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John Constantine

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  1. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Because I don't need to wear a Mask   
    So after scrapping two quests and one sleepless night, I decided to post the quest I was saving for some other time. THIS IS NOT A HALLOWEEN THEMED QUEST. The task is simple.
    Write an essay on the concept of Ring of Gyges and it's relationship with online disinhibition effect. With examples in the form of screen shots from forum and in game, elaborate as to how YOU THINK MD game and Forum are effected by the phenomenon of online disinhibition effect and whether you support the theory suggested by Glaucon or Socrates, based on your findings. Also Write about how your findings have inspired you to change/not change your behavior concerning MD.
    This quest will run till December 6th 2359. Please PM the entries to me via FORUM PM ONLY.
    Scoring guidelines:
    1. Screen shots should have more variety. If you keep concentrating on posts or stuffs made by a single player or same two players, you will not score.
    2. English needs to be the medium of expression. Please don't send 10 pages of only voluminous text in the name of essay. You don't want the judges to stop reading the text in between and giving you an average mark. Make it crisp, concise and well presented. Flowery language is not a necessity. Common English will do. I don't want Shakespeare. I want to understand.
    3. Minimum word limit is to be 700 words with spaces.
    Less than 7 participants:
    1 wishpoint to the winner with 5 spell stones: 1 Attack lock + 1 move lock + 1 teleport to paper cabin+1 toad speak+ 1 locate
    7 or more participants:
    1st place: Choice between 1 Rein/1 wishpoint + choice of two stones from the above mentioned categories
    2nd Place:  1 Rein/1 wishpoint (depending on what the first place chooses) + choice of two stones from the ones remaining in the above category
    3rd place: 1 Rust gold + remaining stone from the above category.
    Silver will be rewarded to all participants who manage to score more than 35% in the Judges grading in an ascending order from the last. Meaning person who scored least, will get one silver, second least 2 silver and so on and so forth.
    Motive of this quest is to spread awareness regarding the phenomenon and its prevalence in MD community. Lets see if we can tweak a few egos. If this essay goes well, I might conduct a debate in game too. Good luck.
  2. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mallos in Size of things   
    Random post I put together because I felt like it.
    Approximately 200 TrillionAtoms

    In one Human Cell.

    Approximately 100 trillion cells in the human body.
    That's 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms
    In one Human.

    About 7,189,174,000 Humans on the Earth.
    The number of Atoms at that rate is getting too big for this page. (Just would make it look awkward)
    So atoms are obviously very small. But so are we.
    The size of us compared to the earth is much too big for this page. (We wouldn't amount to a pixel)

    But what about Earth to Sun ratio? Something like:


    Although our star is a small star compared to others.

    The only thing bigger is the distance between them.

    Our solar system:

    To next star:

    Our galaxy:

    To nearest galaxies:

     Pretty big compared to us. But that's only a few galaxies.
     Estimated 100-400 billion stars (and the same amount of planets) in the Milky Way.

    There is nearly 10,000 galaxies in this image alone.
    Night sky equivalent of one-tenth the diameter of the full moon. (You can't see one star from this image by eye)
    There is an estimated 500 billion galaxies in the universe.
    20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars,100x less than atoms in your body. (atoms are tiny)

    The universe is estimated at 93 billion light years across.
    And that is just what we can see, not all of what may or may not be there.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in Stat damage   
    If you want to look at more specific information about the Summoned Army you can check out
    You can also view the stats of other NPCs int this way.
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Syrian in Stat damage   
    you can always log off instead of going idle
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Burns in Stat damage   
    The Summoned Army is created by a spell, and has stat damage by default. It's available in the Wish Shop. That's unrelated to Eon, or any other source of skill Damage, it's just the spell that did this. [dst beat me to it]
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    for the most part, yes for those lands without alliances. but if you look at that its jail and lab if memory serves
  7. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Miq in Find the hidden number   
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    Yes, its even possible for lands without alliances, such as the Labyrinth.
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    Generally being a reward for doing good work relating to it or good work in general. Could be a QMR, council, mur, coder reward. Essentially anyone who has the power to give it, could theoretically.
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to No one in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    Thank you for the reply.
    On the other hand this is my personal opinion :
    I am against this kind of "discrimination".
    I guess that if those are the only ways, then some lands can be considered, at least at times, closed for new members.
  11. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to No one in Alliance / Land affiliation   
     it is really lots of sarcasm in this topic or is just me ?
    @Chewett: please point out a few examples.
    I noticed that everything tends, to become a spoiler. Lets break this "becoming habit".
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    There are other means of attaining land citizenship for the non main lands.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    Its worth pointing out that this is not possible for all lands. The four main lands allow it, I believe no other land does (not certain though)
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    Also when you want to join a land via voting, try to make a forum post so that the citizens know it. Doing this will highly increase your change of getting in the land. Just write who your character is and why joined the land, and you should be fine. But try to find a forum topic about this matter of that land, since some lands have already some form of application? (Not sure about this, but checking things shouldn't harm anyone.)
    Another great tip is to actually talk to the citizens of the land that you want to join, so that they could ask you question. (the question part could also be done on your forum topic.)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ary Endleg in Alliance / Land affiliation   
    i saw that you can walk up to a capital and initiate petition to get accepted into that land as citizen, so if other citizens vote for you, you are part of that land, you can also see on forum that summer breeze is in process of joining loreroot in this way
  16. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in The Mirror   
    note: regarding uour comments to the deleted posts. i read them both. Show of force 3 will be mqde public next.

    The Mirror

    Thoughts too shattered to rhyme
    to find their path in such short time
    I'll tell them in my own rhythm
    in a poetry without its poem

    Excuse the clues i left behind
    The riddles that i missed to bind 
    These are things one of a kind
    That only some will seek to find

    So here it goes..

    Once upon no time...
    There was a guardian of time, not a being of some sort, or a monster in a fort, nor a wonder chest but an object at its best.
    This guardian that i tell, was just a mirror on no wall. It was so perfect that it had, only itself and all its pride, nothing to fear nor flaws to hide.
    So I was saying..
    it mirrored all and trapped their imperfections, gave them back just empty reflections. It swallowed all that passed in front, be it object life or be it void, like a dark sun that has died, it gave them back just empty light, nothing escaped whatever they tried.
    This perfect mirror trapped it all, nothing around to see anymore. It was alone and lost, like a body without its ghost, no reflections left to tell if anything was left at all. No time has passed since then at all, since time was guarded most of all.
    The things it trapped tried to escape. They tried to show the mirror feelings, reason, beauty, but the mirror had no ears, no fears to fear, nor eyes to look, at the reflections that it took. 

    A giant eye to see it all, and so it did, it saw it all. It stood alone, alone and blind, trying to remember what was there once to find. It slowly turned into terrible horror, the idea that there might actually be not even the mirror. It looked around but there was nothing. just pure perfection without expression.

    It might have gone a second or a million years untill it happend, no history to write if no time to bend, to start or to end, but at some moment the mirror decided it had no purpose since it blinded. It gave up existing, forgot about the trapped time she was guarding and in all her sadness and furry became to doubt, it lost faith in its own mirrorish clarity, it became blurry. Time was waiting, its what it does. It found a tiny fraction of itself, so small that it couldn't even be considered time at all. It sent it out on a mission, to cause havok and destruction, to cause a crack, an imperfection, and so it did at times suggestion. 

    When the mirror realised its first flaw, it had the proof was waiting for, to give it up, to end it all. More longer moments followed soon, time released its many faces, shattered all in an infinity of pieces. Time was cruel and did not forget, the "time" it lost in its imprisonment. It took the mirror shards so far away, that some forgot what they once were, time escaped, ran fast, very angry and still runs faster day by day. 

    Within its dieing moments, the mirror saw the reflections in each of its shards. Like lonely lost eyes of what was once a great power, they filled the world they once devoured.  With their now flawed and shattered view, they took a humble look of what was for them now new.  It started for the first time to see itlself, not in whole, but in puzzles of it all. 

    The mirrors wish was now fulfilled, to see the things it only dreamed, to see the reflection of its own face, at least small views of its power, infinity and grace. It now was sure she actually existed. It took to die to see it was alive, It took a flaw for perfection to arrive. It took to lose its purpose, no more prisoner, to achieve something new, we call it now freedom in our view. It lost however something  dear, replaced oneness with a fear. Scattered and lost, forever doomed by the curse time cast, it fears to forget, each and every piece that still reflect. So each eye keeps looking, searching, trying, digging deep in reality to see and remember what it means to BE.    

    And so my story ends, almost..
    What happend next? try to connect yourself the dots. They danced and danced two by two, just enough the first sees the other too. Paired together but still not united, they float in time, forever divided. Peaking at reflections to see others imperfections, to find their pair, they search their match with utmost despair. 

    Its said that once a shard finds its partner, they both forget their initial purpose forever. You wonder why? Its very simple, just face two mirrors at eachother, to see the two already found, what other shards still look around. What could it be, two hide in two shards of infinity? 

    It is there all, for them to see, to leave this world and find their own infinity. They will keep time away, find the greatness they once were, seeing all untill theire nothing there. They will do the same again, mirroring their past, recreate eternity untill one cracks. Time will escape, will run away, its a future action it already did, shards can't foresee this amazing deed. The two shards unite, becoming one, stepping the steps of the first one gone. 
    Unavoidably they'll fall apart, shattered shards in a dead sun, launching time in its long run. Never ends and never will, time runs fast while shards stand still. They are always doomed to fail, plutting time back in its jail, shards can never be so fast to stop the future cause its past. 

    Now I'll rest to think it all, rest my back to a strong wall. 
    There are some reasons still left to hunt, my feeling deep inside my heart...what if the mirror that once were was nothing else but too a pair.

    Some say its us that shards are now, .. I say why not rocks, or socks or planks, or the multitude of plants, why not.. afterall their're all, just fractions of the whole.
    They see it too, and share it all, 
    rebuilding universe before the fall.
    From smallest grain to biggest star
    Everything still roots that far..

    .... PART 2 .....

    The Empty Wall

    I stand in front an empty wall
    And wonder what would happen
    To have there hanging all alone
    The mirror that once shattered

    An unborn world within a world
    Cruel chaser of all imperfection
    A chest of secrets never told
    No shards of incomplete reflection 

    I stay there staring at the void
    And demons start to whisper
    I close my eyes and lose my mind
    As letters start to glitter

    Its written there on empty wall
    Where mirrors never see
    These things now keep to crawl
    Beyond the reasoning in me

    I see whispers turn to shapes
    To symbols never seen before
    I see my image how it fades  
    It is the price if you explore

    To help my mind to stay on track
    I'd give the mirror its own wall 
    A place to hide its unseen back
    Somewhere to hang so it won't fall

    I'd take its time and let it go
    To free the mirror of its burden
    If it casts its entropy on me
    My fate will become certain.

    My dreams begin to end i see
    But something feels not right
    The demons I no longer see
    Perhaps I won the fight..

    I see a stranger staring shocked
    I feel a wall behind my back
    Unseen something keeps me locked
    I can't believe I see a crack


    The story continues so does its relation to my character and md realm, but for now enjoy what it is.  

  17. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Objection to topic content   
    We wont be removing it. I will post more in the morning if you dont understand the reasoning, but in short terms its not offensive becuase its in no way supporting the regime of Nazi Germany. It happened, it was bad, trying to ban history is bad.
  18. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Intrigue in Quest: Find the One   
    That makes a whole lot more sense, thanks for going into detail.
  19. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Quest: Find the One   
    What do you mean by :"if you take the fourth stage, it can either lower or raise your overall rating from the stage 1 ,2 and 3"?
  20. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Quest: Find the One   
    Ok. I understand now. Thank you.
  21. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Objection to topic content   
    When I was browsing through topics in Tribunal section of the Forum, I encountered topic called "Land logo" http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10201-land-logo/ started by Mur. I noticed that there was attached Nazi symbol as a example of land logo shape connected with "noble supremacy". I will not comment that thoughts but:  there shouldn't be posted any symbols which signifies Nazism or any other ideology. I insist to remove it.
    As the forum rules point:
    Do not Post content or links to Pornographic, Politically extremist, Offensive, Degrading, or illegal sites. 
  22. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Objection to topic content   
    When I was browsing through topics in Tribunal section of the Forum, I encountered topic called "Land logo" http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10201-land-logo/ started by Mur. I noticed that there was attached Nazi symbol as a example of land logo shape connected with "noble supremacy". I will not comment that thoughts but:  there shouldn't be posted any symbols which signifies Nazism or any other ideology. I insist to remove it.
    As the forum rules point:
    Do not Post content or links to Pornographic, Politically extremist, Offensive, Degrading, or illegal sites. 
  23. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Chewett in Objection to topic content   
    When I was browsing through topics in Tribunal section of the Forum, I encountered topic called "Land logo" http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10201-land-logo/ started by Mur. I noticed that there was attached Nazi symbol as a example of land logo shape connected with "noble supremacy". I will not comment that thoughts but:  there shouldn't be posted any symbols which signifies Nazism or any other ideology. I insist to remove it.
    As the forum rules point:
    Do not Post content or links to Pornographic, Politically extremist, Offensive, Degrading, or illegal sites. 
  24. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Objection to topic content   
    You're insane. Mur posted that to emphasis  an idea.Shall I protest if I see somewhere posted 666 for example because I am a Christian and that's the number of the beast? Really? Have we gotten that far that we cannot see the forest because of the trees?
  25. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Ingame PM, forum PM, or either?
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