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Everything posted by meiche

  1. I had always thought the ones that did not give me a chance to vote were on a counter or some such and recorded votes that way. If there is a vote, I click it, if there is a link I click it, if there isn't I assume I've done what I ought to.
  2. meiche

    Alliance Bug!

    I do gain and lose honor, because my battles are 105/114 I can find very few people with honor to attack. I would say that 90% of players in mp4 are not attackable for +honor, and always when losing I am penalized honor. When I battle I do lose or win honor, but because there are so few people I can attack without loosing honor I battle less.
  3. Maybe what this game is missing is water wings....
  4. Everytime I read about the fire around the pyramids I get a whole other train of thought. If holding the papers to the flame does not illuminate them I can't advocate burning them, it's a sin to destroy literature. I'm thinking of a funeral pyre. There is a huge flame burning. Pyramids, at least in other worlds are burial grounds. Is it possible that you need to sacrifice something here? Is it possible to sacrifice something here? I am thinking pyre/fenths press/that bird creature everyone but me has. If you sacrifice a swan could you create a phoenix to fly you beyond?
  5. #3 I have had the same problem occasionally, but I know that all the sites work eventually. I think the problem is that you may be visiting during that site's maintanance time or some such. The other thing is even without the free credits it's awesome to get the ap and ve bump, you can heal fast and get into action. Another thing is if you go fast enough, you may be able to buy something you can't afford at max VP. I like to do my clicking in the sanctuary so that I can go straight to the shop
  6. meiche

    Alliance Bug!

    What I am worried about is what Glai said. If I loose to much honor I won't even be able to attack players anymore. I do enjoy guild play, I want to stay in a guild, but if I attack another guild player for loyalty I can still loose honor, I also loose honor from battles with regular players who may attack me and win....at a certain point don't you loose the option to battle with - honor?, or may only attack those who give positive?
  7. Ok, so I just don't think that if I win 12 battles with a rit a wipeout should negate it. If I loose 13 yes, but it really sucks to loose a great rit with just one battle. I think if the wins outweight the losses, maybe you should have to rebind it, but have some memory of it. At a certain point (10+ maybe?) I think it's fair to say you have memorized it.
  8. I agree that would be nice. A game diary or notebook, maybe accessible on the side slider bar. Maybe it could even be one of those extra $$$$ accessories, I would sure pay a dollar for that.
  9. THere are a couple things I can think of, because I did them to myself. You need action pts and VE to heal. Each sacrifice cost 20 ap. If you were out of AP you could not heal. I sacrificed 3 creats and then couldn't go anywhere because I had used my AP...it sucked. Also you may only save 2k heat total. You can have up to 4k if your 2k storage is full and you have another 2k. If your two storage balls were full, you had no place to store more. If you had no heat stored, then you definetly have a prob.
  10. My hollow souls I renamed at max, but I haven't had the option yet for my Dark archers and they are level II, or level IV, however you like to look at it. I think this would be a great option to have at lower creat levels.
  11. I like this last line of thought, perhaps we don't have to cross the river afterall but go beneath it. In either case the evaporation is helpful.
  12. meiche

    Alliance Bug!

    I have the same bug. I get wins and losses on my battle log, but I don't get any in my personal counter. I haven't had an official win loss in three days, which as I am totally balanced really REALLY sucks, no matter how much I loose (which is a lot) I have gotten no credit.
  13. I'm having the same problem, I have only 9 between my wins and losses, as a result there is only one person I have found who will give me positive honor. As a result though people find me great to pick on. Outside chasing some losses I really don't know how to fix this.
  14. Poor Khalazdad is getting quite the beating on the forums of late. Is there any withdrawl date for his meeting with the shades? When will you be able to find out what he has learned?
  15. It's a shame you can't do that in a sanctuary...pretty much designated for healing. Is there anyway to designate a rit as a non-offensive attack and allow it in the areas already set aside?
  16. So tacky to complain about prizes. This is a side note, but isn't it wrong to complain about free stuff....I remember something about a gift horse I think...
  17. I've gone to the ferry too, and the lightshow is amazing. It's clear that they have gotten our message and responded in kind. I have a good feeling about this. I wonder what first contact will be like?
  18. It's really exciting to be present while these changes are taking place. Where was the heat release? Is it still going on?
  19. yes, I've knocked my head on the gazebo a few times. Stuck in story mode daydreaming now. Hoping to be back in free roaming soon, but I'm not sure when it kicks in again.
  20. I think it would be really cool to have a contest that all players could participate in. There are a lot of areas of the game only open to certain people, and it would be neat to have a challenge that noobs would have an equal chance of winning. Scavenger hunts are pretty fun, and as long as prizes are placed in places that all players can access, everyone would be able to participate.
  21. I agree with joe on this one. Would it be possible to add a chat screen to story mode? I understand that you can't really roam about in the game while in the story, but it would be great to talk with other players in the same stage. Story mode can be really frustrating especially when you go for the 24 hour option.
  22. You do get heat when you battle at max exp, you just can't use it for anything because you would only fight more battles at no exp., and after that you go back into story mode where heat is not an issue. Also you probably are getting VP, and VE you just need to refresh your screen. I thought the same thing. Until you refresh or hit reset the changes won't show.
  23. I don't think it's that hard. I think the problem is that by the time you have 140 losses it's a wee bit to late to play catch up. From the first I was trying to keep balanced wins and losses and if you try 10 for 10 it's a lot easier than 150 for 150. I don't know if this is the issue or not, but as an mp3 there were a lot of folks to attack. When I got closer to leveling it was harder, but still not impossible to find people with honor to attack, although I had to fight a few 0 honor fights. Is it maybe that there are less compatible players at higher levels?
  24. Happy Birthday!!! I don't know you in person, but I do love reading your story, I hope you have a great birthday.
  25. I don't think that Marind is Angien. I think she is something in between and unnatural. The shades mentioned that she is not one of them because she retains her individual memories and identities, but also spoke of the Angiens and said that we had not met them yet. I think that Marind is simply a lost soul. There is no reason she wouldn't know of Angiens (or really anything else in this land), but I don't think that she is one. As for Willow...that's interesting.
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