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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. I think that is a clash of stroy mode with the personality test. I have heard of this happening before but I would need someone else to confirm it and offer a sloution
  2. This belongs in bugs... You probably have but have you tried refreshing, logging in and out, clearing the catch ect. Or even the dreaded IE?
  3. I so wish I could draw - you guys are amazing! :drinks:
  4. [quote name='Grido' post='22715' date='Dec 19 2008, 11:12 PM']it looks like it's made out of marshmellow.....[/quote] Tastes like marshmallow too...
  5. You actually read the terms and conditions???
  6. Moved.... A screen shot of this would be nice Loon
  7. Well done everyone. Such a shame I missed it, I was just too ill to log on
  8. I want a new keyboard and mouse after my nice wireless receiver died and now im stuck with a crummy 5 year old keyboard and a tiny usb mouse that likes to disconnect its self every 5 mins :'(
  9. Frostythehemp Dont want to miss this!
  10. Your just going to have to sit tight and wait for it to be fixed.
  11. Bonjour je suis!
  12. Happy Birthday!!!!
  13. lol I dont know, I was just at Marble Dale Park, talking to someone. I think there were only a few players actually there but i watched it drop in literally a minuet. It would be nice to know who actually voted on you, but i guess that would make people less willing to vote. I'm not back up to a grand total of 1 - correction in the time taken to write this im up to 3 YAY!!!!! In the time taken to write that last sentace down to 2. Ohh well
  14. Just walking round Marind Bell I have seen my score drop rapidly O_0
  15. I just loaded it... My jaw dropped to the floor. Its.. Its just AMAZING!!! Well done manu
  16. Okay, so i've just got the voting ballons on me. it started off at 2/2. So I thought, ohh two people have voted and they both gave me a happy ballon. Then it went to 1/3 - and then I thought what on earth? So i am guessing that the first number is your score and the ballons +/- 1 and the second says how many people have voted?
  17. So regen doesn't actually work in the way you think it does? *goes off to check attack logs*
  18. This was one of my concerns with mp2's now starting in GG. Without group access surly those who only those who can access will have to spend a LOT of time there to make up for it
  19. Okay so I log on today and get the message that i need to end my current illusion, or things will get messy. So i go to the illusion page, it gives my a line of broken code - try again a bit later 'you must be mp2 or 7' AHHHHHHH!!!!!! It would be fine but I still have illusion creatures instead of my own Edit: my own creatures are now back!!! and most of the effects of the illusion have dissaeared Edit: Okay its all fine now just ignore this
  20. [quote name='Yami no Sakura' post='20287' date='Nov 19 2008, 02:35 AM']你好. =D If you say "nǐ hǎo", it's Mandarin Chinese. But... If you say "néih hóu" instead, it's Cantonese. ^^[/quote] Is there any difference in pronunciation? (your talking to a stupid westoner)
  21. If your in Mp3 you cant worship a protector you have to wait until mp4
  22. they seem to be yes. But if you are actually in the tutorial and look at your side bars it shows you in mp0
  23. Your all wrong - when your in tutorial mode your in mp0. Try it
  24. Mp0-8 (i think)
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