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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. @Rophs: in other words, nobody knows Anyway, the more I think, the more this event looks like that darn mass dreaming of PO
  2. old players too (would like to change their creatures). I think these events should be kept for those that subscribe to them and not to be forced on everybody ... especially when there is nothing beneficial in this AL for the rest of MD. As I see it, this is becoming a duplicate of PO's mass dream (to be read abuse).
  3. BigC doesn't need my help. MD is being shut down in the name of a "quest". @Nava: you should try to know be better. I don't demand. I don't request. I point out. If MD wants a new player pool, the game has to be opened. If MD wants to keep its current players ... it just needs to be playable. So, keep MD available or MD will wither faster. @Nava: if you like that thing called RP, fine, then you play that game. For me, maybe others too, RP is just junk. Thank you for the advice Nava I'll just say pass.
  4. Exactly my point. NOTHING happens.
  5. Consider this as a formal complaint against the AL "One Man, Many voices" organizers. True, AL should be possible and should impact the game play of others. So, considering that: altars are one of the top most important parts of MD directly blocking character improvements by getting/exchanging current creatures and by blocking the stats from the currently available creatures there has been no progress on this for a too long time in this AL 3 months already since last post the altars have been stopped for no reason - as there is no info in AL yet as for the altars to be blocked . in the AL timeline you could have added an action which would have blocked them, but this is not the case (as I see) I request : a symbolic punishment for the AL driver - regardless on which of the following actions will be taken restoration of the altars (until their blockage is really needed) and/or action on AL : stopping the AL and thus restoring the status of MD OR somebody else to take over the AL so that it would bring it to its end
  6. yes , as it is written on the altars : when your creatures are elevated enough (meaning higher level) you will get a bonus. So, 3rd lvl birds with no exp gives nothing.
  7. Considering that you can get the new principle from saccing crits ... nope, not a bug. Even with the full story you could end up in MP5 with less then 5 principles if that's what you wished for. Just ask for AL to end so you can choose your prize.
  8. I'm looking for a way to sac birds. I'm willing to trade any of the 20 birds with over 100age for being able to sac creatures. Mod Comment: Removed the tags from the topic, unrelated to market. ~B
  9. Unless smth changed, you could only get 5 glue for 500 resin. So 1 garbage is far too few. As for buying wiiya ... I think you know who to talk to.
  10. Hi, I have a scriptable item but when I click on the "open" it doesn't do/open anything. For reference, item id is 1092. It works only when opened like : https://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.rpcqdocread.php?rpcq=rpcqi_coinpouch&i=1092 For those who ask : The script work perfectly when opened like above with or without the location tag.
  11. Well .. I am respectful in all my posts ... or at least I try , but again you missed the point. It is not a matter of level of respect but of level of understanding. In other words : a matter of perspective, language and experience or (still respectful but a bit offensive as is in a childish wording) a matter of IQ. If one behaves like a child and (understands and) responds like a child ... there are only 2 case : either that person is a child or an almost senile old man ... the other option is an insult which we'll not consider it. As for the requested respect ... well ... respect needs to be earned ... or at least maintained.
  12. And when you've "noticed" that someone else was "elected" .. you thought that you "raised hand" first and you should have been picked first ? Are we at school ? Are you a child ? if so ... then you should behave and listen, if not ... you should know better.
  13. That is why I voted "yes" because it is useful "sometimes" and that "sometimes" is very useful. There are numerous complaints along the years about unfairness toward the little ones and how they can't chat because they are bullied (attacked on sight). Well ... that (little ppl smack down) is still a valid reason even if most of us got immune to attacks. So, comparing the constraint of 1-2 DoT per month vs the tranquility provided by the immunity ... I'd say that disbanding the DoT should not even be put under discussion.
  14. Exactly. I am glad you understand me.
  15. @Pipstickz, is there a point to your post ? Also, you have to remember that if one is recognized as a king, then he is a king and although you can call yourself "a king" ... without others recognizing that ... you are only king to yourself or a king's fool a.k.a. a jester. Be careful what you wish for.
  16. No one


    yeah, nice idea (sarcastic). Lets take this to extreme as "one crazy emperor would raise such tolls in each scene" . That would be fun. Or ... do block access to main roads which lead to shared items and ask for items produced by those shared items. That would be fun. I can't wait to ask for a polished diamond for you to enter LotE On the other hand ... there are also the MD keys that would allow you to enter certain locations. And ... if I am not mistaken, this sounds like closing up some parts of MD when I proposed smth dynamic just to bring ppl closer Mur said that he would not close parts of MD. Anyway, if he has smth to say ... he'll say it. As for experimenting there is always DD's labby. Nobody else cares about it so feel free.
  17. am I too late ? Coloured Joker (shop item) - 831651 : 1g 5sc Tree - 562441 : 9sc Coloured Tree (shop item) - 828472 : 3sc Coloured Tree (shop item) - 828471 : 3sc Coloured Tree (shop item) - 844483 : 3sc
  18. No's engraved ring id: 136283 Should be "No one's engraved ring" As for writing it sarcastic ... when you write it so, do expect to be responded in kind
  19. Yes, in my opinion these items should be created with full player name. I know that you don't really care of what I mind & care but don't have to be rude about it.
  20. Well ... seen or not, there are way too many tips. Quite often I get multiple tips ... meaning that once I close one tip I see another tip and then another and then another. So, why not add the tips to the normal information from triggerbox ? I mean to add it just below the normal information from that area. That way , nobody would mind closing them as the information they need is still present.
  21. Well ... examples are but just a few for the moment as we're few and thus few are impacted ... meaning those that have a composed name as opposed to those with a single name. But let's take the absurd and consider that it would have taken the another part and the example : Murratus del Mur and therefor "Del's item". Or in your case, what would be to have your personal item called "Ch's item" ? Yea, in RL that's the way to do it as it would choose a family name but in games half the name means nothing more then an insult.
  22. item name : No's engraved ring Description:
  23. wow @Chewett, that's pure genius I would have not figured that out ... ever. Thanks. And with that it answers all my questions.
  24. A bit off topic but as is mentioned here ... , about this part of Mallos' comment: Yes, I'd all like to see that "screenies" , especially with my name on it. Otherwise you should get your facts straight and stop placing words & actions on my name.
  25. Good to know. Thank you BR. I'd still like an answer from @Chewett on this "timed" items or at least a link toward this explanation. And the other issue with "No's engraved ring" (id: 136283) still stands.
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