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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Huh?! But I tried on 26 and I couldn't click anymore O_o Well, guess santa is nicer to bunnies than humans =D
  2. Udgard

    Wish Shop

    Uh, yeah.. I was thinking about that one.. maybe I should change the options to "increase/decrease the limit of usage", as the current one is limited to twice. I personally think that the VE thingy, should it stay, be increased to about at least 25%, considering that most people with high VE has only around 50k-70k max (others with normal Ve have less, though some exception has close to 100k) and a 10% bonus would equal 4k-5k VE, which can be very easily obtained otherwise. The premium creature here is tricky. I'd really LOVE this option, but I really hope this doesn't become a source of abuse with the WP system, as people would certainly start beggin RPCs for WPs even more if this idea gets implemented. I really want this option as well though =3 Just to point out, with the current options, aramor assassin and joker will cost 1 Wp, santa and bloodpact will cost 2 WPs, and rusty (and probably nutty) would cost a whoppin 10 WP.. If you exchange your WPs ito credits at a $5 exchange rate.
  3. Probably.. new year? X'mas gifts only lasted during the day though... (if Santa went into the chimney of an empty house, people might mistake him for a thief..)
  4. Udgard

    Wish Shop

    well, I've been wanting to bring up this topic when the WishShop first came out, but it wasn't the right time to bring it up, so.. I'll bring it up now =) So, what do you think about the current Wish Shop items? Anticipating Question number 6, please feel free to post any suggestion you have on what to add and their price, if you choose "yes". EDIT: added current price to each option
  5. I have always been, and still is, aware of the Children of the Eclipse =) I used to send Penelope(who was a good friend of mine) things I found during my researches that might relate to the moon and the night. I haven't touched the subject of the moon and night much after Penny's departure though.. It also puzzles me that the CoE hasn't been granted the badge yet, given that Mur seemed like he liked the idea behind the CoE, and both Penny and Tarq already got their titles since quite a while (the festival). Well, maybe Mur just forgot, he is busy after all.. I won't say much more. The Children of Eclipse have, and always will, have my support.
  6. I am still interested, an going to help, despite that 7 points above.. well, actually, except for point number 5 "the paper won't be for his lovely game"... what does that mean? Paper un-related to MD?
  7. I got a lv 2 and a maxed joker at my mp3s, but only a lv 6 daimon on my main T_T. And.. about 70k xp for each of my mp3 accounts O_o. I'm gettin the feelinf that mp3s gets better presents.. (nah, I think it was just luck. Anyone got drachorns?)
  8. Just.. one question, why is it called ghost? And, what is the strange thing about that log there?
  9. New thing to add to my to do list: get a log of this ghost ritual..
  10. It's more like.. all the time we get the VE bonus (except the one that comes with VP, that is a bonus indeed), it instead sets our VE to that amount, that includes the VE+heat bonus and the restored to full VE bonus (which destroys any VE extra VE we have above max). Anyways, it's a gift, so it should not really be a problem, isn't it? ^^
  11. As for number 1, I'll help you feel better by telling that it also happened to me... (on an alt)
  12. Ah.. that explains what happened to me..
  13. Welcome =) Hope you enjoy the game ^^
  14. Udgard

    md shop bug

    I've lost sight of my extra features as well..
  15. Technically, u can... Well, u can ask them to draw it for you, and ask them not to put it on the package they submit to Mur until you have the credits.. But when you finally do, you still have to race with others to be the first to buy it.
  16. Hmm, I did a search on magicduel.com/players/The Traveler when the rumors first appeared, and as far as I remember, he hasn't existed yet at that time..
  17. Maybe the burst was what happened, but still, that doesn't explain how my crts are all still alive, as I had 6 crts on that rit and regen skill below 100, so each one should regen only about 16% each, 25% tops with birdie's regen skill (dunno exactly how much they add).
  18. If he bursted, wouldn't the log vanish on his log, not mine? And my creatures were alive as well..
  19. Before we get back to topic, he isn't my char =D My alt is his adept, not him being my alt's adept, lol. And he IS a kind of special character, I can tell you that =) It's.. not possible to get that amount of stats with 1 win, I think.. and especially not with such an even numbered stat.
  20. I don't have a screeny, sadly, but today, my def rit got busted. The thing is, it never got destroyed, all cfreatures was still at their full health, and the last battle where the def rit was invoked only took me 30% (but took the enemy 100%, could it be that the game mistook it here?). Then the next battle, I was already gettin other rits kickin in, and the def rit mentioned on the title was destroyed and forgotten, when it was actually never destroyed..
  21. Could it be... the Hallowed Zenith? He DOES exist, after all... [spoiler]magicduel.com/players/Hallowed Zenith[/spoiler]
  22. UH..really wish I could go back to mp4... It's much harder to get VE on mp5 T_T Quick Edit: not actually a big accomplishment, but since people rarely do this, I'll post it anyways.. [img]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y201/Udgard/LRLandGuard.jpg[/img] Mp3, brute force against the LR guards. The result was 99% vs 100%, btw =D (Maybe if I hadused a burst or had higher combo rit... xD)
  23. Um... btw, I think the requesting specific avatar is currently available. You can just ask for it directly to the person. It's just that u would still have to race for it once it comes out at the shop...
  24. Udgard Count me in as well =) And.. guys? Put your playername please..
  25. Lol, hello fangs =D
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