Not to mention I don't think Kragel ever made that list which was requested after everyone made a fuss....But that's another thing, another grudge of mine.
But well, since this does bother me a bit, a full analysis:
As for average prices you say...that is a list I really would love to look over. I personally once wanted to make a list of creatures, including token modifiers and more, but just stopped, because it would have meant that [b]every 2 or 3 months[/b] I would have to do it again. If your list is somewhat correct, I won't object. And I doubt I myself can appraise properly, most likely only [b]about 80%[/b]. But...will the list really satify me or the others? Everyone was talking about how prices were not entirely correct.
Now, the way you do it sounds like this: Everyone is asked to voluntarily be sold, and that even with a price they may not agree with. They get 1/3 together with those them? Sorry? So why not say it directly: Doesn't this [b]just mean they donate, and get a lower refund?[/b]. Well, not for slaves, but [b]selling yourself off even if for an "act" is also questionnable, seeing as you also gain.[/b]
Then, [b]1/3 goes to those organising this, making the quests[/b]...I don't mind them grabbing a few coins, but here again the issue is: Essentially the organisers are there to provide a selling platform and so on: Which is not worth [b]that much.[/b] Questmakers..I can understand if you reward them, but essentially, [b]who rates the quest and how, and how is the funding of them decided?
And last, quest rewards. Fine, nice idea. [b][u] take 100%, and ONLY pour [font="Impact"][size="4"]33% or LESS[/size][/font] into this? This surely sounds ineffective.[/u][/b]