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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Sharazhad in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326990392' post='101227']
    How about you stop assuming things, Sharazhad. You don't know what happened. Stop making conclusions until you hear both sides of the story.

    [i][color=#008000] Seigheart, you have to understand when a public announcement is made people will react differently and from a simple layperson's point of view, this stinks of mindplaying, bullying, harrassement. Worst of all rewarded for. I am quite happy to hear the otherside of the story.... answers to Yrth's questions that he posted above.[/color][/i]
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    What he could mean is that Eon, dst, and Granos are so annoying and purposely do things like this for fun, and some king said **** it, and gave up.
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to phantasm in Resource Depletion   
    aye agreed with seig. It is not authority of "authority" you should be looking for, but the mass. Rise to the movement. Posting and keeping records of depletion is good. It must however be used to get the masses on your side, not a 'judge' as it were. I think people keep missing my point about this. A small force of movement can roll into a typhoon in MD if you move int he right direction. The conglomerate is capable of overtaking anyone or thing. No king is every mightier then the mass that it controls
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    I did not see this anywhere and yes i know i am a little behind in making a topic
    work stuff and firewalls blocking me most of the time.

    [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2172 - [2012-01-17 14:27:12 - Stage 11][/color]
    A "kingslayer" medal was awarded retroactively to the following players for classified missions of obvious nature . These actions include recent but also ancient events where pressure was put on certain leading characters to test their strength or find their breaking point:[b] *dst*, Granos, Eon [/b]

    In regards to the above anno i would like to request details of this so called mission?
    Whom they took down and proof of this.

    I for one can say none of the mentioned players made me resign it was the council that did that.
    But I also think if you are going to announce this public then you should provide log's and proof of the intent
    otherwise it look to be a load of BULL to reward players for nothing.

    This is ofc myown opinion on this matter and i would just like clarification on the statment of the Kingslayer medal
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Axel Keravnos in Global Mute Button   
    Bah what are you still doing with xp windows 7 upgrade stat. Also you can download similar things online unless you guys don't have virus protection as well in that case jeez what sort of wooden box would you be running

    Just saying that there are tons of options you can take instead of waiting for a global mute button, it's a good idea but it isn't implemented yet so just making suggestions while you wait and just incase it never does get put in effect.
  6. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Eclipse sabotaged   
    [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1326441321' post='100613']
    To the Children of the Eclipse:

    This ought to go without saying, but just to be clear: I will not be approaching Mur or the Council about this matter, and I will not be attempting to prosecute Pip in the MD Court or any other body. I have no reason to think Pip used a bug or exploit to get into the CoE, but if he did, I leave such matters in the hands of those whose position it is to regulate them. Until I am given reason to think otherwise, I will assume Pip achieved this act of sabotage through honorable, game-mechanical means.

    [quote name='King Bull' timestamp='1326446447' post='100618']
    You cheated Pip and should be banned according to the rules. this is what the rules say:[list]
    [*]You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned.
    its simple and your guilty.

    King Bull, it helps if you read the message by your alliance leader before being foolish.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to King Bull in Eclipse sabotaged   
    You cheated Pip and should be banned according to the rules. this is what the rules say:[list]
    [*]You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned.
    its simple and your guilty.
  8. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Resource Depletion   
    So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs?

    Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds?

    Didn't think so.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Accepting New Applicants   

    The Treasure Keepers are now actively accepting new applicants.

    They must meet the following criteria:

    1. Active Days: Below 365, but higher than 100.*
    2. Active Day Percentage Above 60%*
    3. Clean Record*
    4. Those with Official Roles will not be accepted

    The applicants must not be in the servitude of another Land. If you are, you must be relinquished by your King, or Queen, before they enter the Servitude of the Demon. Your allegiance will no longer be to your King, or Queen, but to the Demonic One.


    Meaning you will not have any authority over anyone. Including you.

    The purpose of the Treasure Keepers is to distribute the Wealth of the Demon to those he wishes to reward, or sponsor. This is not a glamorous job, but it does have its benefits. What those benefits are will become clear in time, but they are worth it in the end.

    If you wish to apply, please state the following as such:

    Game Name: Seigheart
    Active Days: 444(87%)
    Current Allegiance: Lands of the East
    Tag: Information Specialist

    I will approach those who apply, with either an acceptance, or rejection, letter in-game.

    Good luck, and Mur’s Speed

    *Slight variances are acceptable.[/center][/center]
  10. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Handy Pockets in Dragual and Princess Katts wedding   
    How is this Eon's fault? So you will not join any guild or alliance for fear of attacks? Or am I reading this part wrong?
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Princess Katt in Wedding Invitation   
    [quote]when Eon whisked Dragual and Azull away to the GoE, she spoke her vows to the air and audience[/quote]

    Due to lag, I did not know Darth and Azull were gone until I had the vows well completed. I assumed, wrongly, that all had been there for them. That is why I did not repeat them.

    What may have appeared to be lack of emotion on my part was actual panic and messaging in 3 or 4 windows to figure out what to do about the movelock. I had considered dropping the guild long before this because of Eon's attacks to me, so doing so was not as much of a thoughtless decision as it may have appeared. I was grateful to Kiley for being willing to help in such an unconventional way.

    I apologize to all for all of the confusion and thank those who came for being patient. At long last, the wedding was completed. Although we did not get to hear all the music Darth and I had planned at the reception, I am indeed a happy bride. Thanks to all who participated.
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Pen tablets   
    I'd like to give this image as a comparison.

    The three avatars on the left, are three avatars I had currently in my avatar shop.
    the wolf was drawn by me with a tablet, the lines around it were for testing, and I decided to leave them there as an example of lines.
    I added the background of MD, and made the wolf transparent (that's how it will look in MD, if it were an avatar)

    I personally don't think it is a lot different from the avatars that are already approved once,
    so, why shoudn't a tablet be approved?

    No, it can not reproduce a pencil perfectly, but how big is that of a problem?
    Some avatars around don't look very pencil-ish either.
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Brulant in Pen tablets   
    I'm not what I'd define as a graphic artist, but I've seen people do really successful tablet drawing.
    For example, here's an image done by someone with a tablet that has selected a pencil-emulating brush.

    [url="http://www.henningludvigsen.com/index.php/henning/tutorial_text/043_ifx_tutorial_digital_pencil_drawing"]Image grabbed from here[/url], I do not own the image, etc, etc.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Pen tablets   
    About 2 weeks ago, I went a mail to the council with a question concerning avatars/item drawings drawn with a pen tablet.
    I was wondering if pen tables should be used for avatars or not.
    My opinion about it was, that it shouldn't be a problem, but I got a reply that said the opposite:

    [quote]All submitted artwork should be made with pencil and scanned in. Pen tablets should not be used. Not only does it provide consistency with the art in game, it also provides an added surety that the artwork is indeed belonging to the person submitting, rather than found elsewhere on the internet.[/quote]

    Now I must say I do not agree with what the council said.
    First, I think consistency with the art in game should not be a problem with a pen tablet, as there are a lot of possibilities with it.
    And also, it is as easy to trace an image with pen and paper, than it is with a pen tablet. (as I think that is their

    It's just a virtual paper, and a virtual pencil, I personally don't see the big problem here.(I also made a reply, saying this, but I did not get an anser yet)

    Now I'd like to ask the opinion of the community, to see what other people think about it.

    Should a tablet be allowed?
    Why, why not?

    [size=2]Edit: Adding quotes (thanks Kyphis)[/size]
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kaya in Acidic bug   
    I like the idee of the creature and I also like the butterfly idee actually.
    Butterflies are sometimes also seen as cariers of the souls of those who died to the afterlife. So a black toxic butterfly would in my oppinion make perfect sence in necro.
    But as an alternative a spider could also be used. Few creatures are related so closely to death as the black widow.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    To increase from 0, which is an initial bid, a minimum bid is at LEAST 1gc
  17. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Junior in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1325638349' post='99551']
    Sharptear = 2sc

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325702423' post='99598']
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.

    That would be an initial bid, not an increase, Seigheart, from the way I see things.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Acidic bug   
    Why isn't a butterfly suiting for Necrovion? Butterflies live in deserts.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Socially Accepted Resource Depletion   
    Just like dowsers or woodcutters sell their resources. (Dowsers getting undermined heavily though)

    I'd really like to see the land vault from the different lands finally done as promised, with each land having their respective set of tools: My guess is Mur either forgot or wants to test how differently they are governed. As it is however, Golemus has the tools that are "worth" more, with other lands being promised but not receiving.

    Tools can be grouped into: Restricted to land (with few exceptions), no restrictions, restricted by location.

    If we go by that...land, or the exceptions sometimes still deplete or break land rules, no restriction means complete depletion usually, while location allows governing better but is also imperfect (theoretically a renegade could mess it up badly). Then there is the case where independent is actually better than shared (sand melters), which really makes me think Mur was testing and watching results and then forgot.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tal in Socially Accepted Resource Depletion   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1325888854' post='100185']
    Land laws applying to everybody would be ridiculous.

    What is ridiculous about the laws of the land not applying to a non citizen when he is in that land.
    When you move/visit another land, the laws of that land apllies to you as long as you stay in that land., even if you want it or not. Those laws not applying to people not from a land, but still staying inside the land is ridiculous.

    [quote]I want herbs to be the most accessible resource[/quote]
    taken from the herbs thread,
    It doesnt say anything about it being available to anyone. only the most accessible one. Could as well mean the lots of large patches of herbs as it is now.
    Making herbbaskets loreroot only would fit with the tools of other lands.
  22. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Ok so the conclusion is this one: you can't prove Eon is using alts to benefit his main. You do not have solid proofs otherwise you would have probably opened a case against him. What you do? You start screaming that he's being protected because he's a supporter and you stand no chance in a trial. How LAME is that? And how coward do you look?
    You simply make me sick!

    YOU accuse Eon of being guilty! YOU need to prove he's guilty. So stop the bs by asking HIM to provide proofs that he's NOT guilty when you can prove he is.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to xrieg in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    it's interesting you mentioned the word 'hypocrisy' in title
    [quote]Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have[/quote] (Wiki)
    It's pretty relevant for the situation, when Neno was jailed for casting spell on Eon with his alt (to benefit his main) while everybody knows (and most mp5s spending some time in open with crits - experienced themselves) Eon keeps walking his alts to trace his main's victims months (I guess the main's benefit is not in doubt) - and was never punished for that... he collected evidence using his alt and his main was rewarded for that (same here: compare with Neno's criminal activity)
    as for cowardice I have no idea why it would be relevant in the rant above, after all they have no unshakeable position in MD and their complains are duly noted and when they stuck toes beyond the line they will get punished, won't they? they bear full consequences of their actions.
    I think it's sad they have only mood panel left to complain and be ignored there
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Watcher in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1325638349' post='99551']
    Sharptear = 2sc

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325702423' post='99598']
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.

    That would be an initial bid, not an increase, Seigheart, from the way I see things.
  25. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Miq in The Sunny bedroom.   
    24h will suffice. Not because I think that it suffices but because mur thinks that if someone is not present then he/she does not care.
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