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Everything posted by meiche

  1. Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/magicdue/public_html/bar/rpcs.php on line 28 Implosion sounds bad, shows regular RPC list not RPC locator.
  2. I didn't realize you lost exp for saccing, thanks
  3. On my scroll on the last screen where it tells exp to advance it says this: Current experience:: 1089275 but when I click on myself in game to see my stats I have 452k Obviously those are totally different numbers. Which is right? Am I to assume that other players are this far off too?
  4. Under the current setup the only way to set a ritual is to attack someone and cancel out if you do not wish to attack. Here is the problem I have had...I am wandering about and get stuck with no ap. I want to set a defense rit, but can't even do that because when I click attack it says I have no ap and cannot attack. I don't want to attack, I want simply to set a rit. Instead of the ap usage being applied when the attack button is clicked, can it be used when you get to the screen that says "charge"? That way you can still set a ritual.
  5. well, would an adept list be any harder than a friend list? I agree, I think this would be a nice idea, and the links are already in place. It would be nice to have a list of your adepts for mailing at all without mailboxing everyone.
  6. meiche


    Too bad everyone here is kindof old and crunchy (as far as the game goes)....What we need to do is get more new folks on the forum so they can read this and sign up for MEICHE!!!
  7. Envy I have had the same problem, and while I can't post my ritual I will say that I have found success using less than the max number of creatures when possible. Creatures do their damage based on your stats....so if their is one creature they get 100% of that stat, and if you you 6, each gets 1/6. I have some small combos that don't use the max amt of creatures that do quite well. In short, smash and destroy dosn't always work, and sometimes less is more.
  8. I've seen that all day too, but it dosn't seem to affect anything.
  9. Hey I do that wish grocery store cards...no junk mail for me
  10. shhhh...don't tell, you have to have a phone number that can be verified, but you can always move into 621 Fake Street with me
  11. Did you see it too? lol, guess it's not the first time that happened. Funny thing that was like verbatim
  12. So I was trying to explain to someone where the live help button is, and it's not there. Is this a bug, format change? Is it just me or does someone else also see this. I did refresh the page and check again.
  13. meiche

    Story mode

    Already done....I did the 15 minute wait until I was in free roam, and when I went mp4 didn't have the option to do more. I didn't realize it was off until I put my second charactar into storymode again...she had waited 24 the whole time.
  14. meiche

    Story mode

    The first time through the story I was in a rush and didn't realize how valuable the 24 hours was, when I hit the mp4 I no longer had the 24 option, only 15 mins or less as I picked the previous time. Can this be fixed? When I am ready for mp5 I really want to wait and get the good increases.
  15. PARADIGMA #1 I don't think the cube is a prison it is a fortress. You enter the cube to escape the neverending blackness (theory...you enter the cube from the blackness of the house of liquid dust?). The cube although uncomfortable and mindboggling....is your savior from the shades. It is protection. No idea who might have made it though. #2 Marind is not alive she is a ghost. Aren't shade the tortured souls of necrovians? From what I understand shades do not retain individuality...each is like a drop of water in the sea, and without a mass conciousness or action they are individualy relatively harmless. I believe that Marind disturbs this balance because although dead, she keeps her memories, and fights for her own purpose. She will not join with them, and she is strong in her own right. #3 The shade does give the cube, and ought to be counted an ally, but my question is...is that really a shade? Is he angien? Is he other? I am not convinced the offerer is a shade, and strongly doubt it in fact. After all, it is my belief that the cube protects from shades, and liquid dust, neverending black....etc. It would be illogical for a shade to be offering the salvation of the cube, against the destruction by himself. That's what I think.
  16. omg....they're additional, they are new, and they are FREE. Even if they don't work for you, you can still get the original free creds. It's better for some to get something, there nothing for everyone.
  17. Read the challenges link on the top of MD screen. You are being attacked because there is a head contest and you have 7+ heads. This is not allowed in normal game play. If you are holding 6 or less heads you cannot be attacked.
  18. meiche


    Your adepts need to be active....if they aren't logging in they don't help
  19. One of the main advantages/disadvantages of being in an alliance is being able to attack alliance members of any mp3 level. Chances are if you are an mp5 attacking an mp4, you'll do alright. On the mp4 side however there is a lot of guesswork involved. I think that alliance member stats (VE, creatVE, # of creats) should be made viewable by all players. Most alliance players do seem to be of a higher level and for fair competition being able to view stats would help a lot. By making alliance stats viewable there are no disadvantages, players of your own level can already see them and attack you, and unallianced players of other levels probably don't care and can't attack anyway. What do you guys think?
  20. meiche


    For those of you who don't want to be one in a sea of adepts, try typing "meiche". You get all the information I know, more I'll dig up, and my sassy commentary besides. All adepts can get free help via messenger anytime.
  21. meiche

    Alliance Bug!

    Since I posted I have gained two wins, and ten losses....many more battles took place. Does anyone know which battles get added? Is it losing to an alliance member or is it defeats and victories?
  22. Little Pitchers (they have big ears...remember) In my spell you could invisibly listen to chat in another area of chat. Required: Imagination, balance, cyclisity - because you have to be able to imagine surroundings, retain balance between current scene and the one you are in, and it seems pretty cyclic to me. This would allow players to do a bit of spying and keep theirs ears out for good gossip and info.
  23. ooooh, you've given new implication to the term "tree-hugger". Dst...you dirty bird!
  24. so ummm, I know this wasn't an option...but it was mentioned that it was a tree. So taking that and various personality traits in mind....has anyone considered OAKLEY?
  25. Nice work Blackthorn I really like the last one of the Wizard
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