
No one
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[spoiler] insufficient data, you're just guessing around. First thing, you need to divide his raw stat by 6, skillvamp goes slot by slot, not spread over all. It's just summarized in the report for sake of simpleness. Then, you need to add in tokens and boost auras, if present (which i assume, otherwise you'd never get that much attack), then you need to figure out exactly how much your guys have at start. A useful way to check would start with using nothing but the TS for your rit, and then see what happens in various slots, because his stats per slot will differ greatly. [/spoiler] As I remember, the TS uses the creature in front of it to get the stats. Meaning that the stats will be different from one creature to another depending on boots and tokens. ---- At moments like this, with questions like these, Liberty and his army is certainly missed.
What about lightning ? to strike random areas ? - players in that area would lose half of VE, if hit with less then 1/4 max ve, it would ... not die, but get movelocked for 10-30 minutes - I think there is already a spell ... fireball or something that hits players on same location What about wildfire (scenes on fire) that would require intervention to put out otherwise it would spread (Imagine the entire MD on fire) - to put out the fire, one could use VE, heat from erolian, and its land loyalty as a boost - one would get burn damage (not Burns :) ) if it would want to pass through a scene without putting out the fire Then we could create the fire department (to set fires, ofcourse)
@C: I think I will insult you by just responding to you. Yes and it is true, obviously, and I guess it is valid for everybody : "doesn't like things that he doesn't agree with". By the way, my insults have to be earned. @R: That is better. As so far, everybody trolled here is the first proposal : 1st proposal : The freeze / antifreeze need major adjusting. 1.a. completely remove it (freeze / antifreeze) 1.b. change the permanent effect to freeze/antifreeze - a number of action turns (for creature auras) with limited probability of activation and - a boost in either number of affected turns of probability for token bonus Probable effect : - The freeze will significantly lower its impact while keeping its advantage - will take use of the "initiative status" making the fight more fair 2nd proposal: Antifreeze while in effect should also prevent the freezing of the creature not just unfreeze. This should be implemented only with 1st proposal. Probable effect : - will balance the freeze with antifreeze auras - will give the antifreeze a greater advantage 3rd proposal: Creature boosts ... cannot say anything on this as we need the exact list of boosts and their targets in order to see if they need adjusting 4th proposal: configure creatures - I am not sure about this, but I think that all the aramors are either identical or significantly similar. Make them mean something. Make them different. - there are creatures that are on the loose but still unconfigured like shadows 5th proposal: spoilers - lose the spoilers, create detailed documentation on everything involved in battles: explain auras, targets, abilities, tokens, creatures (for all levels) and whatever else there is Probable effect: - will make the fighting easier - knowing what creatures / auras / tokens do, one player can decide as a target to acquire that creatures / auras / token ---- and this one with no effect on the combat 6th proposal: tops - create some more significant tops : creatures in numbers (just count them at beginning of day), worshipper of the month & year & ever (count donated heat), top trainer (top by number of creatures), etc, etc
1. please rephrase "Limit the addition and removal" 2. great. Another genius new player with great ideas. Lets see what this turns to. Previous ideas of new players : auras, freeze/antifreeze, vampire aura, item thefts, item decay / destroy. This is my first and last comment in this topic: Warning : be careful what you wish for.
La Multi Ani! Distractie placuta si ... sa iti aduci aminte si de noi. ;) Happy Birthday! Have fun and ... remember us.
Yea, I may be so (narrow sighted ~ without the ability to view the wider picture). What can I do but ask more questions. But before we go further, please consider that experiment with The book. [spoiler] [/spoiler] So, pretty much now you finally said what bothered you: - "and having years of "veterancy" gives one ultimate edge. This edge goes so far that others can't touch said person. This is wrong, because players will see that the only way they can catch up is to invest two thousand dollars" - I know, that's exactly what I said, I am glad that you could rephrase it to your own words and Burns explained more thoroughly why it came to this - "current system is bad and that nothing was done about it to restrain it back to how it was meant to be" - actually we all would like to know how it was meant to be. Do you know it ? Because Mur didn't considered it this far. - "how it currently works is bad" - we all knew this, and it is not an easy solution for this nor a pleasant one - "Eventually they will learn how fighting works and be repulsed by combat." & "Combat offers next to no player retention" - yes, I knew this since, about 2009 - 2010, when the new features started coming in and, as you so kindly noticed, I retired to my harvesting . Does that bother you ? - "Basically what you are saying currently is that any kind of change would turn all those creatures into absolute junk, worse than lvl1 aramor." - not a lvl 1 aramor but more like a lvl 2 grasan - "If you are simply against any kind of change then say so, rather than saying "all you propose..". If not then maybe try making suggestion on how to add some weakness to it while still keeping it on top of food chain, that is something I'm trying to do in here, yet you keep undermining my efforts." - I simply consider this solution a bad one (as many more solutions before it) and I want to show its bad parts before you convince someone to implement it (as some thought "brilliant" features were in the past). And the more personal ones: - "I haven't yet made any solid proposal for change" - nobody said he has one quick fix, nor there is one in sight that will accommodate all current features and players - "Again, I'm not upset on anyone, you keep making false speculations about my motives." - we'd like to know your motives. To answer to what really bothers you ... it would be not impossible but difficult to make the game manageable again. But the change you proposed, I am sorry, it is not as related to the problem as you initially explained it or as you finally pointed it out. If you don't trust me, please accept the challenge with the "Mammon's Book". This topic can wait for one month. You may very well propose the "reset" of game but , as Burns also pointed it out, if the grinders stay, they "will rule the battlefields supremely". (you will not even have that 5% chance in defeating them) What I will support are simple solutions that can be written in one phrase that is also easy to read and understand. That way, the battles can be understood by all (new and old) quite fast and will not grant advantages to only those very experienced that learned all the tricks. Until you come up with such a solution, I cannot support your ideas. I can amend it but I may never agree with it. -------------------- And I accept the challenge ("in there 6 creat ritual on both sides, chaos/grasan mix on one side and lore/knator on other") what is the outcome ? ( I still bet on LR) -------------------- And I still don't understand: why am I not correct ? the players with more money will always kick your ass and you still seem upset about it
[spoiler] [/spoiler] Thank you for sharing my "narrow sighted" ability. Feel free to feel insulted while insulting others. Also feel free to make the report on me if you feel like it. It is still your choice. In the mean time, please tell me : would you pay for junk bludgeon or for an ultimate weapon ? Because all you propose is to convert the payed ultimated weapons (a.k.a. Rein Drachors) to pure junk. Oh, but this is still possible. Try some fights with no premium creatures, no tokens, no spells. Why did I exclude all these ? because they are hard worked / payed for. You are simply trying to imply that you cannot fight the vets or rich players. That is dumb even for MD's history of dumb. And if you said it like that it shows that you are not targeting to "OUTSMART" them but to make them weaker. Same thing : exclude bought features & creatures and you'll have a nice old MD fight and there you can put your whits to work for really nice outcome. Again, be upset on the old players and / or the ones that payed and / or the ones that won some quests for some advantages or do your best and outwork them. Also, do remember that the game's stats were thought for low stats a.k.a below 100. Chewett can confirm this. Thank you, o mighty smart one for your insight. Please try one clean fight grasan vs LR Archer and you will see the outcome. Please share with me the outcome of the tests for 0 stats to ... a high stats fight, in an alliance fight and outside of it (I am lacking the experience of the fight these past years, but I still bet on the Archer). -------------------------- @Ary: Try the "Mammon's Book". See if you like it. But first you have to be lucky. @DD: if you have something to say , please do. ------------------------ Oh, I always wanted one spell that could change my status points with the one of another willing player. Maybe like that you'd know how I feel in battles. (as I said, I cannot currently access MD to check your stats) If you are too weak and you feed discouraged, you should try it from my lvl to see how it feels.
I thought you asked on why you didn't received the loss. hmm, can you enlighten me on what do you think "sheath balance" is ? maybe I don't know what it means. (please indulge me) Also, are you by any chance in an alliance ? and what is your win/loss ration (the actual values ) and your MP level ? ---- I cannot currently access MD.
Yes, that is the one, Mammon's Book. As I remember it was granted as a free item to be gifted around. Who has it currently ? Can it be granted to Ary for a while ? :)
Consider yourself lucky that due to such behavior, the heat draining works. And ... as for you not getting a lose ... either you are too lame / weak (128% difference) to give you a loss or you are not under the limit for a loss to be granted to you. Either way, change this behavior and the process of losing heat will go to next age. Oh, and this behavior was known since the combat rules changed and the priests took the main role in losing heat/exp.
With the highest stats you'll always get the lamest loses. There is always someone stronger there you. If there is one who can't beat you, he will blame it on the imbalance of the creatures/stats/spells, whatever. If something is working smoothly it will always be someone who'd want it changed.
It seems that you have a perception issue. So, I agree with the list as a list of creatures using "All" as target but I disagree with changing their ability. Windy, rusty, rein, bloodpact, pimped grasan are paid (shop) creatures or even more a rare gift (drachorn) and they are supposed (as a mandatory feature) to be stronger. If you can afford to have 6 of each it doesn't make them common but it makes you richer. They are supposed to give you an edge in battles, it is a commonly known fact. All that remains is the grasan and the chaos. They both have their weakness and it seems that they are well balanced against the other creatures like LR archer , knator, and whatever is there for the damage. Again : it seems that you are upset that there are players with more stats then you (and / or more money). There is nothing we can do for you then to advise you to play harder or to pay more. Oh, I remembered : there is a book for you ( I forgot its name) that it would give you some +/- 1m attack/def (if I am not mistaken). Someone , please share this book with our friend Ary here.
Can I ask you both what creatures use the "All" target and what you have against each of them ?
@Ary: you have my replies to this in the original topic [spoiler] [/spoiler] Incredible, really incredible. An entire topic of junk but this is too much. @Rophs : "Why can't multirandom hit a single creature?" Just because. Want more, go back to learning how to fight and what each target / ability means and how it can be used. "Could also be applied to healing/martyrism of all allied creatures, or to lifestealers." Incredible, you don't like All with damage but you want it with "healing/martyrism" Dude, you should be forbidden to talk about game mechanics or to express ideas. I cannot reply to your posts, they simply too stupid. Just go back to RP / playing pokemon or simply play in the dirt for a couple more years.
:) I agree with you at least on this matter
[spoiler] [/spoiler] Thank you powle and Eon for your help and examples. Yes, that is what I meant. [spoiler] [/spoiler] @Ary: even if I use the "spoiler" tags, I will not spoil everything for you. Do check all creatures. Some have that extra bonus stat, some have a bonus as an increased percentage of stat/win. And I think that Mur got either bored or imagination-less or found other kind of bonuses for some creatures. It is fun to find those differences and it is a killer when someone decides to change them. If I remember well, the water daimon creature id is 5 and the old creatures had IDs up to 20 something. Most of those creatures were configured and released but there are still some that are not configured nor officially released but still got out (see the shadows). Later creatures came due to necessity of need for new and were/are poorly configured or were not twicked to fit in the limits of the older creatures (see the angiens or read the poor creature proposals on forum). I will not continue this thread. You have the answer, I said how I found it to be and (I personally will accept) only Chewett's, Mur's or Rendril's can trully contradict me (about these bonus stats). ... neg VP I know how it is with it, I said I had it (about -5 - -10M negVP) and being me (No one) I didn't called / couldn't call any help back then. So yes, I know how it is to have ALL creatures waiting for VP to upgrade for more the 1-2 months. So please, before contradicting me do get there (-5M negVP) and do your best to get out, alone or not. Stop speaking hypothetical about this and contradicting me when you don't know how it is. And ... I still play (no game over for me yet) and I still travel toward neg VP from time to time. Now-a-days, as Eon said, gaining 1M VP is meaningless. Even the average grinder, without noticing it, gains few hundred thousands (if not millions) of VP per day. Just understand where that pozVP is coming from and you will no longer be worried about it nor will be worried about the need of using just life-stealer creatures for it. You became paranoiac about this concept in some specific worst case scenarios and instead of dealing with the problem (the players) you want to deal with the concept itself. I am usually against the change without reason and I see no reason to change it. I can say that I don't like negVP concept but I like it better then freeze/unfreeze and stat-stealing concepts. I personally would remove the latest 2 but it is not my choice and some ppl enjoy having them while choosing fights. So, why should we choose to make it more comfortable for me instead of keeping it comfortable for them ? Anyway, this negVP thread is also dead for me, I said all I had to say on it. ... the ultimate ritual Yes, there always is / were / will be such "ultimate ritual"s along the history of MD. As I said, it is all about the context and as said above: they are boring. It doesn't really matter if such ritual really exists, it matters what a player want. From my experience, I can say that through my attempts to get balanced I came to find some players with hard/difficult rituals or with high stats. It was annoying (it still is) for me and satisfying for them. My personal target is to grow some creatures. If I gain some stats while doing that, then fine, I am OK with it. Other players want stats (I think I have enough), by millions. Some other players just want to protect other ritual. Great, good for them. It is their choice, I don't attack them anymore (not too often). So, what is your problem ? that it is becoming boring to attack players with just such rituals in def ? Then attack me (when you find me) as I always have random rituals (and I really mean always unless requested). I don't mind getting loses. I mind if ppl give me negVP or give me heat (I am over the cap again already) but it is their choice as I can stay hidden and they lose their toy. So: attack me and ignore the boring / mindless copyists / imaginationless or just with-too-little-time players . I have a large collection of creatures (and hopefully growing), multiple levels for most, just maxed for some. But don't expect me to come on request or stay still (unless after my MD-time) so that you can train on me. Again, this thread (the ultimate ritual) is closed for me. I said all I had wanted* to say about it. *I will not say more as it some would want to discover things for themselves and I'd hate lacking them their fun. ----------------------- Thank you Ary for the topic and keep coming with interesting things. If you need more info from me you know how to find me
... bonus stats Hmm, I don't have my data with me but here it is : - take a creature and give it some figths - try to saccrifice it at each level and take note of what stats would give you - then compare all data The water daimon, if I remember well has "defense" for first few levels then it changes for "power" as it changes form . At highest levels it adds some "bonus stats". The initial stats seem natural as they use those , defense / power. The bonus stats are not related to any skill nor they increase with number of won fights. ... ultimate ritual ? Yes, nothing is wrong if all know it except there is no such thing. All rituals can be taken down, anyone can be beat. It all depends on the context and experience. For example : give the "ultimate ritual" to ... a new MP4/MP5 / convinced RPer (my memory fails with names) and that ritual will always fail taken a certain context (greater stats used and proper creatures). So, you are actually complaining that there are stronger players then you. ... neg vp Yes, and MP4&5 players should know how to handle most situations by then and the neg VP situation is no worse then being killed or jailed or a few other situation that one "experienced MDer" had encountered.
[spoiler] [/spoiler] If you didn't know, take this and pin it : - Luck is a bonus status. - Mur is a noob in combat and game mechanics What is wrong for all to know hot to use the ultimate ritual , even if not the one in your example? If you didn't noticed this much, in MD the majority say the are RPers. How you expect them to find a better ritual if they don't understand the concepts behind or have the "love" for the mechanics ? Also, some of your complains are also related to something that exclude the complain itself : high stats. If one has high stats, combat mechanics becomes pointles. Please analyze your complains for stats = 0 and they maybe you will see what I meant by my previouse post with high level creature & rare creatures, weak/strong attacks. If not, try to find the result of Mur's attempt to procect himself with 1.000.000 attack & def (after that he invented the illusions). Indeed, the MP3's are the only really affected players by neg VP but : how much neg VP can one MP3 get ? and ... from whom and how ? So, forget about it, neg VP is something that you have to live with it (I know I had it for one month once so I know what it means). [spoiler] [/spoiler] ..." struggle to maintain their balance, to remain as close to it as possible, it was meant to be challenge to hold it." Yes, it was like that and it was meant like that . Long after the concept of struggle for balance, the "balanced" feature was lunched as a secret. And as I said, everyone can choose. Either to be close to balance or to be close to skill damage.
@xrieg: Interesiting topic you found here. But the comment is not a good one. The way you formulated this is ... wrong. If you'd have just read the first topic, if you didn't checked the alliance, you'd have known that the SoS is still held by the "hijackers". If you'd have wanted to join it again, you'd could have asked them first without using such a harsh word. ;) On other note, as always, you can ask the leaders.
[spoiler] [/spoiler] ... "All" as target Drachorns are a Rare species, they were designed to be the ultimate creatures. Drachorns were designed to be tough. You should not take them as common creatures and then to compare with the other creatures (as I said before). Each creature has its place in the evolution and motivation of a player. ... "rewards monotonic" / "no bonus statuses for sacrificing creatures" There is something that you may have disregard while reading : high level creature give bonus stats. "Luck" is such bonus. It was never intended to grow with number of heat / experience or whatever. Imo, the 280x being applied to such bonus stats is an oversight or just a simple bug but it turned be an acceptable feature. ... Each player has the choice to accept or not neg stats / VP and there are a ways to avoid it. If a noob / new player is accepting these punishements, why should we intervene in their decision ? If they are too new shy to ask or too noob to know how to avoid it is still thier decision. If they decide that after one year, as you said, that they don't like it anymore then good, they should work for your decisions. All players pay for their decisions even if they are new, noobs or experienced. ... How can you separate the weak/strong players ? Anyway you separate them, the experienced players will find a way to manipulate the system in their favor. Think about "honor" system. It was designed to help players but new players don't know about it and they are punished by it while those with less honor (cathegorised as weak players) are already experienced players that use the system to keep their honor to lower level just to be able to fight more. So, who is favored by the system in this case ? The new players & noobs or the older & experienced ones ?
@Ary: This whole thread is just a garbage collector. There is no head or tail and you don't wait for any answer on any of the issues raised. Great, I will complete your junk with mine. First of all, separate topics, there is no way to answer to all the problems raised. Second of all, be coherent, in your first post was great, last one ... it wasn't you. So: .. The strong / weak player , anyway you take it is incomplete. You cannot separate the both without making it worse for some. .. The "All" as target is overkill ? YES it was intended to be like that. The "All" is only for some RARE (back then) creatures or was balanced with weak attack. (see the heretics for weak attack & drachorns for rare). Let me know if I missed something about this. .. @Rophs [spoiler] [/spoiler] See the "proposed creatures" in the past 2-4 years, you should see the "signs" for overpowering stuff. You also want the same thing. Before posting such ... junk, do consider considering the consequences. .. @Rikstar: [spoiler] [/spoiler] There are ups and downs for each (defend / intoxicate). Some have longer fights , some have them shorter , some just prefer too have the creatures alive for a longer time or just a bigger punch. It is just another trick that you have to master it in order to know MD. .. @Ary [spoiler] [/spoiler] Freeze/antifreeze , imo, has holes in behavior & implementation, but then I always hated it. .. @Ary [spoiler] [/spoiler] Can you know "how hard it is to grow and train certain creatures in comparison to other creatures" before the creatures were given to public ? There are many things to take into account when setting the sacrificing stats for a creature like from the creature itself (its stats, vitality, attack type and more) and outside of the creature itself (if it can be over used to grow easier the player's stats or to grow stats that don't relate to creature's stats or to give the level's bonus). There are 2 specific cases to remember : - angien's (if I remember well) stats were removed because they were used to grow player's VE at huge rate - bird's second lvl stats were removed because one gain stats with no ... pain .. How can one lose something he doesn't own ? very simple (you seem to be under age) :one can get a loan and then lose them. It is ok for some to pay the penalty for not paying attention instead of creating bases for abuses. Do you think that those with neg stats can't increase them or can't prevent it ? There are many more things to say but it is difficult to coordinate and most problems will be forgotten by the end of the page. Please open separate topics and you will get more attention ----------------------------------------------- Anyway, it has been a fun topic to read (I did read it all), but it is impossible to respond properly.
@Rhaegar: maybe Chewett should give the name of the one spammer in his example. Maybe you can judge then if one loses credibility or not. RT: "I thought MD prefers depth, goes against the mainstream and hates democracy :))" From my experience,democracy is overrated or it is percieved wrong due to freedom to manipulate others. Sometimes measures for the good of the comunity must he enforced. That is why this is not a democracy. DD is not a good example but here you go my point of view: he is good intended but he is saying it wrong, mostly with his long posts. I mostly use neg when he is definatly wrong, i mostly ignore him when he is correct but wrote it wrong (you will notice large neg reps on those posts) and in those rare ocasions when he is keeping it sshort i even poz rep him . But then ... it also depends on my moods, of course. And then one can ignore those points or he can improve. It is everyone's decision. and then still I dissagree with that value. @rophs: some are obvious and some are not, even with large amount of data.
@rophs: that depends on the problem. And, unless I am fed up with figting, it always bothers me. I foolishly like/enjoy being fair to everybody and I always fight to keep it like that. It is not fair, from mypoint of view, to treat all equally in limiting them instead of punishing just the guilty.
And I,as a revenge, will not poz/neg rep you :p just my average null rep for you as you havent earned another yet. Otherwise I dissagree with you. That value shows the 'interest'ness of the post and is part of the reply. It has to be shown. (i will go hard on some now) If there are ppl influenced by the difference/value then, I am sorry to say but, they weak of mind ( or how it is spelled). Anyway, everyone has its right to a reply influenced or not even if we dissagree with them/know better. And I dissagree with you again : the topic is about rep spam rather then influenced rep points. If spam is a problem that needs mostly individual addressing, influencing/manipulation is something we each face it everyday hundreds of times and it cannot be stopped. One can fight spam a heavy fight but one can only win if it influences/manipulates others.