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Everything posted by dst

  1. This is no bug. It's normal behavior. You lose xp when you are attacked/attack trees that do regen.
  2. It's abuse. But this is not the question. The question is: what can you do about it? How can you solve the issue? Because personally I don't see a valid solution. NOBODY will check all logs to see who got what and such. Not to mention that if the logs would be all checked and a punishment would be applied ALL of MD players would be find guilty.
  3. So basically you have to be in to get the info. That is not fair. I am a person who likes to know all the data BEFORE starting something. If it's too hard for you or you simply don't want to then don't blame me for questioning your fairness.
  4. So what? If I did not participate I am not entitled to ask for the logs? Don't worry, I am not going to steal your bright idea. I want the logs for transparency. And instead of dissolving my suspicions you just made them worst. So until I am not sure how "fair" your quest is I will not try it. Be happy! You got rid of dst!
  5. You met the requirements. There were 2 issues:"bad" forum that doesn't show when when new pics are uploaded and lazy mods who did not check for new albums. Buuut...now the problem is solved. Everyone should be able to see your pictures.
  6. Redundant topic. Use the one Burnsy opened. Closed.
  7. I can confirm this. I got the same. But...me lazy to report. Thanks Chewy
  8. Moved the topic to the appropriated place. @Goldfinger: are you happy with the answers? May I close it?
  9. Could you please post also the logs for the race?
  10. Closed until we find a solution for not posting too many spoilers.
  11. There are no books left . Adio! Auf wiedersehen! Good bye!
  12. dst

    Stop Ggg

    Phantasm, weren't some of your GGG men saying that they used GGG ONLY for training crits? Do you get my point here? If not, I can draw it for you .
  13. Now... [color="#FF0000"]CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE 1 (ONE) TOPIC FOR THIS QUEST AND NOT 5?[/color] Tomorrow I will merge all topics opened on the same subject. Thank you. dst
  14. Happy B-day! Strange...you have the same b-day and you turn the same age as one of my friends
  15. dst

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Poppitz Resurrection' date='04 June 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1275682189' post='61032'] Aahhh..I already know this kind of thing will come, no comment as i already put a clear statement above, btw this is a Public embarassment for u the honourable dst since u're MP5 and surely dont have any related thing with MP3 and MP4 training, Forcing? Then try it and u'll experiencing the court one more time and end up in jail.. [/quote] Threatening me Poppitz? I really hope you have more brains then that. Yes, forcing. I can do it and be sure I will do it! And you can't stop me if I want to do it. Deal with it! GGG is BAD CAUSE of the mp3s and mp4s TRAINING there. mp3 and mp4 are LEARNING stages NOT grinding ones.
  16. dst

    Stop Ggg

    Want a counter Poppitz? Easy: we can force mp3s and mp4s to move up. Especially the fighters. So see? It's not that safe unfortunately...
  17. dst

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='MRHoly One' date='04 June 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1275677863' post='61018'] I don't attack because I'm respecting the rules and other players. I want it open because I like the training. [/quote] So...let me understand:you don't care about GGG but you care about people. How is that? Cause GGG IS people. Without people it would be the same as <Insert scene name here so you'll not say I am not a democratic person >
  18. dst

    Stop Ggg

    You have ways of punishing them. Why don't you use them? And what you say it's true (you don't care about GGG) why are you arguing? (and the reason you gave me is not valid...enough).
  19. dst

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='MRHoly One' date='04 June 2010 - 09:10 PM' timestamp='1275675018' post='61008'] I just can't stand the outright and blatant disregard for other players that is going on ATM. [/quote] What blatant disregard? Just because I do not agree with something does that make me disrespectful? You really lost me here...
  20. dst

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='MRHoly One' date='04 June 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1275673797' post='61004'] Like i stated earlier, my 2 year old does this say exact thing: kicks and screams, cries, does everything in his power to may everyone else around him uncomfortable until we cave in and give him his way. [/quote] And I bet that in 90% of cases you do cave in. Anyway question is: what do you prefer? Screaming and yelling or the silent "breaking" stuff? Cause I can do both. And trust me:if I do the silent breaking...nobody will know it was me. And I am not bragging.
  21. dst

    Stop Ggg

    Bah! You really don't get it, don't you? The thread was made so we could discuss things. Not to whine, not to cry , not to nothing (yeah..bad grammar ). Tell me phantasm, what will you do if all the players mentioned in your post+me come to GGG and attack everyone? You send us to GoC, right? What happens when we return? You do the same. What happens when you run out of casts on your object? For this I have no answer. And I bet you have none also. You want a solution? I already gave you one. Break GGG. Split it. Funny stuff:me Indyra AND Ailith are the only women that posted here LE:*sits in the corner of shame for forgetting about Ailith*
  22. dst

    Stop Ggg

    Ok. So we do a poll. Who will vote? The mp3s? mp4s? Ok. So we do a poll. You win and GGG stays. How will you protect it? Ok. So we do a poll. I win and GGG is closed. Can you guarantee there will not start a new GGG? You really don't get it. If I or No one wanted to destroy the GGG we would have not started the thread. You simply can't stop us from doing it if we would want to. But if we were to do it then you'll scream and yell that we are being unreasonable. Yes, it is a community project. That's why it's even harder to maintain it. We, as a community should be dealing with the problem. But no! You run to Mur and ask for his support. Typical!
  23. dst

    Stop Ggg

    You think that's GGG style? Let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. Actually it is not a story but a fact: Willow shop was full of players with 1 crit defenses (mostly Santa) or other non-dying crit. Or random (the lazy ones like Glaistig for example). So what you say there has happened quite some time ago. Until some things got changed. All you'll manage to do is inventing hot water. But to be honest, it doesn't bother me at all. As long as I don't see the current GGG "system".
  24. dst

    Stop Ggg

    MRHO, you can say my name. I am not afraid. [u]I was the one who accused MRD of abusing his spells.[/u] Cause he send me and others to GG without reason. We were TALKING about destroying GGG. MRD sent us there even if we did nothing. Since when is talking not allowed in MD? Huh? Last time I checked we had chats and all sorts of communication ways. I am not responsible for others' actions. Everyone is free to do whatever they want. With one condition though: [b][u]to be brave enough to support the consequences. [/u][/b] As for Lightsage's behavior hmm...I could give you the answer I received from one of a kings when I complained at one point about Princ: he's a child. He has no idea what he's doing . LS is a child. He knows what he's doing but he is willing to support the consequences. A thing that few players in MD do. I will not encourage nor stop anyone from tempering with GGG. As I said in a previous post: I have my reasons for not attacking players in there and for the moment I will continue like this. GGG is a community started project. It's not Mur's job to interfere. He already did enough for it, don't you think? ps: I have the chat log from yesterday at GOE when we were talking. Also I have some nice print screens of MRD sending us to GG. I want to see proofs of ME attacking players in GGG prior to last night.
  25. dst

    Stop Ggg

    That's the point: have multiple training grounds if you wish. Because they will have to survive on their own. No special powers, no special items, no screaming, no yelling. If you are good enough to find a place where nobody can find you and you train there then congratz! But I kind of doubt you'll be able to. I ask for one thing:be able to attack anyone whenever I want (yeah, I hate Sanctuaries also but at least you have total restriction there). The same way as RP-ers are allowed to RP everywhere (they even had extended privileges due to Cutler's AP ) why should fighters be restricted? Want a solution? Don't close GGG: break it
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