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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. Ok so I attacked someone and won - i get the victorious message and everything, but look [quote]~~VICTORIOUS!~~ 60% vs 100% *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: 34 Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 [b]You were penalised with 5 honor for [i]loosing[/i] this fight [/b] *** todo help after fight Casualties: Defender:100%, Attacker:59.59737% heat A: 8 heat E: 0 logsize:714 usevitality e (you):90 usevitality a:100 looser:E actionnr:118 rounds:9 E lost: 1255vit; A lost: 4146vit;[/quote] I then check - all my vit is gone and my creatures have lost there vit as well instead of regaining.
  2. I shall explain for Chewett! During the last UK Census a rumour went around that if enough people but down the same made up religion under 'Other:' it would become an official religion. I think it also went round by email and people were encouraged to put down jedi - so now in the UK we have about 10,000 people who according to the government officially believe in the force! @Granos - Have you been touched by his noodley appendage?
  3. If you look right down at the bottom [quote]RPC's (or game characters) are players with special roles in this game world. They can give rewards or act as their role description states. Do not confuse this with Moderator or Support operator status. [b]There are more RPC's in game but these are considred the one active.[/b][/quote]
  4. I understand what you mean. I can spend up to 10 mins just trying to think of the right way to phrase a sentence in another language! Especially if it is structured in a different way to english
  5. My first language is English, but most people who speak it as a second langauge can spell better than me! Ohh well at least I can actually spell in French!
  6. [quote name='Chewett' post='17793' date='Oct 3 2008, 10:42 PM']and you want to be banned? or even better have your account play around with your account how would you like -9999 max vitality[/quote] Might be fun, im in story mode just now so I don't really care. At least i didn't say he's he one on the right!
  7. I say hes the one on the left
  8. Ohhh i made the classic mistake!!! Grrr walked right into that one!
  9. 11 days, a week there's no real difference! I mean you haven't completed a full two weeks so technically its still a week. I hate being wrong
  10. Hmmm..... I errr... might of.... well kinda.... ooh this is uncomfortable..... well..... errr.... I..... may.... have..... well you know.... sort of...... done that before! *hangs head in shame* Please don't stone me! well maybe not as high as 70, but I was bored
  11. What do you mean your help? You wont tell him anything! I think Beast will be one to watch hes only been playing for about a week!
  12. Oh yes beast loves to be attacked especially when he is 1 min away form full health and had forgot to set up a defensive ritual, I should know!
  13. Please tell me that you didn't look through all 70 pages!
  14. Ahh beast, the forum has finally been graced by your wondrous presence!
  15. [quote name='Chewett' post='17578' date='Oct 1 2008, 06:29 PM']frosty sent this to me on msn. this is just priceless comedy [url="http://www.physics.uwo.ca/ugrad/p021/course_information/bread.html"]http://www.physics.uwo.ca/ugrad/p021/cours...tion/bread.html[/url][/quote] Yhay you found the link I kept on forgetting! I don't know how I find all these things its like their just attracted to me in some kind of strange way. If I find anything similar i'll be sure to post it
  16. Another building, with a big open public space for general chat and then rooms off of that for learning. Plus restrooms, i'm not running all the way to they to the archives just to go pee!
  17. Frosty


    So obviously C, you would have to be especially backwards to vote for A or B
  18. I think that two system should be implemented Firstly, I like the idea of a lottery type system over a certain time period as this would make the system far fairer, but it would only deduct credits from the person who gets it. (It would also make it far more interesting and fun!) Also I think that the paying extra for a custom avatar would allow people to help build up their character, But it should be somewhat restricted other wise who ever makes them wont be releasing any for the lottery. Of course I'm personally no where near owning my own avatar but it would be nice to have that kind of system in place for when I can.
  19. I stumbled across this and it made me laugh so I thought I'd share it with you all! [quote]1. More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users. 2. Fully HALF of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score below average on standardized tests. 3. In the 18th century, when virtually all bread was baked in the home, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years; infant mortality rates were unacceptably high; many women died in childbirth; and diseases such as typhoid, yellow fever, and influenza ravaged whole nations 4. More than 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of eating bread. 5. Bread is made from a substance called "dough." It has been proven that as little as one pound of dough can be used to suffocate a mouse. The average North American eats more bread than that in one month! 6. Primitive tribal societies that have no bread exhibit a low incidence of cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and osteoporosis. 7. Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days. 8. Bread is often a "gateway" food item, leading the user to "harder" items such as butter, jelly, peanut butter, and even cold cuts. 9. Bread has been proven to absorb water. Since the human body is more than 90 percent water, it follows that eating bread could lead to your body being taken over by this absorptive food product, turning you into a soggy, gooey bread-pudding person. 10. Newborn babies can choke on bread. 11. Bread is baked at temperatures as high as 240 degrees Celsius! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less than one minute. 12. Most bread eaters are utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and meaningless statistical babbling. In light of these frightening statistics, we propose the following bread restrictions: 1. No sale of bread to minors 2. A nationwide "Just Say No To Toast" campaign, complete celebrity TV spots and bumper stickers. 3. A 300 percent federal tax on all bread to pay for all the societal ills we might associate with bread. 4. No animal or human images, nor any primary colors (which may appeal to children) may be used to promote bread usage. 5. The establishment of "Bread-free" zones around schools. The earliest reference yet known to this theme is a piece called The Dread Tomato Addiction by Mark Clinton. This was originally published in the February 1958 edition of Astounding. It is also in 101 Science Fiction Stories, edited by Martin H. Greenberg, et al., it was published in 1986. It can be found on page 135. Thanks to Douglas Aden for this reference.[/quote] That will teach you for beliving everything you read in the papers! Unfortunately I can’t remember the site but ill go through my history later.
  20. Hey im new to MD. Well a friend forced be to sign up almost a year ago for it when it all just seamed a bit whacked to me and far to strange. But now im back and I think i've got the hang of it. Hope I see some of you in game as I only know two poeple who play so far, but i've only managed to bump into one.
  21. Then what would that make you!? You can't deny it chewett 'cos I'm listed as your adept
  22. Hello I'm new here chewett invited me. I'm from the UK, in Kent I'm quite excited about this game as I've never seen anything like it before and the interface if very clever Frosty
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