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Everything posted by dst

    1. Nimrodel
    2. The MoM

      The MoM

      would take me a whole hour to watch with my connection speed >.>

  1. Bunny...your festival comes too soon after the other one. People are tired... How about you postpone it a bit?
  2. [quote name='The MoM' timestamp='1344173100' post='119311'] Awi's indefinite period of inactivity Sagewomen, gone Eon, no longer HBC Master [/quote] It is called player's lifecycle. You can't expect someone to be here forevere. Players come and players go. Some make an inpact some go unnoticed. Besides, don't forget it's summer. Summer is by definition a dead period for games from all points of view and aspects.
  3. dst


    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1343824514' post='118877'] So, in other words, no meaningful reason. Better now? [/quote] Pipstickz, my job cannot be posted on the forum and I cannot form "official" reports for general MD population. I suggest you read the description of my ally from the Ann and maybe then you'll understand. Maybe then you'll understand why this ally has so few members as well. Or maybe not...because I don't expect you (personally) to actually understand when you're blinded by hatred. And this is my last post to this thread. The ones that have eyes to see will see. The ones that have ears to hear will hear. The rest...well..I don't care . Enjoy the summer!
  4. dst


    [color=#daa520]-Remind me why dst needs an alliance?"[/color] So you can eat your heart out.
  5. I don't care what you think of me, because it can't be half as bad as what I think of you.

  6. Konfushus Kitteh sez: Goggie dat run in front of car get tired. Googie dat run behind car get exhausted. Either way, googie stoopid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jubaris
    3. Maebius


      Disapproving Rabbit just roller eyes and frowns, at the silly other pets and their hyoomans.

    4. Pipstickz


      Authoritative Human corrects all grammar and spelling mistakes, and punishes all animals because they never seem to learn through any other means.

  7. Happy B-day Greedo!!!
  8. That's more of a fancy snob guy's clock rather than a rogue's one.
  9. So...today while dispering the stench at GOE and keeping the Wookie company our great Forum Admin & Master over all Mods told me this: "if you can't left join, you're no friend of mine"! (don't ask about the context). I realized that we know how to befriend a fossile but o unfriend it... So, let me make a list (small one cause that might be updated if i remember more) of how o unfriend some of the fossils: Chewett: -don't know how to make a left join -insult tea badly -tell him George Lucas is releasing a new Star Wars and viewers have chosen that wookie dies in the end - and you of course voted for that ending -tell him you can code prettier than him -make a topic like this one Greedo: -tell him the Wookie is sexier than him -tell him you have more GCs and SCs and rare crits than him -SHOW him that you have more GCs and SCs and rare crits -tell him Jonn was sexier Burns: -tell him the princess he has rescued has a shameful disease -tell him the white steed he's riding is a mule -tell him that sporks are the most awesome things in the world -tell him he's sexier than Greedo Z: Hmm..tricky...I don't think this guy can be unfriended....once you have him as friend he sticks to you as scabies! Shadowseeker: -tell him you found the meaning of life -tell him Mur was really impressed by your color choice for your rubber ducky -tell him Greedo is sexier Amoran: -tell her: dst said <insert whatever in here> about you Mya: -tell her tree loving is forbidden in most countries -tell her sugar and spice and everythign nice is already taken by the powerpuff girls -tell her Firs is back Rhaegar: -tell him Firs is sexier -tell him Greedo is sexier
  10. dst

    Music Thread

    Bah! Music for intelectuals! Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcC3BKOAjSM Shake some things!
  11. [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1339672703' post='114722'] I just wanted to know if this was possible. [/quote] No, it is not.
  12. @Amoran: since you deleted my reply I will reply you here: You are NOT THAT important, you know?

  13. Of course you do maebius since you have an alt in another ally. You'd not cut the branch you're sitting on, would you?
  14. Total different players IS above 2 (it's 3).
  15. No.
  16. My own alts are not counted for the 3 members rule (read the rule again). I should have said: I will remove the ALT and not altS. LE: also it doesn't matter that the 3rd memeber is an alt. There are tons of alts in different alliances without nay issues.
  17. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1339109449' post='114021'] Shattered Illusions: (Ann. 895)"Its role is to centralise people that have particulary high achievements in understanding and documenting exploits", three of the accounts in the alliance belong to dst, another is somebody else's alt, and the last member is Rex. The fact that the majority of the members are alts says quite enough. [/quote] To get an answer you should deserve it. You don't! But since I am in a good mood today I will answer to you. No one and Liberty are also part of SI but currently they are loyalty who*cough* gathering loyalty for Tribunal. No One will probably be home pretty soon. Lib...when he'll have enough loyalty. I have alts because of the 3 people stupid rule. Remove the rule, I remove the alts. And now to the goal of my alliance: "ts role is to centralise people that have particulary high achievements in understanding and documenting exploits" . I dare you to show me that I am NOT doing my job (or Rex for example or No one or Liberty). Once you bring proofs, we'll discuss. Until then shut it. You lost. Get over it. Have a nice day!
  18. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1337772591' post='112676'] soo, do these rules about restricted areas also apply to Eon? Since hes currently going to win the BHC, and his ghost is all over TB, Eon doesn't have to apply himself to the rules?? [/quote] From the first post: [quote]In this BHC fighters will battle all throughout the realm, excluding locations like path keeper, Fields of Fear, Inside the GG mountain, and any other area that isn't normally accessible. I'll allow WP locations.[/quote]
  19. Ummm..you can't do that. Once you submit an avatar it becomes MD property.
  20. I am happy to see that most of the players have come to their senses: skill damage is what it is and should not be removed because "MD is losing players because of it". During the years I have heared this line from lots of players and for lots of reasons (hell! even I was accused I drive players off) but the common ground was pure selfishness. Let's be honest: 98% of the MD players don't care about others or the game. They only see their own interest. In your case, Spartiatis, Eon's skill damage is "preventing" you from fighting the way you want (amount, frequency, etc). You have the tools, you have the numbers, you should be fine without removing something that was GAINED FAIR and SQUARE.
  21. No more bids from me. I'm out.
  22. Then maybe you can tell me how much do you "value" my drach so I will know if I still want to bid or not.
  23. 1 gg drach
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