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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. Awwww I missed Je Suis birthday and i wanted to wish him a joyeux anniversaire!
  2. Well Im sure that you will do a great job when you get round to it Glor. Just dont make up wait too long okay
  3. Prohibition DST? maybe you could re-establish the anti saloon leauge. Hey! Maybe this could lead to MD gansters! Welcome to the forums anyway.
  4. I was thinking about my current non shiny phone as not every one owns a iphone or a top of the range smart phone. And also a lot of the non 3g phones which would take years to play on
  5. How exactly do you propose that this works? It would be a compleatly different game if manu somehow found a way to make it work and would be quite limited on your phone Edit: Though I have to add. It would be great if it worked
  6. Could the children of the Eclipse somehow tie in with Boots current storyline? I know so far Boots has only taken measurements, and the discussion on the forums has not yet struck a final decision. But I get the impression that the story will enable a new and momentous shift in the MD world. With *possibly* the emergence of a form of night which would be the perfect opportunity in which to launch this alliance and provide an excellent tie in to MD's history thus securing the alliances place as a core component of MD However Boots I wouldn't want to take away from any path you have already chosen, or for that matter any path the Children of the Eclipse have decided to take to launch their new alliance. Its just my thoughts.
  7. Happy birthday! Carrot cake anyone?
  8. I hear that Santas suit used to be green untill evil coca-cola got thier hands on him...
  9. Put me down for would read it
  10. Wow! They simply are amasing. Im loving the archer!
  11. [quote name='dst' post='23339' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:02 PM']No Frosty. It's a deeper bug. Mur needs to fix it. Several other players had the same issue. I asked genocidal to open this topic. Oh...and genocidal...please post your ID also.[/quote] My bad - Mur must have done a bit of fiddleing before telling the last guy to refresh
  12. Refresh the page. Its a clash between story mode and the personality test.
  13. I managed to gain a massive amount of heads that I didnt want! Then I was under constant attack for the entire day untill some one managed to get a vitory from me. He had to attack quite a few times for it though.... (its the hangover from the holidays, no body can be botherd to log on!)
  14. Gahhh.... It looks hedious, but I loves it!
  15. Frosty

    Icon & /me

    ? what difference does what an icon looks like make? Everyone knows its the hate icon. I never thought of it as a plus before, just a random symbol. I don't think anyone is too bothered about it. For chat you can always use *words* for actions, everone else does
  16. Have a great 2009 peeps ^^ 2008 was a blast, lets see if we can make 2009 even better!
  17. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='23146' date='Dec 30 2008, 07:43 PM']Santa isn't real people, sorry to break it to you... [/quote] Then who puts all the presents under the tree and eats the cookies I leave out for him? Answer that Mr Know-It-All
  18. Welcome to the forum and Magicduel its self. I hope you enjoy it :drinks:
  19. *Does the happy dance back!!!*
  20. Are you serioulsy saying that you cannot read the very simple and short text explaining this RIGHT NEXT TO how many credits you have gained? And dont mess with DST, I'll let you find out why for yourself
  21. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='22924' date='Dec 25 2008, 03:11 PM']this is so funny topic XD[/quote] Your so nice liberty ^^
  22. hehehehehe
  23. Frosty


    Its done the same with me - if you click on the players name again it shows your vote a registered whether you can get it to count twice not just click twice, I dont know
  24. Frosty

    md shop bug

    Ive lost every extra feature except the chat comands. I was soo looking forward to all the extra creature slots
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