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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Well, hello =)
  2. Well, hello.. Though I've seen u a lot more often on the game itself =D
  3. Well, hello =) Welcome, and hope you enjoy the game ^^
  4. BAck to topic, sorry for the late reply, but hello, and welcome to the game =) Yes, you will be seeing some of these unique people in game or on the forum.. it's quite amusing =) anyways, hope u enjoy the game ^^
  5. Well, hello =) Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it ^^
  6. Um.. we've talked to that guy, and I think the problem's over with him =)
  7. [quote name='No one' post='21677' date='Dec 10 2008, 05:47 PM']you still didn't got it, didn't you? There is no point in adding new creatures with high stats or new abilities. There are already too many creatures and people don't use them at the right capacity. The only point in new creatures in to give me and others like me something to do : to collect them all and to learn more ways to kick your ass.[/quote] lol, u're already kicking my ass without new creatures =D Anyways, it is not like any new one will comeout soon (other than the ones that were already going to be released, whose stats were made by Eden's team <weren't u on it too?>). The artisans are quite busy as they are right now (believe me, I've waited 6 months and it is still on progress, so I don't see any newly started creature projects to reach implementation phase sooner than 6 months), but I think it's okay for people to dream and imagine a bit, so when the time actually comes, MD would have a nice pool of ideas to draw from =) It's not like we'll get it anytime soon, so people is going to have to get to know their current ones better if they want to survive, but then again, we can always invest ideas for the future of MD =)
  8. No one can match dst? But, no one was dst, and dst was no one, so, it's like yourself fighting yourslef, rite? xD
  9. Well, we're just imagining and hopng to contribute something to the game, after all =) The creatures topic was made representing every land, so why not fill it with ideas? =D
  10. I think it would be nice if everyone has access to it, not just guild members, though with the creator probably going to be its master, quests might be necessary before someone can get their hands on it. Who decides the winner? Mur of course =D
  11. Happy Birthday Glor! *draws a birthday cake for Glor*
  12. Personally, I think the basic layout of the stats should be made by the designer, as the stats itself should reflect the nature of the creature's abilities. The adjustments, though, will be made by the creature development team (Eden, dst, dunno who else), as it has always been done.
  13. It's an aura that increses the awesomeness skill of all your creatures in combat by xx points.. At least, that's what I think he meant xD
  14. If only... the evil bunny creature got implemented.. MB would have had a special spell to summon evil bunny armies.. Too bad it was canceled T_T
  15. Well, it has been suggested, and since it still hasn't been implemented, I'm guessing that it is not on the priority list. Meanwhile, here's a trick I use: I mail them to my alt, but never open them with that alt. Thus, I can always go to the outgoing message control and read it anytime I want to. If I accidentaly opened it with the alt, I just click 'mark as unread' =)
  16. I'm going to come up with a solution to that : I'll move the gazeebo of equilibrium to Golemus...
  17. I guess I will add my 2 cents here. I think we need to make clear the difference between the definition of role as a [b]function[/b] and as a [b]role- play personality[/b](I cannot think of a better term right now). Some RPCs have roles that are very closely associated with their role-play personality, such as RJ, whose function as the drachorn 'manager' is closely associated to his role-play as the Drachorn Master. Thus, his disappearance could bring trouble as there is no drachorn manager around, but still, the only Drachorn Master is him, and to the same sense that MD tries to make an avatar [b]unique to each players[/b], it just doesn't seem right to give away RJ's role to anyone else. The function, however, can be given to new people, but I much prefer that they have their own role to play, not a Drachorn Master.. at least, a different title and a very different background. Some other roles, is just unique to the players, and should never be transferred away, an easy example would be Metal Bunny. Do you want someone to be the new Lord of Bunnies if he's gone? I don't think so. Bootes, BlackThorn, Thanasia, Alche, are just a few amongst the many examples I can give for roles that should never be transferred to anyone else. Even simply's role as the ferryman, and aqune's role as the storm maiden (she is PWR, but with a spell unique to her) should never be passed on. Their spell and abilities(teleportation, weather spells), can be given to others, but the title and role itself should never be passed on. This is actually what has been done even now, with Morpheus's ability being shared with others (I know at least 2 others, excluding Mur, who has dream ability). So to conclude, I think the roles that need to be periodically reviewed and be passed on is very limited to a few functions (drachorn master, spell pages, assassin, Wodin, and maybe KC), but to think of it, there isn't even that much roles that need to be passed on. It would be such a waste if the programmings done to accommodate some abilities given to RPCs/PWRs disappear when they retire, but I personally think that most of the roles itself does not need, and should not, be passed on, but only the few specific functions instead.
  18. Should I comment on that, or should I not? Anyways, that is a good suggestion, and is actually very possible.. As long as you are aware of how busy the artisans is. But a good and very possibly-implementable idea awi =)
  19. Well, I would say that this is a very nice idea. After reading previous posts, I am sure that this can be done, and to think about it, there is a LOT of materials to write. Personally, I would suggest a once/twice a month issue, as I am sure that timezone and RL problems would often kick in and prevent things from being done faster than that (if we want to put a substantial amount of news in it, unless we want to make just liek a daily newsflash). Let's see, I think we can put : 1. A daily quote of the week (of the biweekly, or of the month, actually) consisting of chosen posts from the "How addicted are u to MD?" and Yami's funny quote list. 2. A heads contest of the month report (probably best if written by those who participate on the contest at the time) 3. An article about the summary of ongoing storylines in the AL, and probably comments about it from some contributors. Plus, a teaser from the archivists writing the story maybe? 4. Of course, news on game development. 5. Strategy Compendium. This could probably come in the form of an article concerning a certain creature and various tricks on using it on a ritual. Well, if this is not considered too much of a spoiler, that is. 6. A sneak peek on the next batch of avatars. 7. Selected stories about events that happened in the game, such as Role-Playing events. (I would limit this only to important events, though) 8. A quiz of the week. Think of it as a weekly (again, I would rather see it becoming a biweekly/monthly) RPC quest. The difference being that this is a Quest set up by the newspaper agency. Maybe make it not too hard, with only minor rewards, so we can involve many players on it(not just the geniuses xD). 9. Important Calendar events. (once the Calendar feature gets worked on again, that is) 10. And.. etc. There's still a lot other if we want to think of it, and I really think that this has a lot of potential. I really think that this has a lot of potential, and you have my full support, myrrh. My time is yours if you ever have a need for it. I am looking forward to seeing how the Newspaper would fare in this realm.
  20. Well, I got to say that I love it... The last one was good although simple, but this one is much, much better
  21. Or... a certain alliance announcment page on the ally page.. Sinc sometims the chat gets washed out hn too many people speak..
  22. Oh, inner sun has moved then? Anyways, inner sun was originally from MB.. dunno now though..
  23. As far as I know... the honor still exists, just that it's harder to see our honor anymore, as it doesn't show up anymore... But I still see other's honor when I click them, so it should still be there..
  24. Well, if u want to allow MP3s to be able to obtain those creatures, yet not be overpowered, you can always set an XP/age/wins requirement for upgrades that is not so easily reached on mp3..
  25. Addict? My oldest surviving creature, the chaos archer, whom I bought around my 4th or 5th day on gameplay, is 176 days old. My active days are 173. Now, count the number of days that I missed playing MD =)
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