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Everything posted by meiche

  1. Congrats Morrel, really nice work
  2. There was a previous problem with chat scrolling up and down and not staying in place. Currently alliance chat does not show any text at all, at least for enlightenment seekers. Even when you type in text nothing appears. This was confirmed by another member of the alliance.
  3. I do agree with Blackthorn on this one. I feel a lot of lower level players do feel left out and there is not enough available space in current alliances for everyone to become involve. A suggestion was made on another thread for an NPC call to action, where a game wide announcement could be made and call players to arms in case of shade invasion (I believe, this is losely paraphrased). I like the idea of when a major game change or story line development that an announcement could be made to players, so if not becoming involved, they could at least stand witness to the action. I am in an alliance, so I am not spouting sour grapes or anything, but when I first started it seemed like a closed group where you had to know someone, or have been playing for ages to get in on the action. I think this can be offputting to newer players. Perhaps alliances should have a requirement to fill 2 spots with mp3, and two with mp4. I know that Ren's and other alliances are not of the same persuasion, but there are some here that don't involve all players, that newer players have no hope of entering.
  4. meiche


    Having adepts allows you to regenerate your creatures faster with less ap used. I THINK it's +15%. This still takes out your VE, but instead of clicking a creature 5-6 times to heal you only need to do it once or twice once you get some adepts under you. So that saves your AP for actually running around rather than healing creatures. I have three adepts now and that is really working well. I had 5, but found that as my creatures were not high enough level I was blowing a lot of VE. For example, I would try to heal a creature for 300pts and find it had given 1200 VE, so a lot just went to waste. Even as a low level player though, this could be really helpful.
  5. I would give it a try too.
  6. The only problem I have with the information gaps is this....while finding things out for myself it is very difficult to tell who is providing me with good information, and who is talking out thier butt. Honestly, at least in the gamelore area people are quite ready to say what they think is true, or suppose, or have heard and state it as a fact. It would be nice to compare the theory to the truth.
  7. hahaha envy....I see that you do resemble your name!
  8. 1/6 One of the things I really like about this game is the $$$/gold is not involved. At a certain point in games like that players become about money/selling/shops and not the regular game play. Insider trading deals give certain players advantages. I would not be for something that added player trading exchange to the deal. Barring that though. 1) I think it would be awesome if creats could reproduce. Questions...would you just need two of something, or would male and female be differentiated? Would females cost more? How many offspring could a breeding pair make? 2) I am not so down with that, plus I think there will be a spell like that 3) I also like pvp, but I wouldn't mind more NPC battle. It's not that I want to fight more monsters, it's more like there being more quest, in game things to defeat. I dig that. 4) I like number 4. I think a lot of players feel left out in major game changing play, and the spots in alliances are very few, quite selective, and mostly full. It would be nice to have some kind of in game alert when something important is happening, so at least players could observe if not get involved. 5) I like the idea of a steed but not necessarily the bonus. Maybe a steed could provide you with 2x action pts? 6) I still don't like the gold, but a gladiator kind of thing would be fun. You could play for rank in your mp. Maybe win a stat or mp shop $.
  9. meiche


    Ok this is what I know I was asking around. You can be anyone or no one's adept. Your adept can be anyone, they do not need to be younger or of a smaller mind level. It sounds like anything goes so far. A lot of people are offering game help/mentoring to players for being their adept, or offering to swap be mine, I'll be yours. Since it dosn't hurt you Faraday I would suggest being the adept of someone who might give you some advantage either in game experience or a similar favor.
  10. omg, that is deep but also mind bogglingly complex. I think if the creature page were a little easier to access and bring up each creatures stats this would be cool, but can you imagine the clicking and backclicking required to even find out who could fight a battle this way?
  11. The same thing happened to me but I assumed there was a cap. On a similar note...It would be nice to have higher ap, you could play for longer. With the exception of alliance members there would not be a huge advantage given to players with more ap, just a lot more playing.
  12. Welcome and pleased to meet you.
  13. It has happened to me and Grandghost also. I use IE, this seems to happen when multiple people are in chat. I think it would be nice if alliance rooms could have a forum instead or in addition. This would allow more permanent records to be kept. I think we all know that messages cannot be seen for 48 hours.
  14. your problem is a lot more severe than mine, sorry I can't help
  15. I understand that this game does not have auction and player sales, I like that quite a bit. But, I do want credit for the armor and weapons I have already purchased. We have a fenths press, why not a smelter, where you could get 1/4 to 1/2 of the Ve back...maybe towards the next weapon set.
  16. I am working with IE Sol and I have the same problem 1/3 of the time with about three of the links, what I do is close my browser and try a different vote link. Most of them don't do this to me 3 or 4 occasionally will. If you can figure out which ones are really giving you the big problems, you can just avoid them until the end and hopefully get some use out of not only the credits, but my fave, the VE, ap, and vp bonus.
  17. I am having a lot of difficulty in mp4 and I now realized I brought some of it on myself. I rushed to mp4 and ended up not having as many leveled creatures as I needed and awful stats. Loss farming is ridiculous at this point as getting a win is close to impossible. It's a tough level to work with because there are so few of us, and the actual difference in stats and creats is pretty wide. This is a largely useless post except in that I wish I had known what I was getting into.
  18. Wouldn't it make more sense if people with balanced fight ratios got the bonus honor, rather than giving really good honor to someone else for attacking them?
  19. But players in an alliance are trying to get loyalty. That is what the above post meant, because you have no loyalty pts to award you should not be a huge target for alliance members.
  20. meiche

    Forum PM bug

    My reply works, but I had to go back to the default skin to be able to post on the forum at all. I wonder if it is a forum problem, or if it is the version of the forum you use?
  21. I think the reason it is set up this way is so that alliance members can't bash and bash and bash on the same person to improve thier guild score. Alliance members can only be attacked once per hour because the gains in loyalty are so great when one is defeated. I am pretty sure it is on purpose.
  22. What about under each creature on the creature page a simple stat breakdown to next level. Just like now the picture, then 120/330 for VE, then a step further 1628exp to next level, and 15/36 for wins to the next level. If it were all on the creat page you wouldn't have to click up all the individual ones.
  23. I had three sites blank out the mdsite for me, and I had to close my browser to continue. When I got back to the free credits page they were no longer on the list, I know the first one to give me issues was 4th down.
  24. meiche

    Offtopic Forum

    Hey you know what's really off topic? Sea monkeys...what's with that?
  25. US western time
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