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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Not being balanced while in alliance ... it is a personal choice. You can safely idle at GoE with random ritual without having your kind of problem. As I said : it is a personal choice.
  2. I thought TK does that kind of trades.
  3. The only problem comes from tools. Do you want different tools for all these kinds of water or the current tools will be able to gather, for example, "salt water"/"sea water"? If not ... then it is not worth it. Too much trouble and we already have too many shared tools not used.
  4. I think that someone mentioned that creatures, with identical stats, start in order of their Id meaning that an older creature will start earlier. Can be tested at 0 influence & no tokens with only one type of creatures on both sides and see how they start. That'd be a cool log to see ;) (please attach it if you can do test it) I might be able to join in testing later tonight.
  5. No one

    Q&A: Rain

    Thank you Aethon, Interesting announcement you found about Spell Length https://magicduel.co...ement/view/2613 We still lack the times for the other types of rain. Also, we don't know how much it refills the water holes. For example, today, i've just witnessed a Mildrain which raised the water to 6/20 or 3/10 (i think). Interesting is to know that in one place it filled from 6 to 12 water and in another from 0 to 6. So it doesn't seem to behave like normal resource refilling routine.
  6. No one

    XP crunching

    Yes, I'm at balance :ph34r: shhh Yea, it could cover the 2x heat gain for personal gain, but the creature XP too ? And the display really sucks "39k xp gained, for 6 creatures meaning 13k each" ... yea sure. Even a 7 year old would say it is something fishy about it.
  7. No one

    XP crunching

    Well, it should be 3x due to 4k+heat as I know. Also, as I know, the sum creature's XP should be equal to the one displayed as "Personal Reward XP". I don't care how it is computed but it is v/f confusing. Unless ... this is another of those friendly funny balanced bonuses ... which is even more confusing. Dude, we need this sorted out. We need a proper display of values and bonuses.
  8. No one

    XP crunching

    During some random fights, I came on to this What bothered me is that the amount of XP for Profile Reward was not covering the XP for the creatures. Really. 39k = just 3x 13k instead of 6 x 13k Anyway, after a simple check, the "xp total" at the beginning of battle and the "Stored Heat" at the end showed 12294345 - 12060345 = 234000 = 6 x 39000 I know that having heat would increase the total XP gained, but that is too much.(6 times). Can we have some numbers fixed here. Please.
  9. LOL , I'M LATE Happy Birthday !!!
  10. Happy Birthday Chew! Grow old and happy. Grow some wookies to for ever keep MD under preasure ;)
  11. No one

    Q&A: Rain

    Well, this is not much of a "how to" topic but more of a research. As the documentation/questions about it are not public, i will start this topic to start the public research on it I will write what I know about this topic and what I want to know and I will update it as (and if) information comes in. Please stay on topic Rain: How is rain triggered? - but automatic triggering - by spells (who has them ... I don't remember right now) What is rain useful for ? / What does rain do ? - generates (directly and indirectly) 2 kinds of resources : water & rain water - rain refills the "water holes" (scene with water in it) if there is a certain "sky condition" in that scene (to be updated) - rain can generate "rain water" by using a "rain collector" during a rain How many kinds of rains are there ? - Mild rain - ???? - Heavy rain - Storm ... and some more. Do you know more rain types ? How do rain fills in the "water holes" ? Well, this I don't know. I know that there are percentages of the max water in the location that is refilled during a rain. But that's about it. So - how much is it refilled ? - is there a fixed length of the rain or is it based on the name/kind of the rain ? Rein Length It seems that each type of rain will change the length: - heavy rain - 80 min @ lvl 1 - confirmed only by an announcementat 80 min - heave rain - 160 min @ lvl 2 - Storm - random amount of time ranging from 16min (quick summer storm) to over three hours @ lvl 1 - how does the length of the rain influences the refilling ? --- If you know something about rain and you're in the mood for sharing the information then please share it. Warning: off topic comments will be ... moderated - [spoiler] Many thanks to - Aethon for pointing weather types and water holes [/spoiler]
  12. This topic (initial post) was about the leashes being given too easily and having no relation to any relation to the RL concept of a "slave". Please add your comment on that subject. @Ivorak: 1) Yes, ppl can pay for their own leashes or have "trade" agreements with the future "master" . Also being a slave means that you have to work for your master (a.k.a. a method of payment). 2) The leashes should be given to the slaves IF they deserve / work for it (see point 1). Yes, the leashes are a good concept because it is the matter of keeping the inflation under control by getting coins out. From my point of view the leashes should be paid constantly for the duration of their existence. There should be some automatic batches of work available each month so that a player can "redeem" his "free slave certificate" to be allowed to keep the leash. If the initial coins go from master to slave (and TK), this new payment can be used for other benefits. [spoiler] [/spoiler] Please stay on topic [spoiler] Of topic, going close to a spoiler. [/spoiler]
  13. @Chew: you should know how to search this forum Check this ancient forum How To Survive In Md World . It is so ancient that it is hard to find it :P For your questions: As a side note: there is also the Combo that raises the VE of creatures, but also applies after the 301 VE check.
  14. trade completed: Aethon 45 Resin and 55 Tree Bark vs 100 water.
  15. You have the following available for all the stats (or you should): Regeneration is comming from the following : - from tokens - from player's stats - from creature's stats There is no VE used from player, there should not be any VE bonus (after battle ) from tokens. For a creature to regenerate to 100% it will have to have 100 Regeneration. How does a creature gets 100 regeneration ? Well ... it can get through those listed above (I hope I haven't missed any). But there is just one trick : players regeneration is based on the influence used while starting the battle or defending in it. lets say 60%. Well, after the the influence has been chosen, it counts the number of creatures and splits the remaining stats between them equally regardless of the bonuses between them. So, considering that a basic/normal creature would have 0 Regeneration of it own, for it to have fully regenerated, while having a battle with 60% influence ... the player should have .... 1/(nb creatures in battle) * (influence / 100) * (Regeneration of player) >=100 1/6 * 60/100 * x = 100 ===> x = 1000 ===> the players should have at least 1000 regeneration for its creatures to regenerate in that battle. ----------- Have fun.
  16. No one

    Cap on heat loss

    Why ? I know that they can do it very easy but they worked for that. If you were in their shoes ... wouldn't you be upset ? Just let it be.
  17. trade completed: Aethon 204 Resin and 46 Tree Bark vs 250 water. 165 Memory stone are available for sale
  18. Aaaa, it doesn't really matter. I upgraded 12 creatures requiring 3 EP each. 36 exploring points in total. It showed the lowering of VP & VE, the increase of HEAT (and decrease due to saccing it) but the EP didn't changed. So, unless you gain 20EP (or more) after each counter reset ... and I was lucky ... then it is an issue in the code.
  19. ??? I don't get your question ? It took quite a few minutes to upgrade them all and I've seen the VE/VP/AP decrease but not the Exploring points.
  20. We all know and use creatures. What we read and discard immediately are the upgrade costs. This is an example : Upgrade costs Action points 50 Value points 2000 Sacrificed vitality 5000 Exploring Points 3 It seems that there is one status that is not taken into account for the upgrade: Exploring points. When upgrading 1 creature ... you don't usually care about it, you have enough. For 2 creatures ... still plenty. What about 12 creatures ? I did that much and still remained with 20 Exploring points. Is it a bug or a feature ?
  21. I agree with Z. @Rophs: don't you think that Dst has enough WPs gained one by one? Do you want to give her more then one WPs at once ? :)) Or you plan on doing rigged quests ? Anyway, there are already issues with WPs that cannot be awarded due to the need of being awarded too often to the same person (and that was imposed to avoid inflation among other things) So : no. There are other rewards besides WPs.
  22. you might try with "http://" but even that it is not working. Try instead this : http://imgur.com/gallery/MtgsTNt
  23. trade completed. MRF 424 branches vs 580 water If there are request for next batch of water ... let me know. Also, there are 139 Memory stone on sale for the proper price.
  24. No one (ID:29704) 3 months 10% or less (if possible) :P I am not a good slave, I don't play to often and often I have bad moods. So ... I am not your best slave. As limitations ... items, creatures, alliance. Get me into a good mood and you'll smell nicer (cover you in flowers) or I'll drown you (you might not be able to swim that much water).
  25. Currently 560 water (and growing) is waiting for a new owner. PM me the offer
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