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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Fixed Ann. 3779 - [2015-12-31 21:25:47 - Stage 13] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett 0 likes Like After the most recent set of artwork uploaded for the common items I have fixed the public inventory display so it is usable for those that have many items.
  2. >I've experienced this bug as well. How did you get it to occur?
  3. Sacked any recently?
  4. See original post Mur:
  5. I believe I have fixed this.
  6. After discussion with all the sponsors :P
  7. This has reminded me of something o planned to do over the holidays, since it's still holiday for me I shall make an announcement
  8. Whats the item name? "bucket"
  9. And also, for example, the last time I tried to buy something publicly people started bidding more assuming there was some important need to have that item to help them in the future I could be lots of reasons
  10. Yay!
  11. Chewett


    I have been trying to get some people to redesign the avatar management/costs system for a couple years but never really got feedback or anything fixed from the avatar people. When discussed before with the council we couldnt find a decent solution to all the costs and other things. The current system, with the buying an avatar returns your current one to the shop is based on when there was no way to store avatars. Since when buying one you would return your current one. This page was never redesigned when the avatar storage was added. Im welcome for someone to redesign the entire way of it works, you can contact me for more information.
  12. Chewett


    Yep thats how it works.
  13. Chewett


    Go to shop, Buy avatar. Although... I assume you dont mean that unless you just had a massive brain malfunction, so can you be more specific?
  14. Indeed as expected it doesn't show but works. This is good. I will look at making it HTML5
  15. This should be run yearly
  16. Yes that's a known limit to the display, although try storing some in your 13th?
  17. I have two rows, although I did make the mistake of thinking that equalled 10, same mistake SS?
  18. My christmas cards are going to be new years cards as I still havent written all of the (18!) and life conspired against me
  19. Indeed happy birthday :)
  20. Things are getting a little better, Thank you for your thoughts.
  21. Im back at home, I was actually sitting with L as she has some problems and we had to see a Dr pretty urgently. She is doing a little better and we have some medication to hopefully help but we will need to wait and see. I will try and reply to everything I didnt today, tomorrow, Sorry for the delays. Thank you for all your kind words. Again apologies for the delay.
  22. I know I have about 17 pms to reply to (and that's just today) but I'm sitting in urgent care at te moment and don't know when I will be able to reply to them Sorry
  23. Oh yes, I forgot you are a newb. You mean a snowman :D
  24. A what? Morph? Dont know what that is ;)
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