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Plix Plox

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  1. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    1) i support this transformation. simply stunning.
    2) i do however seriously support Demon in his endeavers, and wish him the best of luck with it.
    3) I love you Seigheart. I love you so very very hard.
  2. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Seigheart in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1356637953' post='129050']
    Though it certainly gets the creative juices flowing.

    But this is true.

    Not that my opinion matters to anyone, but anyone who participates in this topic has lost my respect. Not that any of you had it to begin with, but this whole thread is nothing more than people bullying others, laughing at someone behind their backs, and just cruel.

    Glad to see people are back to their normal selves immediately after Christmas.
  3. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    [quote name='Esmaralda' timestamp='1356635366' post='129043']
    This is obviously a crack at Dark Demon. It's not nice nor is it constructive. [b]The only purpose of this thread is humiliation.[/b]

    Though it certainly gets the creative juices flowing.

    But this is true.
  4. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    I think people would simply go crazy and lockinchaos would be the most popular spell around.
  5. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Esmaralda in Fairy Princess - my decided role   
    This is obviously a crack at Dark Demon. It's not nice nor is it constructive. The only purpose of this thread is humiliation.
  6. Upvote
    Plix Plox got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Summer Quest   
    Here's my submission.
    It's Summer Time @ Plains of Deceit

    (Please click the link..TinyPic isn't working for me!)
  7. Upvote
    Plix Plox got a reaction from dst in Summer Quest   
    Here's my submission.
    It's Summer Time @ Plains of Deceit

    (Please click the link..TinyPic isn't working for me!)
  8. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Sephirah Caelum in MD B-day "Card"   
    Hello all,

    so as the title says in this quest you have 8 days to do a card with message or a movie or sing/play a song or whatever your imagination allow you to do, to celebrate this world called Magic Duel. Be creative!

    For now the winners will be divided into:[list]
    [*]The Best Handmade Card;
    [*]The Best Message and;
    [*]The Most Creative Card (for all the others that are not handmade).
    If there is a lot of participants and your imagination run wild I may unfold The Most Creative Card into something that better fits the inscriptions.

    So, you can send the maximum of 3 cards or whatever your imagination allow you to do until the last day of MD festivities.

    Any questions?

    [b]Edit 01: Quest extended until next friday (05 days extention)![/b]

    [color=#ff0000][b]Edit 02: Results, as annouced by the Master of Ceremonies:[/b][/color]
    [*]The Best Handmade Card: [b][color=#ff0000]dst[/color][/b]
    [*]The Best Message and: [b][color=#ff0000]dst [/color][/b]and[b][color=#FF0000] dark raptor[/color][/b]
    [*]The Most Creative Card: [color=#ff0000][b]Eagle Eye[/b][/color]
  9. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in Loreroot Government.   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1365717846' post='134784']
    As in will carry them once (if) you get the MD council to give them to you, or effectively are carrying them as from now? 'Cause tools were removed long ago once the monarchs retired.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I've seen Azull with the king's tools.[/color][/font]
  10. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Tipu in They r coming.......Sooonn...   

    The above r the cities build by Hopi Civilization in central America a 4000+ yrs ago. The entire cities were build in such a way as to match the complete Orion constellation.


    The above is a sumerian tablets dated some 5000 yrs back. In which we can c a Solor system depiction

    In which the Sun is at the center. But it was some 3000 yrs latter that mankind knew that Sun was at the center and not the earth as proved by Galilio i think.
    Also here in the tablets all the planets were shaped [i]sphere[/i] but it was after Colombus expedition some 3000+ yrs latter people agreed that earth was round and not flat.


    Nabta stones again representing Orion and other stars cycle, carbon dating shows some 6000 yrs old.

    These r Baghdad batteries [size=2]Ancient Device that Produces a 2 Volt Electrical Current! dated around 200 BC.[/size]

    They were here...
    They shall be here....
    Don't be afraid ....
    [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Terrified[/font] ....Kehehehe
  11. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in <<<Gold Avatar Auction>>> #12   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]1 gold + Nutcracker with claw 2 and stardust and 5 mil heat [/color][/font]
  12. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Cris Feliz in Stolen Avatar   
    damnit, i didnt know this, just killed the game for me, my avy was epic

    anyone know who has it?
  13. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Mallos in Stolen Avatar   
    "[i]Your avatar will be returned to MD Avatar gallery for someone else to use if you are inactive for more than 6 months. If your avatar returns to shop you will be refunded the credit spent for it."[/i]

    You will have to find it in the shop again.
  14. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Cris Feliz in Stolen Avatar   
    I had an old gold clown avatar and when i logged in the game after a while of not playing, it was gone. I didnt trade, sell, give, or anything, it was stolen. Somebody know the reason for this? If you see it around, whoever has it is a thief.
  15. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in Protector Pact   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]There was no misunderstanding about your post. [/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I, too, made a mistake in quoting, so my apologies. Mine was a reply to Elthen, except the last bit where I thought you meant 50:50 weight.[/color][/font]
  16. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Chewett in Protector Pact   
    [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1365314211' post='134721']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Not even 50:50 for that matter. IMO new:old weight ratio should be at least 70:30. There are some who spend hours with newbies teaching them daily. Those are the real adept relationships.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Giving more weight to vets gives them another power to decide MP6's and choose when their time is over, etc. They are not the people needing help; the newbies are. I've seen many new players take adepting seriously and most definitely loyal. I don't see that in most of the vets, but again, that's only what I've seen and I may be wrong.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Elthen kinda stated the opposite, Chew. I've seen it for myself.[/color][/font]

    You have not understood my post, i should have quoted the specific passage "[b]considering they hardly change their adept choice(due to loyalty to a person who introduced them into the game, due to the fact that no everyone could actually teach you more at the level, etc.)[/b]" but it was neigh impossibly on my phone.

    When looking just at the vets, there is about half of them that will regularly adept the people who want to become protectors and the other half that will keep the person they follow and never change it, even if they are not going for MP6. My comment was not talking about the weighting at all DD. I stated my reason for not adepting a new wannabe MP6, because none of them have actually come to talk to me.

    I agree the idea that one of the main ideas of protectorship is to help newer people, and also agree that somehow the newer players being your adept should matter more. You just didnt understand my post lol.
  17. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in Protector Pact   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1365280619' post='134712']
    I disagree, its about 50:50, there is a group who stubbornly wont adept anyone helpful, and some that primarily swap between many. Im normally in group 1, and my reasoning is no one has actually ever come to me asking me to adept them with a good reason. Iv got the usual spam that people send out, and thats just spam.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Not even 50:50 for that matter. IMO new:old weight ratio should be at least 70:30. There are some who spend hours with newbies teaching them daily. Those are the real adept relationships.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Giving more weight to vets gives them another power to decide MP6's and choose when their time is over, etc. They are not the people needing help; the newbies are. I've seen many new players take adepting seriously and most definitely loyal. I don't see that in most of the vets, but again, that's only what I've seen and I may be wrong.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Elthen kinda stated the opposite, Chew. I've seen it for myself.[/color][/font]
  18. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to addy in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    I am "custard apple", which is an actual item apparently.The things you learn..

    Well thats one thing extra I learned from this quest.Im glad i devoted JUST enough time to my entry, though I havd no idea how I couldve devoted any less time..

    I liked the topic of the quest, and the managment mightve had its downs but I enjoyed looking at the icons of logos I have seen for years and think about them in a new light.In that sense, atleast, this quest was fun for me.
  19. Upvote
    Plix Plox got a reaction from Nimrodel in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    'Elderberry' here.
    Thank you for the quest Nim and let's not fight guys...
  20. Downvote
    Plix Plox got a reaction from Chewett in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    'Elderberry' here.
    Thank you for the quest Nim and let's not fight guys...
  21. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Change in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    I'm Jackfruit, as can be seen if you look at my entry. I'm somewhat ashamed of it. I didn't properly allocate nearly enough time for it, and it's such an awesome quest idea! What's done is done though, and I'd always love talking to anyone about what things mean in MD.

    My thanks to Nimrodel, all three judges for deciding to take on the crazy amount of text, the sponsors, and to all the other fruits who submitted something along with me. Also, I knew that the Fusioneers symbol looked like a bloody, dead, mutant fish!
  22. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to AmberRune in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    I am Grape and yes, thank you Nim for the quest
  23. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Eara Meraia in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    I dont mind revealing my name either. My entry was coded as banana. I also dont think that special secrecy is needed here. Imagine olympic games, where the names of the winners would be kept in secret - I think its quite a disappointment for both participants and for public. Moreover, I am sure - each of us, who participated is proud of what we have written and done, because it took time and effort if not to say an intense work of the brain cells. And Nim - thanks for the quest.
  24. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Jubaris in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1365263397' post='134679']
    It may lead to disagreement between people. One person may not agree with the other person's point of view. It better if things aren't direct. Also, if someone comments negatively about an entry, people who wrote the entry might feel embarassed if it is revealed who wrote what.

    Doesn't have much sense to me - if a participant is unsatisfied with the results, and the judges are already known (Burns and Kyphis as your judge score links say), they can already channel their newfound hatred
    We know who the winners are, now, so why not say who was 1st place, and who was 5th?

    If someone comments negative about a winning entry, person may get embarrassed? What about the loser list you posted? That's not embarrassing?

    I personally am largely dissatisfied with how the judges rated certain works, but won't go into it, there's really no point. I would like to know who wrote what, so I could appreciate the player more, and perhaps understand his/her work better by the fact that I already know that participant from before, being easier for me to interpret what was meant by certain lines.
  25. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Jubaris in In the eye of the beholder - quest results   
    I find your explanation a bit naive. Of course it's a "loser" list. Yes, my label 'loser' may be a bit off, but it's the essence of it. When you have 13 people, of which 6 won something and 7 received consolation rewards for participating, that usually means that those 7 failed to meet judge standards. Lost the competition/contest - henceforth the loser list, contest wise.

    If you wanted to preserve the privacy of participants, you should have kept all the names away from public eyes.
    If the names are easily trackable, as they are and as you say, then there's no real point hiding (partly) names of the participants.

    And I did read your scoring guidelines, what makes you say I didn't?

    Anyhows - I'm not trying to put you or your quest down. The quest was a good idea, I'm glad it had this much participants and attention from the community, although I am discontent about certain things in the organization which I expressed. I'm basically now just replying on your challenge of my dissatisfaction. I have a feeling that you think we don't have the right to criticize, or that our critic is without base.
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