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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Please do close it. Thank you, Mur and Eon, for your cooperation. PS: If you think it's alt abuse to take logs on an alt, I'm sure Eon could walk to the log room himself to make up for it, because that's all it would've taken, if those logs were gotten on an alt.
  2. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1321519159' post='96013'] Has anyone actually [b]tried[/b] using the needles? [/quote] A needle was used on Keida, you can ask her how it was Also @phantasm and bloodprince: Eon isn't a dictator who needs to be toppled, he's a fellow player and *gasp* a human being. I'm sure Eon would've gotten bored of hunting people long ago if there wasn't so much worrying about it.
  3. That's all I wanted. Thank you.
  4. You're part of the community, make a suggestion. The community can't make a decision if it doesn't have options. If you propose a solution and actually stick to it, and work for it, people will naturally fall behind you. That's the big secret behind the big movements of our past. How would Tarquinus have brought together people dedicated enough to actually earn a new alliance, something that's happened like three times in our almost seven years, or how would Chewett have brought the kings back to life, if they hadn't had their ideas in the first place? The community help is necessary, yes, but it all starts with a good idea, and if everybody waits around for everybody else to come up with that idea, the same people will continue to do so, the Eons of MD will continue to be rewarded for doing something anybody else could, but they just don't want to. So go for it, throw your ideas out there, because if you don't, then who will? [color=#0000ff][quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1321427331' post='95939'] [/color] [color=#0000ff]offtopic remarks about eon: seems eon paranoia hunts this topic too. it makes me sick. eon plays by the rules and amuses himself on your fear. I have to say i enjoy to see that. This is ofc a very personal opinion and i can't take any official stand regarding it. I rarely look at players supporter status (its usualy when i am about to ip ban them). I NEVER get influenced by how much a player pays and those of you that dared to email me with lines like "i am a paying member", know very well my style of telling them to fuck off politely, or less politely. Eon is not under my protection more than his role as contest organizer allows. md server is not running because of eons money, how you so rudely put it, but because of the payments of all of you that pay anything. In md there are people that never paid a $ but got things others never managed to get after spending lots, and players that spent lots but don't become gossip subject because they don't cause 'mess' like eon. You have a problem with eon, face it, dont blame me on a potential 'protection' i might be ofering him.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/quote][/color] [color=#0000ff]Quote added because that's where it needs to be for the timeline to make sense.[/color] [color=#0000ff]-Burns[/color]
  5. What do you suggest is done about Eon?
  6. If this were just a small group, then I'd be ok with it, but since you've made it a public thing, I am not. If I see this happen, I'll probably just go attack everybody there. There's your fair warning.
  7. The fact was that I didn't have two flags, but I thought I should. I changed that fact. I am the Capture the Flag winner.

    1. Pipstickz


      Am I powerful or stupid :)

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Powerfully stupid or stupidly powerful? :P

  8. So, what do you want? To be released from jail because you think you were acting in accordance with the law, or to have Eon there with you because you think what he does is worse?
  9. May I ask what for?
  10. I'd still like some evidence, please, from Eon or Mur, or any other involved party.
  11. Grabbing a shared item to keep it away from somebody is still using it. For example, if Eon were to take a needle so that nobody could use it against him.
  12. WTB high heat creatures and timeless dust, PM me in game

    1. Pipstickz


      Or on the forum I GUESS JEEZ

  13. These are the location of herbs in the Tribunal, along with what they can be farmed to while still getting full regen*. Coord: 7_lonelyroundabout_1 30/44 (28/44 as buffer) Coord: 7_roundaboutalley_1 8/12 Coord: 7_roundaboutsplit_1 24/35 (22/35 as buffer) Coord: 7_stonepath_1 16/24 Coord: 7_stonepathclear_1 16/24 Coord: 7_melodyhouse_1 12/17 (10/17 as buffer) Coord: 7_melodystairs_1 14/21 Coord: 7_walkway_1 8/12 Coord: 7_templealley_1 6/8 (4/8 as buffer) Coord: 7_statuehallgarden_1 17/25 (16/25 as buffer) Coord: 7_ascent_1 11/16 (10/16 as buffer) Coord: 7_plains_1 9/13 (8/13 as buffer) I ask that you harvest only to these values or leave them even higher, and that if you see somebody taking more than what is listed here, to send their name and a screenshot to me, xrieg, phantasm, or any other Tribunal citizen** through PM, rather than in the forum, so that we can try to avoid falsely accusing people. If you really want herbs but all of these locations are harvested, contact me and I will try to give you some. I also ask that you not harvest to the buffer value unless you need it. Thanks Udgard for letting me know about buffers. *Please correct me if any of these values are wrong, all math was done by me, so there are bound to be mistakes. **Any Tribunal citizen who does not wish to take part, please tell me and I will make note of it here.
  14. None of the people jailed (as far as I know) were jailed for using alts. Mighty Pirate used the aramor, and Nadrolski used Paracelsus. The problem is that they put all the tools in one place, which is now impossible due to the new restrictions Mur has added [b]due to this abuse[/b]. As the announcement says: [quote]You should not use alts to store multiple shared items [u]and you should not hoard them, these items are meant to be used by many people not hoarded by a few.[/u][/quote]
  15. I don't want any rewards, I just want some proof. I did what I did in regards to Mighty Pirate for the community. [color=#0000ff]Following discussion about punishments and knowing things split [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10933-taking-shared-tools/"]http://magicduel.inv...g-shared-tools/[/url][/color] [color=#0000ff]-Burns[/color]
  16. May I have some sort of record or explanation of how Eon helped in the tool investigation? For the sake of transparency.
  17. There you go Yrth, everyone punished equally, just like you wanted. I'm willing to bet you're not too happy about your victory, though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadowseeker


      I dislike the very condescending tone you generally use. If you wish to accuse people, I'd prefer it if you keep it neutral. Because otherwise you are too similiar to dst.

    3. Pipstickz


      I hope to be similar to dst, the difference being that so far I've only done things that I think matter to the community. Two random people RPing doesn't affect the rest of the world that much.

    4. Pipstickz


      (referring to dst's particular 'interest' towards cybering)

  18. I'd like to just say, I think there's always been some pressure around the decision to advance to MP4, and then to MP5. Back when I did it, some friends told me that MP4 was totally different and that I was probably gonna do badly, and then I was told the same thing about MP5. The thing is, though, they weren't that different. It was the same as going from the bottom of MP3 to the cap, only everybody was a little bit older. Now I look around and I see the same thing happening, some people even encourage others to stay MP3 or MP4. Now, I can't honestly say that I know what it's like to go through from MP3 to MP5 anymore: Even if I were to make an alt and do it, I'd know everything I know now, and that gives me a significant advantage. Really what I want to say is this: Advance to MP5, whether you think you'll like it or not, just to try it out. If you have reservations about it, make an alt and do it on that account instead, and if you do it on your main and decide you don't like it, you can make a new alt and start over, and play however you want, knowing everything you'll have learned. I'm not your typical grinder trying to tell you all to go MP5 so that I have more targets, I'm only trying to tell you to give it a shot, and see what it's like, and learn what you can while you're there. Note: This was meant as kind of a general thing, for any new players who happen to read it, not you in particular, whoever you may be.
  19. In case anybody was wondering, like I was: [b]Coord:[/b] 7_intown_1 is Jester's door/road to eros [b]Coord:[/b] 7_plains_1 is plains of Liberty As for the actual character name thing, I always assumed they were left as they were because Jester and Liberty are not only names, but I could be wrong.
  20. Actually, Plains of Liberty and Jester's Door are subtitles, Tribunal has no scene names.
  21. I'm watching you all, I hope you're watching me back.

    1. Lord Jaguar

      Lord Jaguar

      *pulls out his binoculars*

  22. Suit yourself, Yrth. I'd like to thank both Kiley and Mighty Pirate for their understanding, and I ask that this thread be closed, since the issue is resolved.
  23. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1320929391' post='95581'] To thoes saying the mighty taking the tool from the same place is agents the rule then the water dowsers are just as guilty for having multiple of the same bloody tool. [/quote] Do you have proof? As for your question about me being the police: I made myself this 'role', and if you have a problem with it you're free to talk to me.
  24. Mighty Pirate, even if I have my way and you are not officially punished, you are still responsible for what you've done. I hope you'll at least try to take that responsibility seriously, rather than the way you've been responding to this topic. I ask you to consider the effects your actions have caused for not only yourself, but your guild. I can't speak for others, but I, personally, don't want to trade with someone who is so willing to cheat the system and worse yet, someone who doesn't seem to see or care how drastic their actions have been, as long as they get off without a hitch. Nonetheless, time will tell if you have learned something or not.
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