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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Right, Currently the attackboost only applies to level 1 creatures indeed, those tooltips need rewriting or this changing Any suggestions? :D
  2. It would be good to have some words to accompany the screenshot stating how to be and other such information. While a screenshot, and I thank you for providing one, is worth many more words it only captures an instant in time. What happened up to this point? Was EE talking in chat while it showed him as idle, had he just idled, was he just going to idle? Thank you for your report.
  3. Night mode is a little more than just "hiding in the dark" is more of a state of mind, a slight phasing out of peoples perceptions and the MD reality. Knowing that all the darkness is actually the same but that there is another type of darkness, when on one sees you, are you not in darkness also? even while you may be perfectly visible at that time you are not. The trick of staying in the darkness, and therefore not being observed, or vice versa is one that might not be affected by the presence of light, but the knowledge of it. Sometimes what stops us most is our own knowledge. A discussion about this might be interesting for you.
  4. Should be fixed, please someone check to see if their profile page doesnt display an error when you have the papers in use.
  5. Its all related to idle not working, so it is no? It is an idling related bug yes? The bug wasnt reported following the guidelines and a comment of "title explains all" isnt really helpful.
  6. Thank you. Fixed then :)
  7. As much information as possible would be great.
  8. Many thanks, I will log this and look into it.
  9. Perfect, Thanks Syrian and Nad!
  10. Well... if I dont know about secret conversations I cant fix it can I? :)
  11. Which is why I asked for a test to ensure it was indeed fixed :P
  12. Thats not feasible to change (RE: all clickables having a greyed version) since it would require changing every single flash scene and all A25 objects (too many) but the issue with the newer clickables is that A25 ones are above the greyed filter, I will see what we can do with this. Which this makes sense, I dont suppose you talked with Mur on this beforehand?
  13. Perfect, I will look into fixing that. Thanks Assira
  14. Thanks Assira, I will move this to fixed for now then :)
  15. Many thanks Assira
  16. Woo! Thanks for being so fast at replying Assira, Closed!
  17. We removed the mobile payment sadly since it gave little/no credits and their end never worked but always charged.
  18. Related bug?: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7596-idlenot-idle/
  19. So one of the bugs people have commented on (only in chat to me) is that there is a period between idling and getting logged out where you appear "ingame". Has anyone found this? Related bug: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15668-non-idle-person-shown-as-idle/
  20. With too many rituals, there becomes an issue where they page cannot load. This then stops them fighting. Limiting their number of rituals will help with this.
  21. Closed as an oldish bug, made a new thread to open discussion/fix the problem.
  22. I added tokens when you sacrafice a creature, when I moved it over to HTML5 interface.
  23. Anyone use IE?
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