I do agree with Blackthorn on this one.
I feel a lot of lower level players do feel left out and there is not enough available space in current alliances for everyone to become involve.
A suggestion was made on another thread for an NPC call to action, where a game wide announcement could be made and call players to arms in case of shade invasion (I believe, this is losely paraphrased). I like the idea of when a major game change or story line development that an announcement could be made to players, so if not becoming involved, they could at least stand witness to the action.
I am in an alliance, so I am not spouting sour grapes or anything, but when I first started it seemed like a closed group where you had to know someone, or have been playing for ages to get in on the action. I think this can be offputting to newer players.
Perhaps alliances should have a requirement to fill 2 spots with mp3, and two with mp4. I know that Ren's and other alliances are not of the same persuasion, but there are some here that don't involve all players, that newer players have no hope of entering.