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Everything posted by dst

  1. History. Moved to Marind Bell history section.
  2. dst

    CrAzY profiles

    Nice. But old . Closed. No idea where to put it though...
  3. I suck at drawing (even with paintbrush I cannot draw a straight line) but I'm a master of finding things So here it is: my image of Khal. When I first saw it I could not believe it:it was a perfect match
  4. Romania is...GMT+2 plus daylight saving time (like the server time ) In short GMT+3 for another month I think...
  5. Bunny soup, bunny soup! Shall I give you my address where you can send the rabbits?
  6. Uncertainty principle The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa. --Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927 Uncertainty principle: A principle of quantum mechanics (q.v.), according to which complete quantitative measurement of certain states and processes in terms of the usual space-time coordinates is impossible. Macroscopically negligible, the effect becomes of importance on the electronic scale. In particular, if simultaneous measurements of the position and the momentum of an electron are pressed beyond a certain degree of accuracy, it becomes impossible to increase the accuracy of either measurement except at the expense of a decrease in the accuracy of the other more exactly, if a is the uncertainty of the measurement of one of the coordinates of position of the electron and b is the uncertainty of the measurement of the corresponding component of momentum, the product ab (on principle) cannot be less than a certain constant h (namely Planck's constant, q.v.). On the basis that quantities in principle unobservable are not to be considered physically real, it is therefore held by quantum theorists that simultaneous ascription of an exact position and an exact momentum to an electron is memingless. This has been thought to have a bearing on, or to limit or modify the principle of determinism in physics. Uncertainty is a fact of life. Uncertainty arises because of many reasons - incomplete knowledge about the reality, complexity, our limitation to predict future events, unforeseen major events etc. Uncertainty surrounds every creature,every rock, every drop of rain, every spark of fire, it governs every single life, every single thread of dust, every single star,moon, sun. The more the uncertainty the higher the risks .The higher the risks the bigger the reward. Or not.Because it's uncertainty. Uncertainty can be reduce by knowledge. Knowledge is power. Uncertainty is the thing that motivates one person or hinders the same person. It's one of the most powerful principles because it's a mixture of luck and knowledge. In short it suggests that nobody shall never really know what is going on in the universe, much less control it. It asks the ear to bend to uncertainty, to negotiate with chance, not defiantly but with wit, grace and invention."
  7. What no?
  8. dst

    Again PWR

    Opened for a late player (this is the last time I do this) Morquor Title: High Priest of Savelfuser Description: Once a Daemon, now a being purified by feelings such as love and respect. Leader of the Savelite Church, Worshipper of Savelfuser. I hope to serve my master and his alliance with creating a strong cohesive team and to make Master Savelfuser emerge from the ranks of Protectors to our new God. (Maybe a demigod, since Mur is the God... :S) Wishes: points in Briskness skill, so i may grant more Faith (Heat) to my Master, maybe a spell i can aid the Worshippers (such as attack boost or heal).
  9. Edit that thing so it will not stretch the page, please. And also:No no no! No hail Bunny! Nor Ave! Nor...anything....
  10. Send me what you need and I will update the post.
  11. Yeah...I know. It should be fun...
  12. I know that. But it was because of a festival. But oh well...since the MRs are able to go...why not you.
  13. Ok. It is a puzzle.Sort of. But since you are not able to access Golemus why should you bother? This is some sort of teleporter. There will be many implemented.
  14. Oh that...That's not a puzzle. Or at least it's not done yet. I think...
  15. PM me the new current setup for the alliance and I will modify Shadow's first topic since it's outdated.
  16. Puzzle? What puzzle? OMG! I was gone for 2 days and the world has gone mad!
  17. Q&A. Growing every day...
  18. History again. Maybe MDA history documents? Since it has to do with the naming of some places? I guess so...
  19. Sort of Q&A. At least at the beginning.
  20. I agree with Smarty. The surprise factor is much more fun.And there are ways to see how much VE a player has. But that's another story...
  21. Hmmm..so we have 3 topics with *cough girls cough*? Where? Where? I need to delete them or at least make them visible for the initiated ones
  22. Q&A with an adjustment: alliances ARE implemented right now.
  23. Q&A stuff.
  24. Q&A again. Of course with the lock on it.
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