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What is Change (the player/character), and should I abandon her?
No one replied to Change's topic in General Forum
I agree with Pip in all tois post, especially in the above quote. :) A change is good if you mean it, but changing just for the sakeof it would kill your char. My idea on the big chars in MD are those that they play themselves even if they didn't started that way. Some time a char decision is made even from out of game reasons because that is who you are and decisions in MD to change your char will change you in RL. So, Change, play youself it is easiest and most fun ( there are no rules to obey then just be you) and ... the advantage is that you can change whenever you want. No real person or fictive char is fixed, everyone evolves. You can be bitcy today/this month and an angel the next. It is ... just a mood and we all agree that girls are moody above all else (except revengefull). Just be carefull to have little fun everyday otherwise "choose again". _________ boy do i miss my spellchecker from pc -
Are you going to make this topic discussion about something offtopic? As I said above, reputation and ego are big points not to be discussed offtopic. This topic was for Chewett's options. Mooooods, do split this damn topic. _______offtopic_______ What do you mean by default value? And ... you mean to hide the value? Why? Reputation points on posts are there to express other's opinion on that post. Like a reply with no word. Why do you want to hide feedback? And ... sometimes i pass through a topic i dont seem to enjoy only to see if it has some high feedback posts ( with high positive/negative reputation) and read those. Yea, it is not really fair but I read the topic before replying if I have something to say or just give the short feedback +/- to the post. So, why would you hide my feedback/hide yours from me? Do you think that you'd like 100 posts stating: i dissagree player a on topic b & c? ____________ Mods?¿???
I support all what others said above and i will not repeat it. so, something else: - water does not tend to be more valuable nor any other resource unless you need it - if you choose to harvest water just because you hear some requests then you are in for the wrong reason and a bit too late - you have no resources to trade My point is that you should start harvesting something, anything, just to get the hang of it . If you like it, you'll find resources to harvest , ppl willing to help you harvest and most of all you will know all the tools available ( shared or not ). All you need is that you invest some time. My suggestion for you, as water is not that easy, ask some tools from LR for lumber/brenches or whatever. They have plenty of unused tools they could share if you abide their rules and there are some uncollected resources even for you. Good luck. I hope to find you onthe fields ;)
probably some javascript errors. next time use at least the printscreen button. it is better then nothing. @Chewett: could it be another face of the old issue with the teleport when it failed if the one to teleport had a trace at destination? could it be something that prevented the update to complete? or can someone check what spells were cast on eon at that moment? / what did dd really cast?
As Chewett already said, you cannot remove one person based on repping. Worst case scenario, he can exclude itself based on his/her opinion/s. Sorry for neg reppng you. You are right indeed and I agree with you : there is nothing to do to Neg rep but to those that use it too much. There was quite a fuss a while ago about reputation being used / removed and how to use it. You can check it for yourself. (I am not yet proficient writing on my tablet) As the topic is about "What do you want me to do about Neg rep?" and about the ppl that give neg rep for the wrong reasons, then lets get back on topic.Please. Unfortunately, Chewett, each case is unique for our comunityas we are few. Also, I/we don't know what options are in the interface. My point of view is this: As stated above a list should be done.A list with the repoted/reporters and cases andprobabli held by moderators. if more then a few cases point for an abuse, a trial should be held to judge it. Even a public trial if it is found appropriate. _________________ off topic: reputation is ... just like ego, a really big topic, discussed in other older topics and not appropriate for an offtopic reply
@Kamisha: Before posting, please consider reading again your post and making it a lighter read and splitting the concepts involved. I have difficulties understanding what you want to say (true, I may be tired). There are some technical ppl (yea, me included) that can't read long posts searching for a point. I told you : It is not something that I am threatening you it is ... a punishment ... yes, a punishment that seems rather common and easily achievable in MD. There were a long thread about stealing and not many valid points (from my perspective) in favor of stealing. If your desire is just to lay dead for a couple of weeks, just say so, there are a few that could grant you this wish. As for spending time with partners to be able to harvest, yes it is i nice feature, we've seen it before. Can you tell me why there are not many cookies and tea in MD right now ? (rethorical question) I guess that it is because there are not enough ppl in MD at the same time nor they spend that much time or they are not willing to spend that time. And you say it should last a day. pff, in good enough conditions one could gather more then 100 herbs or more 100 water within a day.
In that case, tools and spells. Copies of all items / tool in existence should be available there if not too powerful. All spells should be in there if not too powerful (see the kill / resurect ones) , regenerable or not, and each specific number of uses (no greater then 4). Also, the items should not be exact items but "templates" as instead of giving you that exact item, it should generate an identical one. This way there would not be a shortage of items as they would not ever be exhausted. This could lead to a large amount of certain identical items (if too many charms), but I guess that it is still a matter of options.
As I said above : drachorn eggs And by that I mean the start of a quest: bring 1m heat within 2 weeks to get a drachorn (untransferable) - bring heat in an item you cannot transfer - if you don't finish in 2 weeks ... you need to start over (the period ... has to be re-computed after a few tests but it has to be really difficult)
you do know that there is no night in MD, ever
That is dumb. Drachorn cave can never get empty after so many centuries of being overcrowded. All the walls and dungeons are filled with drachorn eggs that are waiting for proper time and need proper hatching. All is needed is some strong fire to hatch such an egg ... and, of course, a strong will. Therefor I would put 1 mil heat in there to get my own drachorn ... when I'd need one.
1st of all : What are you talking about ? even now only a few ppl can get bushes. Most don't have the water. Start working you lazy one. 2nd : if you try to steal ... you will get dead. 3rd : 1 full day for 1 bush ? get real. One can get / need to get even 100 in a single day. Not all ppl have your spare time. This is kute but only for you because you want to steal. For most of MD ... they don't have the time to spend as you described nor they are dumb enough to start it knowing that someone could steal it from them. If you didn't understood the part with "dumb enough to start it knowing that someone could steal it from them", think of teleportation spells and what's the chance that you will get your resource.
Skills: (long since used) php, javascript & sql Interests in MD: almost none What you would like to work on now: for beginning fixing bugs
There are many that could be implemented and I would like but not all that could still keep MD as MD. What I'd go on first is to make the average internet player have something to do and for this I'd do this 1. add more items (see an old proposal of mine about personal items) - the sense of property in individual is really strong 2. add more recipes and ability for players to cooperate (see an old proposal of mine about work places / industry) - it gives something to do 3. add resource growing locations per alliance and a different one for player - it creates more resources allowing players without alliances the chance to grow for their own 4. add a location per player / alliance (or more if payable) so that it can add MD items in scene (something like decorations) - allowing players to work to decorate their own place - allow to make private (with list of allowed players) or public - allow to make "screenshot" like picture for profile Having all of the above, it would be easy to create resource related automatic quests. Who knows, maybe this ways we could gain some of the xxxxVille / xxxCraft players.
Gold and Silver Rare Auction: memory stone collector
No one replied to Chewett's topic in Central Market
Item: memory stone collector 10sc -
The shop advantage is not something you want to play with. It is payed advantage and it has just one purpose : gather money for the server. Play with the advantage is playing with the server. Of course, for the RPers or lazy ppl (like me) there is always 2 choices : play our best and hope for the best to play no more :P ... joking, we can always admire and then ignore the real.grinders. They are a different breed from us. For those that choose NOT to pay (yea, and those that can't) there are always other means to gain the credits.It always existed. So stop complaining and use the free credits page. If I would have voted every day in my 2000 days of MD, I would have gained ...aaa, yea a lot (math is failing me at this hour). I never quite understood Mur's choice in fiddling with old features and settings when there are other features waiting to be discussed & coded. Chewett, change it back and check the proposals for new features. Those would make a lot better discussion thread. -------------------------------- I guess I wrote too much this month ;) I'm off waiting for next month
No one ID:29704 Duration: 3 Months or Max Absolutely no reason except dissobedience, destruction... you got the picture. None Min Minimum bid: 2s Second phase
:) is there a question on WHY ? that was cute. By the way, for those that don't know where to look. I checked the link after Chewett opened this topic: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/3313-mralyon/?tab=reputation&app_tab=forums&type=given This should be the highest rate of spam in MD that I've heard : about 45 neg rep in about 7 minute. Congratulation MRAlyon, I didn't bothered to check how many did he spam in total. _________________ This is a funny.
True, we can use the Wheel. But I guess that we still have to find / invent it in MD. And I disagree with you on the viscosity vs quest matter. Ok, it works, in the first day or even first week . When most ppl completed the quest ... what will happen then ? True, the quest is a temporary & almost quick solution but it is not a solution that would last. Thank you Maebius for the input. It is well appreciated. ------------------------------------- So: please write your pro/con arguments on this feature or simply write any feedback .
Thank you guys / girls for your support. But is it still off-topic. Coming back to Mur: I see a few problems with Mur's request : - unless MD is meant to be a rock, MD has to change and often and in attractive ways and for that we could use the experience everyone has (even from other games) - you have to be available for discussions and more open minded for others to have a change to just present their case even without any interest I think that I read this wrong: Are you agreeing with my proposal ? or ... please explain your statement. Even if I am indeed wrong. I'd like to know your pro/con arguments. As a matter of fact, this is what everybody should do : write pro/con arguments for every proposed features without responding to someone's arguments. So: please write your pro/con arguments on this feature or simply write any feedback .
I can want more ppl in MD but that will never happen because I want to. Instead I want something that I feel that is missing : - more resource location ; I want the ability to "plant" and "grow/increase max value" for resource and I am willing to spend my "fortune" of resources for it. - more "permanent" tools ; I know that if ppl would hold a tool in their inventory or if they could hold one that would not disappear every week, they would gather. I want ppl to be able to trade their resources for permanent tools - more useful items ; I know that it may be difficult to create the recipes or to find purposes for new items, we need to be able to create & approve & implement recipes faster - more flexibility; ppl need to exchange items / resources / creatures in a more dynamic way. All in all, ppl need goals, ppl need to create & build stuff and/or experience an adventure, it is in our human nature. I am willing to start from 0 (zero) with stats & skills & resources (no not with creatures :P ) for those abilities to be implemented in MD . It will not matter anymore if all is failing and would disappear in a few years .
Can I propose something really unfair ? Create "be GOD" as option. If you get over certain status points (like 20k attack + def +... + luck + power) you can get this option and you can activate it to allow you to successfully kill your opponent on every attack. You should be able to disable this option at any time. Also, can you explain what skills do you propose for exponential scaling ? or should it be logarithmic ?
[spoiler] [/spoiler] Unfortunately, I can only agree with you. It is a "gold mine" and it does create those activity centers. But you are missing the point, viscosity is not a real challenge in gathering resources, not for me , not anymore. I have a routine and it fits my needs. I manage. And ... yes, "Viscosity gives value to places that otherwise would have been ordinary" , but nobody goes to LotE/tribunal anymore, it is almost impossible to get them there. Also, by allowing the land to shift, it will just make it even more mysterious. It will allow the access to remote locations but it will hide the path. If you want to see ALL locations, you have to work for it. I proposed a feature to allow me (and others willing to do so) to lower the viscosity : Viscosity and "heavy" travel. It would solve the current "issues" with viscosity and with the proposal from this topic. But on top of all, it will grant the ability to make this land accessible again if we are willing to do so. PS: I'd like to know other opinions on this viscosity and even the research / opinion of "the people mur mentioned". MD is slowly slipping away and we have ppl researching stuff in secret. MD needs your feedback and ideas.
[spoiler] [/spoiler] As Ary said, there are ppl that are not impacted by viscosity because they don't move. That is true, then they haven't seen the extent of this game. And Azthor summarized it nicely : "viscosity is being seem as a disease where it is but a symptom". But the issue is not the viscosity but the lack of interaction. I don't like "castrating" MD, but it seems that we are so few and so far away that we no longer enjoying this game. In the past few years, I grew to become a sort of a monk. I don't like staying at GoE just to talk to ppl yet I miss their presence around MD. Indeed, maybe Viscosity is a problem, maybe not.
Uf, long sentences. I hate them. First of all, it is not about the gathering. I consider myself one of the biggest gatherers in MD and I considered the impact on my activity. I am not interested here to help ppl to travel to specific places for gathering resources or to help quest makers. For that I proposed another feature : Viscosity and "heavy" travel. Also, this feature will slowly decrease the lands and I mean that it could take months to remove everything within a land. This is not a solution for viscosity but to bring ppl together to try to solve the lack of interaction in MD. Before GG & Necro being opened and long before LotE's idea, all ppl were concentrated in NML, LR, UG & MB/MDA. It was still a huge place but it was less then half of what it is right now. Also, by hiding resources or click-ables might provoke those interested in traveling there to un-hide them. As you said: right now there is no incentive to travel to remove viscosity. This feature is just that : an incentive. What do you think that Necro will do if by chance the Inner Necro will get opened because of such "hiding" ? Or what will LR do if their capital will no longer be available and you could only go from entrance to the exit ? So, this "Magic of lands" is not to deconstruct viscosity but to complete it. If ppl is not interested in some locations ... then ... we don't need those locations. During BHC or a land war or a scheduled land show (with a large amount of ppl), all the land would go back to its former length due to activity and all access will be restored thus magically showing itself in all its glory.
This feature is not about the credits but the support for those interested in lowering viscosity.