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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. As a note for all, please do not do what Rophs has done when quoting. Spend the 5 seconds to break up the quote and not be lazy. I spent a good couple several many LOTS minutes fixing up the quotes so I can reply and its annoying. The quotes are buggered, the forum isnt letting me change them. Im not going to waste more time. Please quote properly next time rophs.
  2. Hey Rophs, Thanks for putting your ideas forward. I have a couple comments and questions. Have you ever participated in the TC? Have you participated in one since Established Housing was placed in Nomansland? This has changed the contest quite a lot and I think it will break how you want it to run. I like some of the ideas you put forward but in actuality you are not describing the TC, but an entirely new contest. Its got radically different ideas and ways to win and I dont think you are working from a base of the TC, rather starting entirely from a blank. What do you think of this comment? It sounds a lot like capture the flag, were you going for this Do you think it is fair to change rules as and when you want? Hey Aethon, Similar questions to Rophs: Have you ever participated in the TC? Have you participated in one since Established Housing was placed in Nomansland? Why movelocking when the AP requirements of TC do this primarily? I assume you know of the TC or did some research into it before asking to run one? How does established Housing work with your plans? As rophs, you seem to be inventing a new contest that isnt the torch contest by making entirely new rules, restrictions and even interfaces to display information. Some of the points are a little interesting but you dont seem to have it relating to the Torch Contest in any way. And would take months of planning and work to implement it.
  3. Nope. TK do not exchange money since there is no set value of gold -> silver and vice versa. They will only exchange notes.
  4. dst for mod! Also made a new subforum for old quests (as per suggested by grido)
  5. dst for mod!
  6. Different water? Burn Shem! Better now? :p I kinda like it. Makes some sense too
  7. If its one of the clickables Mur put up after a load of MD'ers drew stuff, then it has little/no plans.
  8. This thread is about targetting Ary, If you want to discuss other areas please make a new topic :)
  9. >>This needs to be sorted out. Why? While I can probably guess a couple reasons, its always good to hear your reasons. Not just hearing demands to have X fixed :) >>But that's not the problem if we give attacker in same slot priority over defender Attacker priority over defender? Isnt this discussion about how a target is chosen, e.g. An aramor using attack strong is only targetting one of six, so attacker/defender precedence doesnt mean a thing surely?
  10. No. My above post was indicating how is perhaps _could_ work. Please refer to my post http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16814-targetting/?p=167957 explaining to you why your "filter" idea is wrong. Do you understand that if the strength/vit/whatever is the same, is it undetermined how the sorting is finished?
  11. So as asthir pointed out creature Id will give a total ordering of what creatures will be hit. So as a simple thing you could just say it's based on the first sorting (as explained) then the creature id. I think it makes sense that the final sorting order is on creature id as you need to preserve a total ordering to make it deterministic. Or we could make it random. In combat sometimes you falter, slip or make the wrong move. It would mean that you couldn't predict what it would hit, might make it more interesting and also potentially stop people tryin to predict what will happen precisely. I like it not being random but think we could probably add more sorting orders to make it more interesting. Like surely a creature with less vitality is weaker than one with more, even if they have the same power attack defence.
  12. 10 silver for both
  13. Of what you call "filters", there is only ever one level, for everything. All the rest are undefined. If its target weakest, its based on power+attack+defence only. If its dying, its based on vit percent only. Let me give you some code if you dont believe me: [php] case 'weak': asort($sortcr_power, SORT_NUMERIC); $key = key($sortcr_power); $ret[] = $creatures[$key]; break;[/php] If the php sorting functions are deterministic, there is some determinism. But otherwise there is no further order imposed. Hence why I was saying you are overfitting your data as you are drawing conclusions where there are none. If there are two creatures with the same power, then its undefined precisely which one is chosen, and depends entirely on how PHP sorted the array. Same with dying, as is everything else. Hence, there is only one filter so anyone who is learning combat, please remember this (asthir please update your above posts by putting a warning). I suggest next time you run more tests, although clearly you have stated above that your tests disagreed (which surely led you to the conclusion your ideas about multiple filters was wrong?)
  14. Its based on attack, defence and power.
  15. What If I said you were taking too few battles and drawing too many conclusions from that? By that I mean (in the stats world) you are overfitting your data. Nope. Its not all stats.
  16. Sure it works like that? >> total strength (as opposed to the description which states that only attack and defense matter) Meaning? >>Multiple "filters" How many tests were these? I hate to burst your bubble but...
  17. Chewett

    XP crunching

    *does the asthir summoning dance*
  18. Chewett

    XP crunching

    >>but that is too much.(6 times). Why is it too much? :)
  19. We (L and I) wish you a very happy birthday dst! May all that you wish for come true today. And may you visit the UK soon! Chewett :)
  20. Previously that panel only showed the last X players you gave out, showing who you couldnt give out more to. Since you can give out multiple to a person in a row, this is why its not displaying.
  21. Were either/both of your accounts created before or after all the tutorial changes? Thank you for the information from her and you. Also someone claiming to be her has been contacting me about replying to her ingame PM's and sent a load of messages (similar to the ones recieved via email and ingame PM) I will contact you about this potential impersonation. General notice: Please remember that impersonating someone is serious and I will take any such instances very seriously.
  22. The image shows that flash isnt loading, or is disabled. I believe this is relevant: https://threatpost.com/mozilla-disables-flash-in-firefox/113763/ You will need to enable flash :)
  23. Thank you all, I will be spending this weekend with family so wont be coding anything :)
  24. So they were reappearing over a period of time? Paparver when was your account created? What period? Please help by giving me a timeline. I also dont see why you arent just posting this yourself (it would be faster) when you sent me a forum PM about this issue but each to their own :) Same with you Aethon, but I think I know most of your story. I think Paperver is much older?
  25. We have no way of knowing precisely how things link together nicely currently.
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