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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Just another example of the shitty filter: The topic below .. is not listed for "everything", why ? I posted in it yesterday Home -> The Tribunal -> Historic Documents -> Humbly Stepping Down And another example of the shitty editor : try to copy paste the link of this topic into the text editor.
  2. 1. I'm having a "stream" in "my activity stream" (another sh.. name as they are not my own) ... that should display only topics ... well it doesn't show the items in East (Hidden) group even if I can find and access those topics. Show me: Content items only (only this one is present) Content type: topics Read status: everything Ownership : everything Following: everything Time period: 999 days Sorting: Newest first 2. The moderator rights for SoS hidden ... are long gone. I thought that because there were similar complaints ... I didn't had to complain too because it is a similar isue, bs. Anyway this is mine. 3. @mods: Feel free to NOT edit the following: the forum feels like crap and makes me puke (color and template), it is intuitive and counter productive. The f... editor is 10 times lamer then the one before and it DIDN'T split the f... words. And most disgusting thing about this forum is that : "oh but you can make it as you want just configure it there and there...." ... that is f... dumb. If you want someone to stay on you topic and read it you have to make it easier to read from the beginning, not to force everybody to become experts in forum configuration.
  3. My Emperoress, YOU will always be my number 1. As you requested, I will obey, aid and advice the Emperor Sunfire. My lords, are you interested in some hare for breakfast ?
  4. ... and then you fell off the world.
  5. looks good. Has lots of inconsistencies for a noob but it is good for a start. Wouldn't it better to be created in the wiki ? Wiki can hold the full information, even with links to other wiki or to announcements and can be updated as things change.
  6. Actually, the answer is simpler then that: those that really do the work don't know. We just do it and the amounts gets mixed. Will you be happy if I make it public that I gathered about 200 water in 2 days ? or about 100 herbs in those 2 days ? Well ... I can't say it. I am not sure. On the other hand ... there is that thing about those involved ... ... the IQ didn't dropped that much to see the question as DUMB. When you have access to logs & logging or even better : create logs, ... you pretend to want help from others to get how much is gathered ? really ? When you can do a list of every single moment one of us even pushed a button ? Sorry. You said we were idiots for gathering with no purpose ... well, that's how we liked to play. You messed the system and again you left it unfinished. You clearly stated that you don't want care what other want ... well we just want to play, to play a game we enjoyed to play. So, get you IQ a reality check with general population's and don't cock off, you're not that bright either.
  7. yea, cool, but .... Currently the system is still incomplete as it left lots of useless resources. So, unless you don't mind grinding like an idiot those 2nd lvl herbs for an year just have them taken away ... we should wait for mur to complete his items.
  8. If you like proposing dumb-funny things .. why not go further : why not give percentages ? I mean : for 1 full day (24h ... xxxx seconds) you get 1+2 land loyalty. If you stay online like 2h ... then you will get 1+ 2x 2/24.
  9. I stand to correct myself. I found : spicy pickle 25 12.5 So, this is a clear average over 2 ... something. Does that mean that it does the average on gathering item ? I doubt that someone else then Syrian is creating pickles . --- later edit: It seems that Dan Planewalker is also creating some pickles. So, the average is per player. But still .. what is the time period ?
  10. 1. can you just show separately the resources ? Mixing them with bought items ... has no relevance 2. can you add a table header ? I got it , it is total & average ... but what ? Total since the tool ... maybe , but a date would help. And ... average ... based on what ? Let me explain myself with this example : it is written for water : 303 / 33.67 ... what does that mean ? 303 water yesterday or last week or since you started counting??? 33.67 ... that is about 1/9 of 303 ... but what does that mean ? that 9 ppl gathered ? it was over 9 days ? Some small details would help a lot.
  11. Sounds cute but only good for the lazy ... see Mur's example ... but in reverse. Why not make an easier way : at the new day, get a popup with all the lands (that you walked in) and it should let you choose one? (almost like it currently is but more intuitive) Do consider taking a trip to East ... all the way and back then tell me for what land would be the loyalty (by your saying) be ? Let me rephrase: if you only stay in your land or don't walk much and by mistake you are caught outside ... then ok, you'd get the loyalty you "work" for. But if you don't stay much ... then your land loyalty will be a kind of wild guess. (not that I mind much anymore which I get these days) I am sorry to say but this sounds like a dumb idea ... anyway ... someone might like this as it does fit the current system.
  12. I could help. I am interested in this too ... and it is what I do in MD.
  13. oh, you mean a list of combiners and their products ?
  14. it is not about getting "random 100" items mixed but choosing the from a list of 50-100 possibilities with any quantities and then when the amount is completed ... that's it. It is exactly like you combine the bushies: you add one by one from the available list. When you added one item .. it gets removed from your inventory and is lost for ever but the counter gets incremented. When you reach lets say 100 ... you have the result.
  15. actually, that whole thing "Honor + Mind Power" / "Loyalty + Mind power + alliance badge" are in a table with 2 rows. The first row containing the "mind power" has 100% and the last one that should hold the "alliance badge" (if the player has one) has 1%. So, if there is no "alliance badge" everything gets centered as it is right now. If you add a default badge ... that would work perfect. If you make the columns 50-50 ... then it would look strange but it would be ok with the display of the loyalty. There can be other solutions but those get more complicated ... I guess.
  16. Does this mean that we'll finally be able to each have like 20GG ? without actually recruiting the creatures but creating them ?
  17. no, it is ok for me
  18. Quite nice to see that one has a good percentage of either the number (of items in the list) or quantity (of a certain item).
  19. That's because the whole status page is in a table , each row with 2 columns. That WAS OK at the beginning, but in time new content was added. There are many ways to fix this, one quick one would be to have that huge table's rows turned to separate tables. In certain occasions (like the one presented above) there would be some misalignment but that's measured in mm ... so still ok and will still be consistent in time ... and it keeps the same shape of the page. Another method would be to have each information in separate divs (Chew loves this) but in case it gets oversized ... the consistency disappears.
  20. When asked why this formula is not applied to rain collectors ... Chew said that he never said that this is a valid formula. Thank you Chew. Anyway, I couldn't figure it out what's the formula as I was already over 100 when I first managed to get a rain collector but all I can share is that for a common shared tool (I can't say anything about the independent ones) is that once you are at max skill you will get the following amount of rain water / shared tool use: Mildrain - 20 Rainwater ~ 20 minutes Storm - 40 rainwater --- last that I checked (and reported) this didn't regenerated water but could still gather rainwater from it. ~ 40 minute Heavy rain - 80 rainwater ~ 80 minute Note: the time for this can vary by a lot. But these are the periods that I've experienced. Have fun.
  21. I've seen that there is another one about that land, one that doesn't show to which land you are citizen of. I think that it is one and the same ... a parameter is not initialized and both places uses it. ... my 1.2 cents
  22. Recently closed first trade with mineral ore 2016-04-18 - 270 water for 243 Iron Ore, 1 Rock Salt and 4 Clay of Aethon 2016-04-19 - 76 water for 76 Iron Ore of *Miq* So: Trade for ore is now available.
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