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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Once upon a time there was a game I believe called Kings or something which if memory serves Mur helped out on/completely made/generally had something to do with. There was an ad for this lil place on it, I clicked, I played, I was free. And the rest, as they say, is history.
  2. Petty Dodd, I believe had already gone and spoken to at least a few members of Bell, Granite however essentially said, "come to me, this is where I am, because you need to put the effort in, not me" which isn't an appropriate way of trying to integrate yourself into a land and is also a basis for many of the comments that you say make lr people look bad. I can't speak for lr, but I can speak for golemus (I shouldn't imagine this varies much though) with regard to new players being allowed in, I know if someone will get on with the current citizens, because they've already started doing so. If a player has made no efforts to interact with the current citizens, I am very unlikely to vote in favour of their application.
  3. To be clear, this isn't at Fang/Granite, purely in response to BT's post. Just wanting to be a part of a land is not the point, the person has to work within that family. You're not going to invite a person to join a land that's diametrically opposed to what the land is, just because they want to join. Or if someone is in jail, you're not going to open the gate and let them out a week into their sentence just because they really want out, because they quite probably wouldn't work/fit within the wider world (until they're reformed/such). A land is more than just the trees, buildings, and paths around, the people within it make up the land as well, and you can't have one without the other. In a land where everyone likes the landscape, but nobody gets on with each other, nothing would ever happen other than in-house fighting.
  4. I'm glad we helped :p There's the Live Help button to the right of the game interface as well, if you have any more issues/questions
  5. after ~next~ sat? you mean 11th, or 18th?
  6. Friday is what I initially suggested.
  7. Because of the work I do at weekends, it can often vary what time I get home, so it would be best not to have it on the saturday, so as to guarantee someone of dst or myself will be there.
  8. Does Sunday work for people? Particularly aimed at Chew and Nim as they've posted, but also towards everyone else as well, obviously
  9. Ideally, yes, unfortunately it has been delayed this year. Any other comments from people about time and date?
  10. Objection noted. We were/are behind on timings, and so I wanted to expedite matters.
  11. As should be apparent, voting has now begun, apologies for the delay in this starting. It should be noted that the Fossil award is not present on the voting page. This is because of a combination of a low number of nominations (2, with a preset minimum of 3 needed) in addition to the fact that it had been in consideration from removal earlier on in this process by the public. There is another category which also had only 2 nominations, however it had not come under the same consideration for removal earlier on and so remained. The ceremony will take place in Sage Keep (as it has in previous years), does anyone have objection to it being on Friday 10th January? What time would suit people best?
  12. Grido


    Could've sworn I'd already fixed the loose/lose issue, but have just checked and will try to sort out this eve (looks like just that help doc with the error on it).
  13. I get money on 31st Jan, and would likely be unable to pay before that date. You able to wait till then for your present if I won an item?
  14. Anyone who says they need it, or other people need it, should probably give a reasoning behind it...
  15. Due to their request, Ary Endleg is removed from candidates for the Rookie award.
  16. Better question, why do you want a NML alliance?
  17. If I recall correctly, NML is not intended to ever have alliances as part of it. 'Everyone' having citizenship I believe to be a singular case that will likely never happen again.
  18. Rendril comment is a copy paste mistake from last year's thread and is no longer relevant. Any objections you have about rules, state, gain support for the change, and will be implemented
  19. The only reason people cannot be nominated (aside from previous fossil winners, and such listed in the exclusions) is if they opt out of the awards. Innocence has done so on previous years, going so far as to give back awards given. This shall be permanent or until a time when they publicly state that they would like to be involved again. Please keep the rest of this thread clean for nominations. Any queries you have please post here; http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15146-questions-on-md-awards-rules/ That includes any replies to statements made by either dst or myself.
  20. How many LHOs said yes > one > email bugs Ask inquisitor before emailing bugs
  21. Write them, they get agreed to, fairly sure I can add them all.
  22. It wouldn't be arbitrary, it would be based on what people suggest here, but not necessarily what everyone has agreed upon. Besides which that part is due to be copy pasting a lot of text and not reading it thoroughly. I'm also against the RoN/Null vote options. Just because certain awards don't exist this year, or haven't been up for a couple years, does not mean that they can't be brought back if people want them back. As for the reduction in the amount of categories, it's a reflection on the amount of active people in the realm, the more people there are, the more winners it's practical to have, and vice versa. As with anything here, if the public do not wish for this, it doesn't have to.
  23. Any objections from anyone with regard to removing Fossil and Protector awards?
  24. Just to say Fossil is already restricted from previous people winning it again. And this thread is purely to discuss what categories for the awards, not anything that might change a feature in the game.
  25. Here we'll discuss the various categories for this year's awards. Copied over from last year, below is the list of previous categories to add, remove and change as consensus dictates. I will strike out any that are decided to be removed from the list. New categories are also encouraged, and will get added to the list if there's no/negligible objections to it and multiple people want it included. This is the purpose of the thread, to come up with a final list of categories, remove and add as you decide, I'll just edit the list every so often. There's currently 13 categories, I would like to try to get it down to 10, if there's more than that when the thread closes then I'll reduce it to that number myself, so it's in your interests to keep that number down :) Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. Best Beautification Given for the highest quality of artistic contributions given to beautify the realm, be it personification of papers, contribution to avatar gallery, or item depiction. Champion Fighter For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect. Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. The Golden Protector For the player who is viewed as performing the best in the role of protector(MP6) during the past year. The player does not have to currently be a protector. The voter should take into account the actions of the other protectors in the realm, rather than automatically voting for their own. Best can mean how helpful the protector has been, to how effective they have been in recruiting worshippers, this is at the voters discretion. Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. This is open to any player, and is not restricted to LHOs. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary, but due to the original focus of the award being to LHOs, it would be implied that the award is based on peoples helpfulness towards newer players. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. Most Popular Given to that most charismatic player who has attracted the largest and most consistent following. Not to be given to the most powerful or prestigious member of the realm, but rather the most well-loved. Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2012 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree. Top Techie For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script. If you feel any of the descriptions need updating or otherwise changing, please say so here as well. If you are good at art, and fancy helping out with something for this, PLEASE contact me regarding, I'll try to compensate you for your time and effort. All previous MD Award threads can be found via the topic-tagging system under "MD Awards" if you don't know how to get to that, look just below the title of the thread and click on the words below the Started by.. line.
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