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Posts posted by lightsage

  1. Actually, there was a check whenever they were used. This was replaced with a check when the rituals are made. This leaves a gap for rituals that were still in existence. I doubt many people still have them through... (these are assumptions from my side but I believe them to be correct)

  2. Before I start: Yes I know that this is mostly a popularity contest.

    Now, when I look at the awards I consider them to be too many. Some are already covered (or largely covered) by (an) other award(s). Some are too general, some too specific. Both result in unwanted results in my opinion, too specific results in the odds for those that fit in the category to be too great. Too general simply means it's literally a popularity contest.

    I'd consider an award for players between 100- not on vet list too general. A great majority of the players fits in this category.
    I can not think of an example of a best spell caster who's casts do not fit in the following categories: LHO of the Year, Champion Fighter, The Golden Protector or Pre-eminent Role Player.
    I'd consider whoever might currently win Least Convincing Alts a huge negative rather than the 'joke' it was back when introducing it was basically handing it to lib. I don't see anyone doing this positively nor do I foresee anyone doing so in the future.
    If best PL entry stays, I'd rename it back to 'best quote'. This way it'd become a little broader, perhaps including things that have been posted on the forums?
    I'd consider 'Superlative Orator' too specific.
    I'd consider 'Funniest Character' part of 'Pre-eminent Role Player'. If there is two, I'd suggest changing 'Pre-eminent Role Player' to something that actually indicates it's seriousness.
    'Paragon Papers' and 'Best Back Story' are similar in my opinion. If they are both kept I'd suggest 'Paragon Papers' to be about the layout only (Please, do [i]not[/i] pick an annoying wix page here, flash is already bad enough without using a tool that makes it even slower for a task that can easily be done with HTML/JS.).
    'Most Annoying' I'd consider this a cause for punishment rather than reward to be honest...
    'Most Influential' If anything is close to impossible to measure, it's this one. Some people have a lot more influence than is generally perceived.
    'Best Artist' I'd suggest whoever nominates an artist adds what they consider some of the best work. Avatars, scenes, images for papers, etc. As long as it is present ingame.
    'Best LHO' You are limiting this to just LHO's, I'd consider this unfair. I'd suggest changing this to 'Best newbiehelper' (or something more catchy if you can come up with it)

    Now you might wonder why I haven't added 'Elite Evil Villain of the Year' whilst I have expressed my doubts about 'best spell caster'. This is because casting spells is a tool, to help people, to gain an edge in a fight or to enhance your role. 'Elite Evil Villain of the Year' is not used by other categories, I'd consider it the other way around. Game mechanics, Roleplay, Spells, Combat, etc. The reason for me not suggesting to get rid of those is because they contain a lot more than just evil ends.

    To conclude, yes I have used I'd a lot. This is because this is [i]my[/i] opinion and what I'd do if it were my call and mine alone. Of course other solutions may be possible to solve concerns I've outlined above. I might not have come up with them or considered these better. If think yours is better, do post. Oh, and of course you can, not share my concerns.

  3. @ MasterB
    Might I point out that part of keeping the forum organized (so I can actually follow it all) is posting in the correct topic. I believe [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8273-forum-re-organisation"]this[/url] is the correct topic for your 'rant'.

    Ontopic: I must admit I've not been in Wind's sanc for a long time. It is no longer the gathering place it used to be.

  4. [quote]# Rebels cannot get excommunicated but need to obey land official rules[/quote] Is what it sais in the announcement, I believe this is the line that caused the confusion. I can only guess at what mur means by "land official rules"

  5. @Kafuuka (as I see no point to quote the post above)

    You wrongly presume that I claim that this is an argument in favour. The only thing I've said is that 'day of tranquillity' and 'no sanctuary day' would be opposites. I have not claimed that this would mean they balance each other out or that there are no other factors involved concerning ballance.

    Your second wrong presumption is that I have not read the entire topic, because I have.

    Your post came across as aggressive and rude. I'd suggest that even [i]should[/i] someone repeat a previously (in your opinion) rebutted argument you remain polite.

  6. Actually, your comparison is flawed. There is already a day that everywhere is a sanctuary which seems to be the opposite to having no sanctuaries at all for a day rather than having older players put weak defences up. (For the record: Most of them already do)

  7. Perhaps I was unclear, your motives puzzled me.
    It is clear to me now through, that you lack what your father had and will always have, authority.

    Now, it also seems to me you have not understood your father's teachings, I seem to remember him saying "A king is only king as long as his people allow him to be". This is a quote I might be wrong about, as I it was a long time ago, I am left with the expression through.

    What I am certain he has said and perhaps these are words you ought to heed:

    .Khalazdad.: One day I was celebrating a victory with my men after a long campaign south of the Khaladzad desert, from which my first name is drawn. The heat and he sun and wine combined to rob me of my native quickness -
    .Khalazdad.: and in truth I was never much of a warrior. Darker arts hold my attention.
    .Khalazdad.: An enemy, Lim-Tul from the Shull tribe of the Northern Wastes, infiltrated the camp. When I went to the trenches to releive myself,
    .Khalazdad.: he sprang up from the muck and quickly had me at his mercy at the point of his spear.
    .Khalazdad.: "You killed my family," he said, "and I would have you know who it was who has defeated you. See my scars? These you gave me years ago when I was but..."
    .Khalazdad.: He stopped talking quite abruptly. It took a moment for me to notice the cloth yard standing from his chest, so suddenly had it sprouted there. One of my sentries had saved me with his eagle eye.
    .Khalazdad.: Before the light went out of Tul's eyes, as it did slowly, I told him: "When its time to talk, talk. When its time to kill, kill. Don't talk."
    .Khalazdad.: Being a master of Death, I kept death from him for three days, during which time I acquainted him well with the sound of his own voice. Some mistakes are made but once.
    .Khalazdad.: You will have the chance to repeat your error or not many times over.

  8. Some things puzzle me... As far as I can see it is obvious that the vast majority of the people of necrovion at the moment do not wish Rask as their king.

    [quote]Regarding why I want the land and its crown, I do not seek it for its own sake. I feel the Shades have too long been denied their prominent presence in the realm, the land have too long lacked a guardian with a visible and active hand, and the crowns spent too much time in their display cases than on the heads of sovereigns. I intend to change all that, and I believe that to be a good reason.[/quote]

    Now what is stopping the shades whom you claim to act in the interest off from taking the trinkets these players (pamplemousse currently) have away and into your possession? Perhaps the shades do not wish for a prominent presence.

    Perhaps a prominent presence of theirs would be in the best interest of the people of Necrovion? Unless the people agree with your ways on this trough claiming the crown because of this would be pointless as they do not see things your way.

  9. They have to be drawings...

    [quote]Once uploaded your image will be reviewed for approval, if approved it will be added in the avatar list. [b]Only hand-drawn artwork will be accepted. [/b]Avatar style must match the style of current MD avatars and contain the small MD letters as all avatars in MD do. [b]Drawings[/b] should be converted to alpha, so they become B/W and transparent, not cut around the edges.[/quote]

  10. I meant errors as a consequence of OOP... Like, if you get an error "User-class Error: 1===User not found L:" rather than something like "This user doesn't exist" I would assume that's a consequence of a transition to users becoming an object.

    Of course, I'm no longer certain back when the other error appeared... It might not be recent at all.

  11. My guess is we're seeing (or maybe that's my imagination) object oriented errors rather than the old kind due to what rendril (I think we already had/have a ren...) has done.

    You might be surprised... but its because people are using md... therefore it gets slower... [/quote]

    Time to invite your friends to play, once server freezes a server upgrade will be unavoidable :D Of course donating heaps will probably help, too.

    I should defiantly check sometime at 4.00 AM servertime, only problem is that it's 3.00 AM for me :/ But I doubt it's worse than back when it was busy and HC was going on. You'd hit if it took ages, you knew you got the heads. Close the combat screen, run and than see how you actually got your victory later :P No insane lag usually meant no heads...

    When finances are plentiful, servers are set up with enough overhead to be able to handle peak times easily. I don't think MD has those finances (or perhaps coding optimizations are in progress and for now it's worse than before...)

    Either way, same as usual: Try to get more players, have fun and donate to help MD :P

  12. [quote]I haven't seen yet any mp5 saying that the SG is only a suggestion and who ever wants it, follows it or not. But if that is the case, then I am disappointed. Don't forget that we were mp3 and mp4 once, the older players should remember how we needed a place to train without being attacked randomly by everyone.[/quote]

    Remember what? I don't remember what I did as MP3 but I think it was largely resurrecting my creatures and hoping for the best. As MP4, I was frequently found at willows shop and if I wasn't I was either hunting, recruiting or doing a quest. The better part of MP4 I spent in alliance. I am actually disappointed that you do not considered past what you've experienced.

    Of course there is an alternative interpretation, if you are insinuating that I (and other players) actually NEEDED a place to train without getting attacked and that it is a miracle we have gotten this far. In this case I feel I have gravely overestimated you.

    As for the 'training grounds' on MP3/4. I will not stand against them as long as they are not enforced by powers beyond 'normal' players (ao only WP/MP6 spells), the training is not mainly intended to increase anything but ritual knowledge and the training is not intended to unbalance the game.

    On MP5, I will simply use training grounds or disobey them as it suits me. Unless something should be largely amiss, in which case I will attempt to break it.

    I will not hold it against MP3/4 to do the same on their MP. Just because something is controversial doesn't make it wrong. However in my opinion, alts/ancient MP3/4 whom decide to beat up, cap or cause creature exp loss on other MP3/4 should be dealt with harshly.

  13. Actually, shadow...

    In my opinion this is a textbook example of breaking this rule:

    [quote]Spoiling quests or posting puzzle solutions / walkthrous on the forum is not allowed. You can help individual players but don't hand them the solution, just give them all the clues they need and let them figure it out..[/quote]

    I feel that if several posts in this topic are not in violation of this rule, nothing is.

    Rather than hinting that there might be some sort of "perma-ballance" you have listed each and every single requirement to a hidden feature that has been around for [i]ages[/i] (I remember being parma-ballanced at willows...)

    PS: Your wrong on one about one requirement ;)

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