Thank you Ary for starting the topic, it is good to see you take an interest and helps me greatly :)
The points below are my opinons, not attacking anyone, merely playing devils advocate in some situations. Please remember this all so we can have a nice progressive discussion :)
Notes to remember/discuss:
>>Grid Format
Gird format could work, but would in essence be a reduction of information from the full logs, since you cant store everything on the grid. Also the grid wouldnt fit in the box unless it was all really tiny, is this ok?
>> I deem it important that this information display be reimplemented
Why? I can think of a couple reasons but why do you deem it? :)
>>creature ID
Creature ID was something that was added because the populace asked for it, Its not really "admin info" as you call it but allows someone to tie a specific creature to whats going on. But I am considering a toggle for that :)
There are 4244 occurrences of the string "something" in our codebase and various file systems. You think we have a clue? :P
As a casual glance, I couldnt find anything on to be honest.
>>That would make textual info on first page completely unnecessary
A long time ago, the text on that page was readable and only had key information. as the log expanded this text got faster and faster causing it to be unreadable. Keeping it at basic information might be cool.