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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. I have had two more entries! Both very awesome. If you dont think you will get the two points, you are free to enter before or after you get them :)
  2. Wish you and your family the best neno. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
  3. We have our first entry! First place at the moment :P A reminder that drawings are helpful, and that you should remember that the tiny men cannot draw.. at all. I gave them a simple stick figure diagram of how NOT to steal presents and they have it up in one of their houses as high art. Consequently, any level of drawing is appreciated by them.
  4. There will be rewards! To be discussed and released soon
  5. As noted: >Letters will be judged in the new year, but obviously the helper elves will need to read them before they place the presents under the tree. Obviously minutes before christmas day would be a little late, submit your letters a day or two before christmas day to be sure they have received it :) Also note that, the more unique the request potentially the more time will be needed to set it up.
  6. It looks like one of my drafts of this post removed that information! Send the images to me via forum pm, host them on storenow. 1 wishpoint has been added to first, second, and third place.
  7. This year I have been talking with the helper elves about getting the tree put up in MD. They apparently require more coin this year and after a lot of discussions I have managed to get them to put up our tree again and, in addition, do a new job. They will put up the tree and also produce the presents. There is some concern that the presents they obtain are... "borrowed" so if anyone finds a present with a name that isnt their own, I might need to talk to them... Hopefully no person finds that they have lost some creature or other due to the elves "recycling". This year they have agreed to read your letters and try to make the presents under the tree a little more customised to the person. They will read your letters and if they deem your request is fair they will attempt to customise your reward. However they were quite specific in the way they wanted the request. They wanted you to physically write a letter to them saying why you are a good person and what you wish. These elves are quite vain so if you are going to write a letter, I suggest you praise them and their work over the years. They also noted that some of MD are good at drawing but they are not and would appreciate your depiction of them. The helper elves will only read these letters if you have been sufficiently christmassy, so require you have attained 2 christmas points before submitting it. You can submit them by uploading the images to storenow and sending them to me in a forum pm. The most amusing letters, or those that make the helper elves the happiest will receive some rewards: 1st - WP + 1 snowman 4 christmas points 2nd - WP + 2 gold, claw 3 token, 3 christmas points 3rd - WP + 1 gold, onyx fang token, 2 christmas points All other participants 1 christmas points Letters will be judged in the new year, but obviously the helper elves will need to read them before they place the presents under the tree. Edit: The peoples representative of the helper elves remind me that I am meant to call them tiny GG men. Please remember to use this term and not the phrase "elves" OOC Note: Im trying to get the code done for the custom presents, but if this doesnt happen I will be giving the custom rewards. Requests will be customised depending on your activity and a number of different things. More active = cooler present.
  8. >>4th place: 1 gold and 1 Christmas point Everyone participating gets 1 christmas point, not forth place :)
  9. Chewett

    Influence slider

    Do people see a reason why it shouldnt?
  10. Yes potentially. But I need to review it. Thanks for the list, please remember all that some of these announcements are old and therefore wrong.
  11. You replied to my pm already :p
  12. >IMO, flags should be hidden to all other than admins. This is something I have had planned to do a while ago. I just hadnt got around to taking the "plunge"
  13. If you have any questions about the nature of Jail, feel free to ask them. The most recent announcement (https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3739) brings into line what Mur and I have been working on with Jail, to MD officially. The most important part of this change is that Jail is not just a punishment.
  14. Also, I thank you all for giving me the time to properly formalize how Jail should be working. This announcement overrides a number of older ones and formalizes what Mur and I have been working towards for Jail. Although there are still some problems with Jail I have been working on trying to bring them into line (https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3540), after the changes to the tags. Jail, like death should not be something entirely removing you from the game, it should be an event, something you can work with and roleplay. If we need to properly exclude someone from the game we have the Ban ability which is a last resort but Jail should be a mixture of punishment and character development. I will make a topic (see: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16951-discussion-about-what-is-jail/ ) in case anyone is slightly confused by the announcement and wishes to ask questions.
  15. Those interested in this topic should read my latest announcement: https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3739
  16. Thanks for that rophs :)
  17. I need to code a tool to tell me why it doesnt permit someone to worship them, its low priority but I am looking into it :)
  18. Something that I have apparently missed (but not in a PM to someone) is that "what happens to grido jailing Eon, what happens to the extended time, will you ip ban him?" The answer so that, is I am going to wait and see. I want to have a bit of thinking time to decide what I want to do with the excommunication tools and how they fit into todays MD. Hopefully I am going to see some people roleplaying some stuff ingame :) But I need some time to think. So this point I havent decided on, and yet may do something. If something happens, a new precedent or similar, I will announce it. Feel free to keep sending me questions. I will keep updating this topic.
  19. I now have a bug report from Eon. Thank you Eon.
  20. Generally in situations like this you need to step back and look at the whole situation rather than any sum of parts. Here is, from what I can see, what happened and what has angered some people. Grido used a tool which lets his excommunicate and jail Eon, losing the alliance. This is a perfectly legal move, and as one of the kings of the land he can do this (or really anyone holding that tool, but thats another matter). It then appears Eon used a bug to leave jail. Here he made a mistake by not reporting the bug. At this point I think grido tried to send Eon back to jail by grabbing him. From what I can see this didnt work (due to whatever) and therefore he decided to use his jail spell to do so. Here he made a mistake as he forgot the most important rule "Do not use admin tools for situations you are involved in". He also didnt report the bug (until later). And then everyone seemed to make a mistake by blowing up the forum again arguing about who is right or wrong. Roleplay your anger, even dst can roleplay, so can you! (mea culpa dst) For better or for worse, I am the only one who can if what has happened is abuse or not. Yes we have some rules which lead you to a conclusion but at the end of the day MD will always be run by people, and not a set of continuously moving goalposts. So then it comes the question, what do I think? What harsh punishments shall I lay out? The first thing I have to think is, what would I have done about Eon escaping jail? Well he never reported the bug and just used it. I still havent actually had a bug report so Eon is clearly in the wrong here. I hope I will receive one via email/PM soon. Technically abusing a bug and not reporting it, especially one leaving jail is quite a big abuse, but I will get onto that later. Then I have the question, what do I do about Grido who is, clearly, according to the rules, abusing his admin powers by using them to "fix" something. He has admitted that he made a mistake using them and should have contacted someone else to resolve the situation. The rules do point out that Eon therefore does deserve to be put back as he "broke the rules" by escaping, so he does have some footing, but he acknowledges now that he did do wrong. Abusing an admin spell is also quite a big abuse, similar to the one Eon did. But, in the end of the day we have had two good conclusions from this. We have had a little bit of excitement (Eon does send wonderfully Roleplayed PM's) and some action and I have had a time to clarify some rules for everyone. And we have a new bug to fix! (well... newish, I think I know the bug they used) Therefore im going to do nothing to either of them. Grido has understood what he did wrong and I believe Eon will be sending me a bug report tonight. I can imagine some are going to go away from this going "oh letting them get away with murder" but actually punishment is used in MD as a learning point generally. I think both parties have learnt something. I shall survey what is happening over the next couple days and have a think about the situation. Kyphis has already offered asylum so potentially another land might also let Eon escape by doing this. ----- The take home message I would like to impart on everyone is, The rules are not hard and fast and we try and be fair. Both parties have abused something and hopefully learnt something too. And all of this fun, should have been ingame! I act in this situation as the GM (so Eon you can stop sending the marvellously worded PM's asking me to declare my loyalty) because you guys can roleplay, and you should :)
  21. Havent forgotten. Still not home.
  22. Locked Make a new topic if you want to discuss this nicely. I will deal with this tonight but all I will say is Grido should have known better than to have done what he did without asking.
  23. We have very simple rules that should have been used in this case, if you have admin spells you cannot use them to aid your case or resolve something related to you. You get someone else to. I will remind people about this tonight when home. But the rules with this are clear. Grido shouldn't have used the spell.
  24. Please say you didn't use your jail spell Grido as that would be an abuse. Also go into the game to have this fun
  25. Chewett


    It also doesnt seem entirely fun to be hoarding the awesome avatars. So if anyone is selling to junior, I will increase the price :P
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