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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. May I know what this may take some time thing regarding the GG means? I'd like to know before I bid.
  2. Thus closed, since resolved.
  3. Yeah, means it's pointless right now. I'll pay you 2gc for the CTC still
  4. What kind of creatures would you be interested in? Obviously not the run off the mill type, but a list of those you favor would be helpful to know.
  5. I'll bid 2sc for the two birds if they are without tokens.
  6. Both have a cylindrical hat, and a cane. STF's is the luxurious, gentleman's version, ravenstrider's more of the poor scholar's.
  7. I think Rendril has the luxurious version of that avatar, in gold, formerly STF's.
  8. The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything: I bid 42 silver.
  9. Do you mean Mur or Vic? 50 for 100 is just 2sc per, and that's the current ratio to buy anyways.
  10. I've got 100 cups of tea left to sell. Current price: 3sc per cup. If you buy in bulk, you get discount. From 10 cups onwards, you pay 2.5sc per. From 25 cups onwards, you pay 2sc per. From 50 cups onwards you pay 1.5 per. Each cup should have maximum uses, unless I pass you the wrong one by accident. Just tell me right after I passed them to you to get a correct one.
  11. 3gc+3cups of tea for the Shade.
  12. Actually..Necro right now, a swirling black orb. Make some lines around it to indicate it is truly swirling.
  13. Either a pentagram with an open end, or rather a square with an open end, the last corner lines not meeting, being bent.
  14. Alright, last call ended, now it's up to judging these...
  15. I do, but this was the last call- ending it very soon.
  16. Is this it for entries? I was hoping for a bit more, people, cmon.
  17. I think it is related to Beta Wolfeyes who uploaded pics that were not his, so now the avy's may have been removed. I believe teh refund did not happen because of that, maybe because the one who is in charge of avy's does not have the option?
  18. That's how I envisioned it xrieg, and there should also be a limit.
  19. Why not make it into a resource location with a clickable that when using so many AP brings forth so much water? E.g:: You use the pump, costs you 100 AP, you get 1 water out.
  20. Which invalidates the gg_deep spell that is there. I think the papers should teleport one into the Gates, and give a huge AP bonus if one is Golemian- so there is enough to move for a while.
  21. I think every cauldron type item needs heat to work, so that should be one of the basics.
  22. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1313533029' post='90279'] in the tea market , Tribunal lands, you can get teapots and tea recipes (!) the problem is the recipe is or might be wrong. i adapted one submited that was using rainwater and was slighlty different here is the code, feel free to review it and make it better for this purpose. tea shpoulf comsumr water and tea leaves to create 3 cups of tea, tea will be consumable with temporary boost [code] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Cup of Tea"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " Firstly, put in the leaves, covering the teapot's base with them. [b]You then need to boil some water and then pour them onto the leaves.[/b] [b]After three minutes of waiting[/b], the tea is then be ready to be served. "; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets brew some ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'], "Lets prepare some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop the brewing!" => 'end_failed', "Enough...!" => 'end_failed', $instr['title']." is served." => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration', "Oops..." => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts brewing the tea', "stop" => 'gives up brewing the tea', "current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'is brewing using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'could smell the fragrant aroma.', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the brewing.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'spilled the contents of the teapot by "accident".', "ingredients" => 'To prepare this special tea, you will need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps: %s. We still need perform: %s. ', "1" => 'covers the base of the teapot with tea leaves.', "2" => 'boils some water.', "3" => 'pours the hot water into the teapot.', "4" => 'waits for [b]three[/b] minutes.', "5" => 'pours the tea into a teacup.', "random" => 'ignores you.', "random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_teardropleaf" => "%s provides the tear leaves.", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water.", "provide_rainwater" => "%s provides the water.", "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesnt have enough. Only has %s.", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What are you up to?" => 'current', "Something smells good..." => 'current', "What are you using?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Spread the leaves over the teapot's base" => '1', "Cover the base of the teapot with the leaves" => '1', "Put the leaves in the teapot and cover the base with them" => '1', "Fill the bottom of the teapot with leaves" => '1', "Prepare some water" => '2', "Pour water" => '2', "Drop some water" => '2', //step 2 "Boil the water" => '3', "Prepare some boiled water" => '3', "Time to boil the water" => '3', "Boil some hot water" => '3', //step 3 "Pour the hot water into the teapot" => '4', "Add in the hot water" => '4', "Fill the teapot with hot water" => '4', "Pour in the boiled water" => '4', "Add in the boiled water" => '4', //step 4 "Wait for three minutes" => '5', "Wait for the tea to be ready" => '5', "Lets wait for it" => '5', //step 5 "Serve up the tea" => '6', "The tea is ready" => '6', "Pour some tea into a cup" => '6', //step 11 "Serve me tea" => 'random', "I am awesome" => 'random', "Look! It is a pink elephant!" =>'random', "Can you hurry up?" => 'random', "Ew!" => 'random', "I hate waiting" => 'random', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water', "/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Water', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Tea leaves=3 Water=2 "; $instr['effect'] = "cupoftea"; ?> [/code] [/quote] Done imo, aside from tweaking it to 3 mins (I hate overbrewed tea) I removed the step 2. Unnecessary, pour water, then the next tstep is boil water? just boil it.
  23. As evil as that sounds..are you sure your government isn't censoring you? This almost sounds like some issues I had in china back then, lol...
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