ground worked wait to have parcel ...
  12. [size=6]Study to find companion plants to the pumpkins patch[/size] [b][size=5]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/size][/b] [b][size=5]The pumpkin patch will be companion planted with corn and pole beans. Suggest some other companion plants for a pumpkin patch and explain why they make a suitable plant guild.[/size][/b] [size=6]First lets have a look at what is planned[/size] Corn, pole beans and pumpkin is an old proven plant guild used by native american from ages. corn provides beans with a trellis protects against wind, sun corn is protected from predators and dryness by pumpkin Pumpkin has deep roots, beans are shallow and pumpkin smothers weeds and provides a living mulch. [b]Pole Beans[/b], Hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteria, a good fertilizer for plants, and repel or distrac California beetles [b]Corn[/b] is a heavy feeder and the beans fix nitrogen from air into the soil however the beans do not feed the corn while it is growing. When the bean plants die back they return nitrogen to the soil that was used up by the corn. A win-win situation so we see that its a very good guild as support, fertiliser, some pest repelling, wind cover, sun shading, ground cover for dryness are intervoven to mutiall good of those plants. [u]But if one want as primary crop pumpkins, some care should be taken The corn and pole beans should be planted such that they dont rob pumpkins of sunlight.[/u] [b]Zuni Waffle like Garden[/b] would be a good exemple as necrovion can be seen as a dry and hard climate. The Zuni live in the Four Corners area of the Southwestern United States. This arid climate at altitudes over 7,000 feet makes gardening a special challenge. the focus of this garden is water conservation. The waffles are about 12 feet by 12 feet. Each individual square is indented and surrounded by a high rim. In each square, a single crop or combinations of crops may be planted (see Figure 8). This garden design will work anywhere in the country where dry summer conditions are experienced. Traditionally, the crops are planted intensively with five to eight corn seeds in each hole to create clumps of corn similar to those in the Hidatsa garden. Corn seeds are planted 4-8 inches deep in light sandy soils and about 4 inches deep or less in heavier clay soil. Beans and squash have the same planting depths and spacing requirements as corn (8). The same number of beans (4-8 seeds) are planted around each clump of corn, one seed per hole. Only one or two squash (Pumpkin) plantings (4-8 seeds in each hole) are added to each waffle (see Figure 8) références: ([url="https://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/viewhtml.php?id=72"]https://attra.ncat.o...whtml.php?id=72[/url])([url="https://attra.ncat.org/images/complant/Figure8.gif"]https://attra.ncat.o...ant/Figure8.gif[/url]) [img]https://attra.ncat.org/images/complant/Figure8.gif[/img] pumpkin will benifice from corn , as corn will be a sacrifice crop for the corn worm that can attack the pumpkin. [size=6][b]Adding companion plants to the pumpkin garden[/b][/size] [b]Oregano[/b] Grow oregano near your pumpkin patches Oregano is a general pest repellent in the garden [img]http://cdn.blogs.sheknows.com/gardening.sheknows.com/2011/07/oregano-potted.jpg[/img] [b]nasturtium[/b] repels aphids, asparagus beetle, cabbage looper, Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetle, flea beetle, imported cabbage worm, Japanese beetle, squash bug and the whitefly. [img]http://www.sallybernstein.com/images/food/column/gilbert/nasturtiums.jpg[/img] [b]borage[/b] Companion plant Deters tomato hornworms and cabbage worms. One of the best bee and wasp attracting plants. Adds trace minerals to the soil and a good addition the compost pile. Borage may benefit any plant it is growing next to via increasing resistance to pests and disease. It also makes a nice mulch for most plants. [img]http://medicinalherbinfo.org/images/borage.jpg[/img] [b]radish[/b] Radishes can be used as a trap crop against flea beetles A trap crop is a plant that attracts agricultural pests, usually insects, away from nearby crops. This form of companion planting can save the main crop from decimation by pests without the potential issues and controversy involved in using pesticides. Trap crops can be planted around the circumference of the field to be protected, or interspersed among them, [img]http://www.digmyplot.co.uk/radish.jpg[/img]
  13. i can volonter to be a judge, if yu provide what criteria to use on with to judge it, and the summissions without names
  14. [size=6]Symbolic study: how pumpkins relate to necrovion[/size] [b](Community Garden Scarecrow Contest) Submit an essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion[/b] [b][u]On can talk about the ovious relation between pumpkins, hollowen, and the tradition of carving pumpkins[/u][/b]. Pumpkins have long been associated with magick, the occult, the supernatural and, of course, Halloween & Samhain. The history and folklore of the Pumpkin stretches back for hundreds of years. We see the pumpkin in stories such as the ‘Ichabod Crane & Headless Horseman’. it is sometimes called a “Jack-O-Lantern” Into the mists of the ancient past, the time of the Celts. October 31st was and still is the Pagan holiday of Samhain , the official end of summer and the harvest season. Ancient Celts believed that at Samhain, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead was extremely thin, allowing the dead to cross over into the world of the living. Sometimes they appeared as apparitions and sometimes in the form of animals, most particularly black cats. The living lit bonfires and dressed in costumes to confuse the spirits and keep them from re-entering the world. When Christianity came to Ireland and Scotland, it simply co-opted the three day festival of Samhain and folded it into All Hallow’s Eve, (October 31st), All Saints Day ( November 1st) and All Souls day ( November 2nd). It was a perfect fit and the original Pagan Samhain blended seamlessly into the new Christian celebration. In most of Christian Europe, the emphasis was and still is, on All Saints Day, but in Ireland and Scotland, because of the Celtic past and the legacy of Samhain, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween became the big deal and various local traditions developed. In Ireland children carved out potatoes or turnips as “Jack-O-Lanterns” and lighted them from the inside with candles. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed “Stingy Jack.” It’s a long story, but the bottom line is that Jack tricked the Devil into climbing up a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While the devil was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree’s bark so that the he could not come down until he promised not to bother Jack for ten more years. Soon thereafter, Jack died and God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell.[b] So “Jack-of-the-lantern” was condemned to wander the earth between heaven and hell with only a burning piece of coal in a carved out turnip to light his way[/b]. This is the origin of the Jack-O-Lantern. So one can see the relation with necrovion, land of death, land of The Tormented Soul. And one remember that there is a curse that forces those slain in battle by Necrovions to never truly die, thus transforming them into Defiled Souls. "Necrovion combines both brute evil forces and deserted lands with advanced dark arts and secret occult practices. Because of its nature, this land is opposed to all other lands and represents a constant threat to all life." [u][b]Now a more personnal and intuitive view[/b][/u] Visiting at the four mainland, i was with time fill with different feeling for each land , and the idea came to me. One can see the four main lands as symbol of the four seasons. Thus seeing MD representing the full cyles of seasons, of the yearly cycle of life. Loreroot, with its greens and forest full and lucurient, life in full process of growing, giving the feeling of spring. Marinbell, with nature full of life but more tame,beatifull standing buildings, giving the feeling of being more mature, giving the feeling of summer. Necrovion if one travel there he see death and decay like with tombs, building in ruin, bones, shades, tormented souls. one cannot escape of relating to the season of automns, with leaf falling, and green dying. Golemus , with its absence of green, and asseptic mountain landscape, give me the feeing of winter. Looking that way, pumkings being an automns crop is fully relate to necrovion.
  15. i receive an mail of the MD bugfixer, saying that i should post here to confirm that the bug is resolve, .. and if i have questions to email bugs@magicduel.com ... i real want to be nice but i dont plan to go verify soon, as tribunal is to high viscosity for me to gothere only to verify its resolve or not ... chewett so that message to say ill go there but i dont know when, ...
  16. Nice bugfixer you ask me to confirm that the bug i reported is resolve, i would like to be nice to you but its in tribunal, highviscosity, and you will understand that going at that scene is quit some work ... i dont know when ill go there ... and its not in my plans to go there soon note if there is a link to tribunal with the festivity we have now, ill go to verify , if not ... Tom Pouce
  17. If we are talking only of tutorial and not story changes just have the newplayer at cabin with the portable map already there, and all options there for clicking on someting or to highlight someting with an cursor, or on arrow to move ... every players know how to already what is not ordinary in MD is getting one orientation, and if one as the map already its help ... and all he need for all others things, if you make a page like what Grido made that explain all what it its with pictures .... just make it accessible with one clic (if yu dont want that, just make an optionnal mouse over hint thing over each part off the interface)(optional as an experience player will want to disable the hints with mouse over ) a player dont need interminable force moved like now remove the land monster, just have the player teleport to get his grassan or aramor, and combat the shades directly ... or even better made all that tutorial skipable and then switch to the story ... (story need to remain like it is, its MD soul, and one can always take 1 min intead of 24hres waiting) i made recently an alt to see that , and its a pain all that walking take map and so forth ...
  18. BUG not working 2 arrows with 193 ap 7_terracecrossroads_1 top right arrow is not working and dont tel any message like "lack ap" bottom arrow going down is not working and dont tel any message like "lack ap" note: those 2 arrow are higlight orange with cursor ... but like i said seem not working
  19. DNA is an farce in a sence, take me for exemple i answer truly maybe first few choice of color, then i was really pissed off by that and answer the followings choices random ... without even looking at colors I am probably not the only one that had that feeling in answering colors if some part is base on principles choices or story choices , that part mybe perhaps more acurate, as probably new players take more care in reading and chosing them ... but even them , if someone make an alt, is it not to explore different story choices? or different magic choices? so i really would not put more meaning than what it is ...
  20. Grido my post was general of what was in thread, if it first was about tutorial and how to improve it, then about other subjects, going from token (that use magic), removing the story, removing stats gain, and .. other things and i think that this thread is in general spirit to improve number of new player going in MD i suppose there is some new player with my way of going in new things, before making a character, i had read a good part of the forum (where one can think MD is very unfriendly for newbyes looking from the outside), all the pages from the home page (and there you go with a lot of talking about inner magic) and some of the wiki (that as improve since then), and some of the MD archive ... and even read some good ,and some very bad review of MD ... I was debating myself for some time (a few days) if i would try this game but what [b]i see that is a misrepresentation, is the inner magic and spell .... if you look at the amount of pages talking about that from the home page ... one think its an important part of MD and even the main one ... but to my experience MD is nothing like that[/b] so the reason of my talking about that ... there pages for inner magic that is not there: [url="http://magicduel.com/"]http://magicduel.com/[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=ciclicitatii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=echilibrului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=elementelor&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=imaginatiei&type=browser%20gamehttp://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=imaginatiei&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=intunericului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=luminii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=sintropiei&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=timpului&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=principles&c=&p=transpunerii&type=browser%20game"]http://magicduel.com...pe=browser game[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=magicprinciples"]http://magicduel.com...magicprinciples[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=antivant"]http://magicduel.com...;#38;s=antivant[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=samplespell"]http://magicduel.com...pag=samplespell[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=apaneagra"]http://magicduel.com...#38;s=apaneagra[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=fulgerele"]http://magicduel.com...#38;s=fulgerele[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=groupscattering"]http://magicduel.com...groupscattering[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=ineluldefoc"]http://magicduel.com...8;s=ineluldefoc[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=invizibilitate"]http://magicduel.com...=invizibilitate[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=leacurileintro"]http://magicduel.com...=leacurileintro[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=loviturafaratimp"]http://magicduel.com...oviturafaratimp[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=lovituranumerologie1_title"]http://magicduel.com...erologie1_title[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=protectienumerologie2"]http://magicduel.com...tienumerologie2[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=seductie"]http://magicduel.com...;#38;s=seductie[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=spiritdeconducator"]http://magicduel.com...ritdeconducator[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=spirituldeturma"]http://magicduel.com...spirituldeturma[/url] [url="http://magicduel.com/index.php?pag=spelldocs&s=taieturadesabie"]http://magicduel.com...taieturadesabie[/url] [b]instead its where one should talk about each token and each of its properties[/b] not in the tutorial [color=#008080]Token is the only wide spread use of magic priciple in MD now[/color] (one can agree with me that is a lot of importance made to feature not there or implemented,[color=#ff0000] it make an not true picture of what MD is all about[/color]) (finally after many edit i think i made my thinking readable ..)
  21. Read postings , and in not necessary in the order some comments ... Token, its not necessary and even good to be add in the first introduction to player just make a good description for the token in wiki or something else, and those interested will read it, and chose magick from that info.. and yes i think player should learn about token and its properties, but i see it in a wiki. you will have some players like me that read before making a character, and those that just want to play and learn in playing. if you want to remove dead wood remove all info on the inner magic spell and mumbo jumbo of magic relate to it, i have never seen it and i think its probably not implemented except for Mur thinking :[color=#d3d3d3]Innermagic Spells:. Wind Ward Black Water Lightnings Group Scattering Circle of Flames Invisibility Cures (intro) Timeless Shot Strike (Numerology: the number 1) Protection (Numerology: the number 2) Seduction Leader Spirit Group Spirit The sword slash[/color] It give yu a false thinking of what the game is all about. [color=#a52a2a]dont remove the story,[/color] it give you stats ... and the story is interesting, and make that game intro different .. of the others games, and its actually the foundation of MD spirit and story. if you remove it, then remove all the [url="http://md-archives.com/"]http://md-archives.com/[/url], with all its "[color=#d3d3d3]Archives of Legends Legends, old and new, can teach us many things. They can give us hints on how to proceed, as well as insight on what not to do. The legends contained herein are told from the world of Magic Duel, but that does not make them tied only to it when the lessons they may hold are concerned. Seek and you shall find. Ancient Lore The Book Of Ancients"[/color]
  22. if silver coin and gold coin are taken as currency and not ressources to trade according to supply and demand if there is already an establish concencious of exchange rate of 15:1 Having an "bank" or "magic spell" that use that echange rate as a permanent exchange rate will not damage the economy. as when one gold is exchange for 15 silver , one gold is remove from use to compensate the additionnal 15 silver in use, the global or total currency or value in MD that is in use dont change thus not changing the economy. It even as the additionnal effect of preventing hoarding, or speculation, in keeping the exchange rate constant. Thus ritchness of players will remain constant either in silver or gold or a mixt of the two. its like country dont care if its currency emitted by a central bank be in 10, or 20 banknotes.... the country only is concern with the total amount of curency in use.
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