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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. It's the same with incarcerated men, who can't enjoy the wonderful pleasures of life..
  2. There is a reason why these 2 posts look similar, it's because MD withdrawal prompted me to 'snap' and it divided me into multiple and similar personalities, so I have someone else to talk with to distract me from MD. As one may have noticed the similarity between the 7 of us isn't helping the fact that I still miss MD.
  3. I went out and got drunk (this may or may not be due to inrelated activities and/or circumstances) I woke up again and see that this topic has been spammed beyond repair... My initial reaction to this filled me partially with shame. I had feelings ranging from 'omg get a life' and 'hello my name is Metal and I'm an addict'. I know. I know.. It fills me with shame too.
  4. I went out and got drunk(this may or may not be due to unrelated reasons and/or circumstances) when the server issues were only just a wee bit few hours old.. I must say that my first initial reaction to this topic filled me with shame, as it was a mixed feeling of 'omg get a life' and 'hello, my name is Metal and I'm an addict'... I know... I know.. I have a very strange feeling that I will score higher than average on 2 upcoming tests..
  5. Dear lord Glai.. your ranting and over pompous pretentious words have broken the format of our sacred forum... lol He, I can imagine me living under a bridge now seeing a goat move over it throwing verbal assaults at me. Alas, I am but a troll, leave me alone..
  6. [quote name='Udgard' post='19746' date='Nov 12 2008, 02:37 PM']If I am not mistaken, heat can go up WAY above 4k, just that 4k gives the maximum amount of bonus, and anything other than that gives no further bonus. I think dst and no one can confirm this, considering that they got hundreds of thousand of heat last time..[/quote] They sacrificed the heat for loyalty first, before getting more heat.
  7. Dude.. hippity hop? Couldn't you at least include a 300 page anecdote about how awesome I am?
  8. It's a mmorpg that we are playing.. rpg.. roleplay One can always roleplay you have an alliance, such as MRD did. If you are [i]good[/i] enough, you will automatically assume the role of the alliance leader who doesn't invite weak players. And if you are good enough, you might become a real alliance. The fact is, try roleplaying an alliance (I-BID isn't one, stop asking), the game has all the tools, pm's and pages and such, and if you suck at it, no one will want to join, but if you are good, you won't allow sucky people to join. I think Mur should only make alliances which are being roleplayed and are already being good at it..
  9. [quote name='Glaistig' post='21513' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:42 AM']Aww. Poor new player has to be greeted by Glai out of pity since no actual player wants to say hi. Well, you must be honored anyway, I being myself. And that "female" archer is most definitely male, not just because he looks quite ugly as all males are but that's how he's addressed in the creature description. [b]Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like telling you his name what with the undue honor you paid him by calling him female[/b], so you can look at the Bestiary section of the forums to find out. I mean, there's only so many archers released in MD right now, so you'll only have to check 9 topics[b] if you're stupid and unlucky[/b], less if you're not. 8] 'Sides, you'd be putting Aqune's labor to good use instead of [b]being lazy and having some older player tell you everything, now wouldn't you?[/b][/quote] [quote name='Glaistig' post='21725' date='Dec 11 2008, 05:14 AM']Dude, man. I'll give you a virtual cookie complete with the asterisks if you can point out what was hostile and mean in my hello. Look what I have to endure--I go out of my way to say hello when no one else does after several views, [b]and this is what I get in return[/b]. You know what? I won't do it again, I promise. Don't appreciate Glai-greeting, well, [b]you aren't worthy of it.[/b] You can be greeted by [i]awiiya[/i]; [b]I'm sure she's like [i]totally[/i] better than me and you'd be missing out on [i]nothing[/i][/b]. I shouldn't even be humoring you by replying. I shouldn't be attaching the pictures of all the archers in MD and listing their names because of your[b] *cough*pathetic*cough* ineptitude[/b]. But, well, I can't help my graciousness, now can I? And yes, I purposely lied and said 9 archers when there are 10, just to fluster. [u][color="#ff0000"][url="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll203/kompeito/DA.jpg"]1-6[/url][/color][/u] are levels of one creature, [u][color="#ff0000"][url="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll203/kompeito/LA.jpg"]7-10[/url][/color][/u] are another. And, in case you're missing it, those underlined numbers are links to the larger pictures posted in Aqune's threads. If none of these is the archer you're looking for, your eyesight is screwed. That, or your memory. [b]Or your brain.[/b] You could be hallucinating and indulging in fantasies about female archers in the artstyle of MD. [img]http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll203/kompeito/archers.jpg[/img] When did the option to attach images disappear? Do you know how long that took me to arrange them so that a player could not look at the image properties and find the link to the creature directory? I also suggest that directory be secured, as well as the link to attack a person, view rpc logs and who knows what else.[/quote] Just plain hurtful... Snik Snif.. :'(
  10. o_O Wuh.. This is even FREAKIER CUZ WE MET IN RL, I AM NEVAH GOING TO MEET YOU AGAAAINNN!!! FREEEAAAKKSSSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *Edit* K, I'm calm now.. Why must people stalk me even in their dreams? *sigh* I'm to popular for my own good.. to much awesomeness has it's downsides..
  11. [quote name='TheNinjunny' post='20913' date='Nov 26 2008, 04:38 AM']The Front Site was a Filter? Sure it's not Visually Attractive, but for me it was that Opening Music that got me Hooked on MD B) (I'm not Really Joking about that Either...)[/quote] Lol, I remember when the music came, I remember thinking, 'nice but that doesn't make the front page less ugly..', lol. I always play a game first, usually for at least a day or two, a week if it doesn't suck, and a couple of months until I am bored with it if the game was nice at first. The thing that did it for me was the moment I started in the paper cabin... It was strange and different.. I liked it very very much, but the one thing I remember very clearly was the moment I got my first aramor. The feeling is something I remember clearly and it was a new sensation, very magical, those who listened to Mur's lecture will understand. The fact is that, (although I missed like 2 activity days or more) is that no game has ever held my attention for more than 6-7 months tops. I am now playing for more than a year and I can feel that this will easily double if not indefinitly. Thanks Mur , finally a game I can love.
  12. [quote name='Glaistig' post='21513' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:42 AM']Aww. Poor new player has to be greeted by Glai out of pity since no actual player wants to say hi. Well, you must be honored anyway, I being myself. And that "female" archer is most definitely male, not just because he looks quite ugly as all males are but that's how he's addressed in the creature description. Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like telling you his name what with the undue honor you paid him by calling him female, so you can look at the Bestiary section of the forums to find out. I mean, there's only so many archers released in MD right now, so you'll only have to check 9 topics if you're stupid and unlucky, less if you're not. 8] 'Sides, you'd be putting Aqune's labor to good use instead of being lazy and having some older player tell you everything, now wouldn't you?[/quote] Talk about being hostile and mean. Apologize for your behavior, bad goat!
  13. Afrikaans is awesome. My mom went to south Africa once and she started talking, freaked people out, seeing a chinese person fluently talking dutch. I wanna go there once and freak people out too.
  14. Lol. Happy birthday Glor, but really 29? I feel so young
  15. lol.. I got abilities you know, traumatizing people with quotes such as 'fertilizing my carrots, brb' or 'purging the evil from my bowels to spread my influence over the land' are just but mere humble and feeble inadequate examples of my wonderful literary traumatizing skillzz.. But, I R Awsum is also an ability and I'll be damned if I'll let someone take that from me! Except maybe you know, Mur, but that's mandatory and obviously logical.
  16. [quote name='Burns' post='21412' date='Dec 6 2008, 03:31 PM']obviously, i didn't express myself clear enough when starting the topic... Udgard is absolutely right, and i don't think that every role needs to be passed on, but seeing some RPC have unique abilities that aid players on their way to growing stronger (like giving away drachorns and the teleportation ability of simply), i think that those FUNCTIONS should live on even when/if they ever stop playing. Of course the role should be unique, else you could just give the password of smartalek or morgana to anyone who seems appropriate for that kind of 'power'!! I never had the intention to make dragonrider a new smartalek, for example, but i think the abilities of the drachorn master should not be lost forever if RJ decides to stop playing, so there should be some way of getting a new player (maybe with a similar role (cryxus-simply) or a player with a totally different style of playing a role that includes similar abilities (RJ-Braiton)) the same abilities, or maybe a slightly changed ability, like the mutated drachorns of Braiton. I don't want ROLES to survive or to be passed on because that wouldn't work anyway, but i think the FUNCTION shouldn't vanish...and not every RPC has such a function, like MB and Raven, if they vanished, the game would lose some fun, but no special ability^^ And who would even want a new Bunny? The one we have to endure now is enough for a lifetime of mental disturbance anyway... =P[/quote] I resent that. I'm not that disturbing and I like to think I do got abilities.
  17. Ah you advertised, but in the places I never visit, I mean, new ideas section either have weird, never going to even contemplate that, ideas or they just don't get implemented. So I stopped looking in that section for some time now. Also you realize that if you do advertise in game, it may pass by a lot of others while they are idle, or because they never visit the places you do visit.. or because they are so awesome they just refuse to leave Willow's Shop *cough*. Anyway, I send you a message regarding that
  18. Yeah uh...... First of, is everyone voting? Also I never heard of this before, so if it is only voluntary voting, I suggest a good advertising before hand. And if everyone is voting, which I doubt is possible, a lot of lower mp players... Well you know. Besides that.. This is just for fun right? Because I have less than 365 days and could easily win 'Rookie of the YEAR'. Lol...
  19. Remember that weekly isn't hard if it is just 1 page per week. Because really, more than 3 big developments per week is probably not going to happen. Because if it is, I'll just stop trying and worship Mur as the one true god.... Mmmmmmh my precious..... Anyway, it's a great idea IMO and I believe it doesn't necessarily have to be roleplaying-esque, maybe the head editor who plays as an inquisitive player ingame. And yes.. More pictures would make Bunny happy. Also, to prevent stepping on toes, I think it is best if this paper, should it come, would be more of a commentary on the game's development. I suggest, should you do this, to make a section in the forum where suggestions and comments on issues adressed by the head man can be posted. However that is me getting ahead of myself, you first need to get to know the game, then Mur has to approve your drafts, along with pictures in it, once you get some artists. Ofcourse, deciding if you even want to do this is... Probably more important
  20. The first step to curing, is to admit you have a problem..

    C'mon say it, you are addicted to gophers..

  21. The dutch translations of the rhymes are done and quite tasteful if I say so myself , *Lightsage* helped too you know. Anyway, if you wish to help out, just PM me ingame.
  22. Would it be terribly wrong to say that if you are bored you should remedy that by performing your due orders you received from I-BID?
  23. lol.. your choice dst, and raven, ask me ingame
  24. yes, lol
  25. Everyone starts at bunny minion level, lol.
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