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Everything posted by Junior

  1. yes it requires a lower level GG
  2. Enjoy yourself!!!!
  3. http://us21.chatzy.com/52976376174831 We keep MD alive
  4. god mode activated :P
  5. When it comes to the windows, I had previously before this became a community project had worked to get sand and then I made that into glass. Then I had requested for that glass to be turned into window panes for the light house. I have yet to hear back so I am not sure if this is helpful to everyone or not.
  6. Again... sorry just trying to understand why this appears to increase in complexity rather than decrease. Ummm Powers Ascent is only 3 scenes away... how hard can the cement get in these buckets? secondly who is going to check the quality of this cement? Again sorry just trying to understand where the community is taking this? P.S. do you guys think maybe we are over thinking it and getting lost in the details?
  7. I am sorry but I could use a little bit more elaboration to how cement works in everyone's eyes. Cement to me requires sand water and cement mix. After that it is in constant motion to prevent it from settling. So where does the need for heat come into play here? My question is why is heat or fire needed for cement mixing purposes?
  8. Yes I would say fixed. The Wookie Code strikes again
  9. Yes I too had the same situation but i leave it refreshing and about after 20-40 minutes MD comes back. Usually occurs after announcements are being posted.
  10. Why does MD keep freezing/lagging on me?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more


      Try Firefox too, Chew. Every minute or so, flash hangs (its full updated, and this problem only happens in MD)for a while. It keeps happening repeatedly.

    3. Chewett


      Check your RAM when MD'ing. Its likely your computer is not dealing well with the flash and flash is rubbish anyway. Thats not something I can fix.



      Aww.. okay, thanks!

  11. Why is carrying an empty barrel seem so difficult to everyone? I have an army of my creatures that can carry, fly, or walk up the mountain. Getting it there should be the least difficult part. Once rigged we add the dement, sand, and wow look there is water already there. once the waterfall mixes this for us we can use buckets to carry the "portions" of mix as needed to complete the repairs. Again for RP purposes this is an easy action. There is no need to transport the barrel more than twice once when we get there and once to remove it once we are done. (we can even get some artwork like the garden house or christmas tree as a temp thing)
  12. Ok boom here! There once was a drachorn he was born from an egg trained then died. The End I've been too busy with life sorry.
  13. It is because of comments and phrases like this that i decided to abandon my career goal of fixing the light house. I did not wish to work with someone like you Rophs. This is not the way to include others and motivate them to work alongside you. Anyways I have been convinced that even now it might be a good idea to force myself to work with you so I'll keep an eye on the topic and sprinkle it with ideas. This is something I had already encountered, and became content with one idea I had hopefully you'll agree. Power's Ascent is only three scenes away from the lighthouse. My plan was to attach a barrel with the mix on a pole through the center and then mount the pole on either side of the water falls allowing then the waterfall to cascade on top the barrel. Physics will go into action and begin rotating the barrel mixing the ingredients and allowing us to then transport it down to the lighthouse in buckets which are already available. Power's Ascent will serve as our natural mixer but will also supply us with water for the mix.
  14. Ok I was just wondering because i have nothing better to do at the time >.<, also are these topics for your own memory? I.e. the topic of creatures age lost etc which directs to some other website which directs it back to the forums?
  15. Pero yo no entiendo inglés. Is this because nobody used MD translations or is it due focusing on a certain demographic?
  16. I can attend any time :D not that anyone cares Im just weighing in :P
  17. Description of the item? ::P
  18. *NVM
  19. I highly disagree with the numbers you have posted Sasha, yet again thats where I think the problem lies. The beauty of things is that depending on the amount of sellers there is to a specific creature sold is where the prices changes. Also characteristics, tokens, id preferences, all of these factors change from buyer to buyer. Which is why I disagree with you as I know I could probably sale or could Have sold some of these creatures for higher amounts.
  20. dies this occur with items as well? I am typing a player name but it says unable to find player when he is in the same scene as me.
  21. Ummm I have nothing but time... really if you want pick my brain I have no problem. Also if you are going to get discouraged by the negative feedback than you do have a lot of MD to play :P but no really give it a try I would be more than willing to help bounce ideas off you. find me in gamer here pm if you want my yim.
  22. You mean all the other of one person who was signed up to participate before MD officially began backing the event? Like I said I only joined because MD joined and once I saw Rophs still managed it I simply wanted to be safe that is all. Done easy explanation why couldn't Rophs say that? All he said was because we are doing it different. I have sent Chewett my CTC.
  23. No, you've misinterpreted my OP. I don't seek punishment or anything from the pool its fine, I simply wanted to have people aware of the injustice done by Rophs. Like I said the season is about giving and being with those who you care for, so again there is nothing to deal with. Rophs has made his decision now and so have I. Good Luck and Merry Christmas
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