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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Snowmen indeed are not shop creatures, they get released as gifts every so often currently
  2. I would like to document spells (already did a chunk of them a couple years back) - I believe I have enough spells to qualify for this.
  3. Please note that I haven't forgotten about this. Many (too many) apologies for the delay, things got in the way my end. It will be going live tomorrow, and obviously the end of voting will be adjusted accordingly. Apologies again.
  4. [color=purple]Moved to market debate[/color]
  5. Grido
  6. Grido

    New shop branch

    If a reset principles thing was put in, I'd lean more towards it going into Wish Shop, rather than paid, just feel it would fit better there. I quite like the idea of mystery boxes, I wouldn't have them based on principles though, I'd have them fairly random, like some of the Christmas presents are - sometimes you get something awesome, sometimes something you feel is no value to you. Pot luck. Maybe different stacks of boxes that provide for different areas? Like one stack that gives principle amounts, another for stats, a third for temp AP, etc?
  7. "Using mobile phone" ? That may be a key part of why you're throwing errors... Still getting them? "after the tags changes and activate" So you were trying to activate a tag from the tag interface?
  8. Last I remember with the LHO tags, you wouldn't get one if you already had an "actual" tag, so in theory there should be no related issues with that.. As for dual tags, I've never had it as one in game, but I figure me having "King of Golemus Golemicarum" would be appropriate (Grido, ID:7251)
  9. I am still looking to get a conclusion to the discussion regarding min and max for each category. If no consensus has been reached by Saturday at 1200, the decision will fall to the organisers (Ailith, dst, and myself), and I'd rather the public made the decision on it.
  10. No such verdict has been reached on the other thread, and if it came to removing nominations with large amounts, I would recount everything anyway, even if I'd already listed. Ary, to clarify, do you mean the player 'Johnny' or the 'John Smith' who has already been nominated?
  11. I missed many of Myth's duplicates, the ones I missed had already been nominated, no point putting them down again. Now looking for Serenity snow's creation date. Also still hoping for some more Techie nominations :) Updated all above
  12. Updated all above. Please direct your thoughts towards the Helper, Rookie and Techie awards which currently have only two nominees each. (Not saying you can't add names to the others, just those are lowest)
  13. John Smith is not on the vets list, so is ineligible for the fossil award. Wasn't thinking when I put her in, removed. Updated all above this post.
  14. I can't ask people in my duty to find it out? If I didn't ask anyone that would make discovery on the high end of difficulty.
  15. First post updated with nominees so far. With Rookie award, please provide acc creation dates where possible.
  16. And so the nominations begin. - If a minimum or maximum amount of nominees per category is to be had, is currently undecided. - You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). "This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too". If you note nominations slipping through this, please let an organiser know. - There is no restriction on past winners being nominated. - You may only nominate one person per category. If you nominate multiple people, none will be added. - You may not nominate yourself, or another account you play. - No editing posts in the nomination thread - purely because I'll potentially get confused. Categories: Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. - Azrafar (lash) - Asthir (DD) - AmberRune (rophs) - TheRichMerchant (Amber) Best Beautification Given for the highest quality of artistic contributions given to beautify the realm, be it personification of papers, contribution to avatar gallery, or item depiction. - gonzalocsdf (DD) - Yasrin Luvien (lash) - Neno Veliki (EE) - Assira the Black (rophs) - John Smith (chewett) - Darkraptor (Ary) Champion Fighter For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect. - darkraptor (lash,EE) - Ary Endleg (rophs) - Eon (Ary) - Neno Veliki (Ailith) - Tal (Amber) Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. - No one (lash) - AmberRune (rophs) - Kyphis (Ailith) - Burns (Ary) - Menhir (Amber) Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. - Eagle Eye (rophs) - Lania (Myth) - Syrian (powle) - Krioni (Witty) - Samon (lania) Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. - John Smith (chewett) - Chewett (Ary) - Ary Endleg (Ailith) - Rophs (Amber) - Lania (Myth) - Dark Demon (lania) Most Popular Given to that most charismatic player who has attracted the largest and most consistent following. Not to be given to the most powerful or prestigious member of the realm, but rather the most well-loved. - Awiiya (rophs) - Dark Demon (Ary) - Lania (Ailith) - Syrian (Eon) Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. - Kyphis (EE) - Chewett (lash,DD) - Eagle Eye (rophs) Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. - Assira the Black (DD) - Eon (rophs) - John Smith (chewett) - Eara Meraia (Ailith) - Rophs (Ary) - Aeoshattr (Myth) - Intrigue (Witty) - Lintara (lania) Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. - Princ Rhaegar (Books and Libraries) (lash) - samon ( ) (rophs) - Tipu (Meme) (Amber) - Eara (Transposition) (Myth) - Rophs (rickroll) (powle) - Lania (poetry) (Aeo) Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2013 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree. - WittyLeWat (DD) (28.08.2014) - Azrafar (Ailith) (14.09.2014) - Serenity snow (powle) (dd.mm.yyyy) Top Techie For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script. - darkraptor (EE,lash) - John Smith (chewett) - Johnny (Ary) Schedule for the process is as follows; Sun 16th November - Discussion thread opens Sun 23rd November - Categories thread opens Sun 30th November - Cats closes, Nominations open Sun 7th December - Nominations close Wed 10th December - Voting opens Sun 21st December - Voting closes Sun 28th December - Proposed Award Ceremony date
  17. Any last comments regarding min/max nominees? The nomination thread will be going live at some point in the next 24h, so would be good to get a consensus prior to that I will try to leave opening it until such a consensus is reached, to a certain extent the decision can be delayed until nearing the end of the nomination thread, but obviously sooner the better :) I will try to avoid being involved in the decision of it, aside from just now re-highlighting the original reasons for the implementation of them - Min so that it's not an auto-win, and Max so that the votes don't get spread too thinly.
  18. I just remembered the max was put into place so as not to potentially spread the votes thinly across many individuals, and increase the chances of a tie vote. Aside from the min/max thing with varied statements (granted half mine), there appears to be no contestation with the comments so far, will edit them into the original post.
  19. With regard to min/max nominees, my personal opinion would be it would be pointless having a category with only the one nominee, for instance. I believe there should be a minimum of some sort.
  20. If people want and agree to the change, the change will happen, it is irrelevant that I am in charge of the LHO because it is not my decision to implement the change, it is the public's. Also, I am confident that if either of the other two people running the awards (Ailith and dst) felt I was being biased towards any particular group or persons it would get noted by them, if not by the greater community.
  21. [color=purple]With all rules if the public wishes to change them, gather support (2 or more, more in favour than against) and the rules will change. (Including that which you asked for a public response on) 11 days wasn't arbitrary, it was the amount of time from the opening to a week on Sunday afterwards, two full weekends within that time. [/color]
  22. So am I to take it from lack of posts that everyone is perfectly happy with all the above categories, and they neither want to add or remove any of them?
  23. Here we'll discuss the various categories for this year's awards. Copied over from last year, below is the list of previous categories to add, remove and change as consensus dictates. I will strike out any that are decided to be removed from the list. New categories are also encouraged, and will get added to the list if there's no/negligible objections to it and multiple people want it included. This is the purpose of the thread, to come up with a final list of categories, remove and add as you decide, I'll just edit the list every so often. Categories: Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. Best Beautification Given for the highest quality of artistic contributions given to beautify the realm, be it personification of papers, contribution to avatar gallery, or item depiction. Champion Fighter For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect. Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. Most Popular Given to that most charismatic player who has attracted the largest and most consistent following. Not to be given to the most powerful or prestigious member of the realm, but rather the most well-loved. Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2013 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree. Top Techie For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script. If you feel any of the descriptions need updating or otherwise changing, please say so here as well. If you are good at art, and fancy helping out with something for this, PLEASE contact me regarding, I'll try to compensate you for your time and effort. Schedule for the process is as follows; Sun 16th November - Discussion thread opens Sun 23rd Tues 25th November - Categories thread opens Sun 30th November - Cats closes, Nominations open Sun 7th December - Nominations close Wed 10th December - Voting opens Sun 21st December - Voting closes Sun 28th December - Proposed Award Ceremony date All previous MD Award threads can be found via the topic-tagging system under "MD Awards" if you don't know how to get to that, look just below the title of the thread and click on the words below the Started by.. line.
  24. There's also the nice report button at the bottom right of each post where you can point it out to us mods, we miss it sometimes.
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