
Metal Bunny
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Everything posted by Metal Bunny
[quote name='pamplemousse' date='01 April 2010 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1270134442' post='57360'] Grr. [/quote] Aw, poor Pample, I feel your pain. Honestly, I do. On the 1st of April, 2 years ago, Mur announced that a new monster had arrived and I thought that this supposed new strong monster was just a joke by Mur. But it wasn't , it was KC. So... actually, I'm more paranoid than you are, but it's still sorta the same
Amazing, within the scope of a few seemingly insignificant posts, this entire topic has debased itself. I do not care about whether or not you wish to insult someone or wish to invoke pain and suffering upon someone, the matter of fact still remains. You may not use offensive words. Decide if it is offensive to minors and if it is, remove the comment and warn the poster. Then close the topic ¬_¬ If you wish to debate the inherent value of punishments, power and even personal feelings, then do so in a new topic. You are derailing the entire purpose of this topic. And going off-topic is distracting people from fixing the problem. So fix it and hold true to the rules of this forum. Uncroyable ¬_¬
Given the earliest history of gg; you´re not the only who thinks like this.
Heh.. Remember the 'good old days', RJ? I do, and people were gathering back then as well. The exception was that it was at willow's shop and that it was slightly harder, since rituals weren't as restricted as they are at GGG. But, I noticed that that has, if you will it to be so, has absolutely nothing to do with MD being boring. A gathering place will always exist. And there will always be loners, or explorers, wandering about. What you have to realize however, is that a gathering place, nor the opposite of a gathering place, necessarily excludes or includes fun and removal of boredom. I mean, sometimes I go to GGG and there are a lot of people around, but they aren't doing anything and it is boring as crap. More often than not, I walk around and just randomly talk to people. What makes MD fun, and this is an example from yesterday, is when I just start blabbing and keep on talking. I had a conversation with Mya Celestia, well, she was mostly listening and I was mostly talking, but hey, I'm awesome, I'm allowed to do so. But I can tell you, that it wasn't boring at all. And this is exactly how I made MD not boring in the past, just, walking around, talking to people, having fun. Mentored some people, like Yami, and on occassion, helped BigC with other contemporary legends. Either way, fun is something you make yourself, stop whining.
Grido, stop stalking ¬_¬ Uh.. Happy B-day Ailith
Coincidentally, the number of toaster/bath suicides are slowing dropping..
Hands up if you are an economics student or graduated already. *hands up* The logic used in this topic is preposterous and ridiculous. I can go on and on about why, but I just don't feel like it. However the main problem persists. The sheer amount of items is far to scarce, driving prices up, regardless of moral objections. The demand is far too high and the supply is far too low. Besides that, supply is a fixed amount, and decay isn't a factor. Solutions range from introducing decay and the ability to manufacture without restriction. Though I doubt this will happen soon. Or, flood the market with items. Both will artificially inflate the items and deflate the worth of money. Item inflation is necessary as the inflow of money, thanks to the MDshop, is theoretically infinite and has shown to be increasing at a faster rate than the inflow of items, which drives prices up, or from another perspective, devalues money. Hoarding will always occur, especially since the worth of items here, even the most useless scrap of concrete, is worth tons, meaning that money is becoming more and more worthless and people tend to stockpile that which at least retains their advertised value, much like gold. When the growth of money is higher than the growth of the sum amount of increased production, or in MD's case, items, then money will become more and more worthless. Right now, items are fulfilling the function of gold in the real world. Very little inflation compared to the amount of money printed. Value fixed (it's money that is becoming more and more worthless) and it doesn't decay. And apparently, partially thanks to the list, it holds social value. Basically, it means that that crappy piece of concrete you were holding on to, is still worthless and crappy. It's just that the worth of money became even more worthless, because there is more money to buy the same amount of stuff with. Even if you introduce something that will allow the inflation of items to grow at a constant and somewhat equal rate to the inflation of money, hoarders will still persist. It's just that, especially if you introduce decay (at least to some items), due to the sheer amount of items and the relative reduced value of items compared to the amount of money in the system, that the hoarders can no longer operate as an oligarchy, stifling trade with an unofficial cartel. So.. there isn't anything legal you can do to this hoarding problem, other than social pressure or begging mur to inflate items. Until then, well.. wait, because I'm not going to pay 70 silver for a piece of salad. And please stop complaining, lol. It's a structural problem mostly, meaning that this topic will just go on and on forever, until either the inflation of money, or lack of inflation in items is addressed.
Next time, read the warning signs and don´t enter stuff you can´t leave
Hey, negotiable! I'm haggling here.
WTS 1 Pimped Grasan with 51 age, no tokens. Going for 12 silver. Price negotiable. And 4 Tormented Souls with 136 age each, no tokens. Going for 12 silver. Price negotiable.
The offer still stands, we are willing to buy any pass papers for a negotiable price.
Sorry for making a new reply, but editing it defies its purpose. After simplifying the quest... twice... it turned out to be a success, sort of anyway, and I ended the quest. The answer to the quest is in the spoiler. [spoiler][attachment=1452:WMQ-R picture H-Res with answers.jpg][/spoiler] List of winners: 1: Mighty Pirate wp 2: JacoAnd wp 3: Yoshi wp 4: dst wp 5: degetzica wp 6: Jester wants nothing 7: Miq TS given 8: MRV wants nothing 9: Skie Anderson angien given 10: Cutler TS given 11: *Indyra Sirenias* pimped grasan given 12: Emerald Arcanix pimped grasan given 13: Manda TS given No nr. 14 and 15, so their rewards, along with Jester and MRV, will be held and used as a reward for later quests. btw, people had the most problem with R. Some confused W with E, but a big surprise was that everyone had O correct. I thought I made that a bit harder Anyway, I liked this quest, may do some more.
Lol; righteousness and civility mean nothing before they who behold violence and bigotry as the ultimate means to their ends. I quoted myself, stop googling. ¬_¬ Anyway, you are correct, of course. First of all, let it be obvious that this wasn't cheating. Not at all. If it was cheating, then mur would have punished you. The ones who do it for the first time, or find some gambit or tactic, with emphasis on tactic, are allowed to do it, until mur makes up a new rule, or places a new restriction in the game. He did; LR wasn't cheating. The ones who, from this point on, continue to state that they did will be severely rp-slapped on the back of their head. Nah, not really, else I would be contradicting my own first statement, huh? Anyway, secondly; You have to understand Firs, that this is the way people are. Just look at reality tv, narcissistic, loud mouthed, ugly bunch of people who will stop at nothing, not even their own self-esteem, to get what they want. You're king. You're gonna have to learn how to deal with the less-then-wanted part of the populace. In this case, it's just what you did; make a statement and condemn their petty bigotry. A bit like the UN really. If the annoyance continues, call on your allies and place restrictions, with civility, upon the guilty ones. Like... I dunno, something, cuz a trade embargo won't really work here .. or out there, but that's another matter. Then again, you could just be a king and ignore the non-lorerootians. Or be a king and totally go on a crusade or something. Or be a king and do like; 'Orf 'ith iz 'ead!' I personally like the last one
Well, if case 1 is really the case, they just shouldn't count in the total count towards item owners. Primarily because it's raw frigging material. If you are shallow and you put yourself in a contest against another shallow dude, what are you more likely to count besides trophy wives and the number of hair transplsnts and (nsfw)[spoiler]penile[/spoiler] enlargements? You don't count the amount of sand you have, nor how many useless concrete blocks you have. You count the final product; houses, cars and money. While this in effect could change very little to the prices (oligopoly) it will seriously annoy those dummies and perhaps entice some of them to trade at more realistic prices. As for 2, well... Too bad we can't gang up on them and jack stuff But really people, look at my items; I have a pair of magnificent and beautifully adorned crown jewels (pun intended), a carrot (duh), a bunny statue (duh), and a little people statue (if you aren't familiar, read the AL.. way, waaaay back) and the rest is money. I sold items I didn't need, either for rp, or for creating stuff. I am serious, if you were hoarding base and raw items like a hobo, and the distinction between rpc and pwr still existed, I wouldn't even have voted you for pwr. Stop hoarding crap you don't need
Alrighty then, I made the quest considerably easier. I honestly believe that if you can't solve it now, that you truly don't deserve a wp from me, for this quest. This is as low as I go. Celebrate, peasants! The Bunny Emperor has.. sadly enough, budged and sorta given into the popular demand!
Lol @ grido continuously merging new topics. Anyway, lovely idea for a new function, or rather, description of an item. Cursed items Example, I have a bunny scepter. It makes a temporary, one usage, or anything with a limit on it, some form of... bunny brainwash or something. Maybe some sort of accursed bunny feet. I can give the bunny feet to whomever I want, and they would be stuck with the accursed item for a fixed amount of time, say, 1 day, or 1 regen timer. It has the opposite effect of a lucky rabbit's feet; -100 luck or something The player can give the accursed item to someone else, or the player with the scepter, or limbless and lifeless bunny corpse, could 'recall' the item. However, the player with the scepter or mutilated and decaying body, doesn't feel the negative side effect. Tada, long lasting fun involving morbid humor and decaying limbs of cute and furry creatures. Anyway, the scepter-cursed item, is more like a curse version of a beer keg-beer. Which I see as a sort of master-servant relationship function for items. but yeah.. accursed items, be they single usage (meaning they fade away after a single day, or something like that), or forever, but with very insignificant (except for roleplay), effects. Like.. say.. A slime monster, or a bag of evergrowing goo. It's the master object. It creates every.. week? or day, or whatever, 1 single glob of mucus/slime/goo. That glob can be thrown at other people, temporarily reducing their briskness with 1. or something else that is quite insignificant. Either way, the person who 'received' that lovely ball of nastiness, can't shake it off and will have to wait.. for, 1 day or maybe less, for it to dry up and fall apart.
Seeing as how there isn't a topic yet for the new ideas for useable items, I made one here. Please post your [i]new[/i] ideas here with additional comments about your own or others' ideas and suggestions. My own: The first one I had was more of a combination of the functions already suggested by Mur in the announcement. Basically, it's a passport for a land, combining the key triggers for access to special locations, with perhaps profile adjustment (negative or positive, who knows?), or maybe more of a log effect with restrictions, such as disallowing people of the land to pick up torches from another land, forcing them to not blatantly perform a soft version of treason. the second one is a new function, or rather, a restriction upon an item. One time usage, or, proportional usages. Beer would have a single usage, and then disappear, people could add the roleplay themselves, or perhaps temp ve goes up and temp ap goes down, who knows? One time, 5 time, maybe 100 time usages per specific items (when they are crafted), would allow for protest against more powerful functions to disappear or dimish sufficiently enough. Such as (number three:) teleportation. A one time teleport to necrovion or loreroot or gg, or maybe a single place, such as the inside of sage's keep, without using up ap. If you do it with, perhaps, a time limit, you get visa's. Kings and Queens could earn some profit with tourism visa's (also applicable with a normal trigger that allows access, but you know, people would have to walk ) Number four would be perhaps a variant upon number two; it places a restriction according to a certain location. For instance, an icecube. If we had a place that was really cold, and a player had an item such as an icecube, and the player left the scene, the icecube would disappear. If you put in a place that gave out icecubes, or whatever, you could create some new forms of quests and roleplay. For instance, a quest like; get an icecube to.. a fountain and click a certain item to complete the quest. The hardship of the quest would be figuring out how to get to that place, while keeping your icecube intact. Or maybe the icecube only lasts a certain amount of time, or perhaps you need to avoid heat, or gain heat, all sorts of variations really, but they are all but suggestions. Lastly would be the opposite of restrictions upon items; they open up or enlarge other things. Much like the key trigger, they could perhaps be a torch, a magical torch, with 5 uses, which, once you use them, give you 1k heat for free, or increase temp ap with 20, or something. Heh, using nightshade could have funny consequences now. [color="#FF0000"]Mur: i was looking for more exact suggestions. What can or cant be done with items i am fully aware of. Fixed number of uses is not yet possible and not desired on the long run. Imagine the used items will flood inventories without purpose. The way to limit item usage is by time. An item with one use for example could be an item with the use limited once a year. Making passports for lands is the only thing i can do from your requests list. I will send a few to random people from within an alliance of each land, leaving the use of them at their own decision.[/color]
Seriously? This you regard as a reasonable topic? Self reflection doesn't ring a bell does it? Do I have to bring out that lovely wine etiquette again? Or should I just state why dst is allowed to say whatever she wants to say, just like you are allowed to write topics that are seen as nothing but proof of lack of intricate and complicated intelligent thought processes. The same reason I am allowed to get annoyed at your annoyances, is the same reasons you are allowed to get annoyed at dst's annoyances. And she is allowed to write and do whatever she wants, as long as it is within the boundaries of the rules. Did she break any?
Happy B-Day To The Fluffiest Of The Fluffies!
Metal Bunny replied to dst's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
Roar, thanks Busy getting ready to get.. well.. wasted really. Yaaay! W0000H! -
Grats Just don't raise it to eat bunnies
One thing I should do, make my instructions better and force people to read it twice, not just once. Interim quest has 3 wrong answers per riddle, but you can retry again after a month. And it's an infinite amount of rewards, wp, because for now, no one has solved it yet. So the first to solve it, do not get an advantage. Actually, since I make new riddles on a fixed routine, the first and the best (since they cannot enter when they have earned 1 wp) will have no decisive advantage over the rest. Basically, it's a matter of patience, because you do have infinite tries. Seriously, it's in the papers.
Actually, and I don't intend to totally crush you or anything, but the ''black hat'' riddle is really easy. But that's an opinion and I understand what you are getting at. Also, if you lost the poem, just pm me (for the Interim that is)
I sort of noticed that absolutely no one has solved a single quest of mine, for a very loooong time. Don't get me wrong, with the Interim quest, 5 people are extremely close. Though, I doubt this is the case with the woodman's quest. Though I take certain pride in the fact that notoriously good questers *coughdstcough* go nutters at the thought of my quests, it doesn't do much good for my aging wp. And since I find the ''yes or no, balloons'' on my profile inadequate, I have decided to make a poll here. So.. yeah.. kindly put your opinions here as well, if you still have them. Btw, to keep it in the general topic, kindly talk about the difficulty of quests in general. And what you think about them and what you believe the rewards should really be like.