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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. >if I'm willing to shell out 3+ wishpoints, all at once mind you, for the option to get to the Pathkeeper, Send Mur and email for a custom wish if you want it :)
  2. A wishpoint is important as the things it "buys" are not available to buy from prettymuch any sources. A wishpoint is to be given for hard work and actual achievement within MD. In the past it was given out by RPC's and represented the highest reward available. It is still worth a decent amount due to the unique things you can obtain with them. Keeping them vaguely hard to get is important :)
  3. Please do not report bugs like this being vague and give me information I can use please :)
  4. Moved from validating forum section as this may be helpful to the new player. Validated player.
  5. Many of the east ones I havent yet finished properly fixing. It needs a decent chunk of time to fix one by one and I havent got around to doing them. I have done all up to jesters ally I believe.
  6. >>don't roll the dice with me in the scene as the results might be not so random >good to know... I might have to unhack some things.
  7. >Im pretty sure Chewy would rather use some time out of his busy day looking into a bug that isnt a bug, than having possible bugs not reported at all. Yes :) Although just asking at GoE once or twice will save even more time! But seriously if unsure, report.
  8. 8 silver, my silver is super unneeded as im so old (completely opposite of tissy in your opinion) so surely you will be letting me buy it? Tissy I will gift it to you when blackshade rider accepts my bid.
  9. If you come find me at GoE sometime I can look into it.
  10. Yes, it appears when its not configured. So just give me a coord here and I can fix it :)
  11. Names dont. But you can change them upgrading. The creature must be named correctly, and be the correct level and species.
  12. Farting grasans need to be level 2. If you traded it it will be level 1 and therefore reverted no? Please remember blackshade that you need to talk to people before making bug reports. Hopefully many people at GoE should have told you reducing the spam on the forum :)
  13. Farting grasans need to be level 2. If you traded it it will be level 1 and therefore reverted no?
  14. Chewett


    I have Ars and No one who are currently working on proposing a new avatar system, if anyone else is interested in being involved please send me a PM.
  15. Ah yes, you are correct Sunfire, valid names for pimps are: Constipated Pimp Leaking Pimp Exfoliating Pimp Farting Pimp Smelly Pimp
  16. I am under the impression that pimps cannot produce resources but if anyone can find some evidence contrary then please look. I will check later today
  17. It wasnt needed.
  18. She won them in the new years auction. They should all have 0 age.
  19. He posted in global chat each time he was around. I think the "problem" was that some people just idled at GOE expecting to wake up and see him. Wheras actually he moved around a lot this year (much better) to only let those active get it. I assume you missed these rather green messages? the achievements hasnt been abandoned. Everyone that gets a christmas point gets one.
  20. Not currently
  21. As christmas celebrations are drawing to a close with many quests finishing off, I create this topic to ask you what you thought of this years events. This year I organised christmas differently by adding the overarching christmas points and a better reward scheme for questmakers. I also personally contacted each and every questmaker, helped organise rewards and a variety of other tasks. Along with my questmaking helpers and other various friends we have managed, in my opinion, one of the best christmas celebrations in the last couple years. But here I open the floor to any and all opinions, good and bad, of the festival and what you feel could be done to improve next year. I have a couple comments myself which I will post in a little while. All feedback will also help those preparing the MD birthday in a few months time.
  22. Copied from a PM because reporter did not post to forum: *From: Fang Archbane (ID:214273) *sent 15 hours and 8 minutes ago Read later Title: Untitled Shuffling avys doesnt make new gold ones appear o-o --- Answer: Fang bought the last gold avatar in the shop so shuffling does nothing. As it stands at the moment there are no more gold avatars in the shop. Not a bug.
  23. Fang do what you want it's up to you. You take my words as an absolute...
  24. Ah yes I see. So anything named with the special names that are not valid have their names reset?
  25. In my opinion it's poor taste to try and make a profit on the few gold avatars in the shop, when I saw a few were in the shop after fixing it I hoped no one would do this... oh well
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