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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Wearing the name doesn't change anything. It's quite similar to CoE: with or without the badge, according to you you're still the same group. Wearing the badge doesn't change that. Nobody needs roleplay about wives and children and all the other stuff that doesn't actually benefit anybody other than perhaps relief from boredom: It's for fun, nothing more. An example of roleplay that was actually worth the time spent on it is the dig that was however long ago, in the graveyard.
  2. "Who gave me -reps and why?" gets on my nerves. The thing is anonymous for a reason, and it's obviously because somebody didn't like your post. Quite frankly, seeing people talk about getting -reps makes me want to give them more.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kamisha


      Who really cares. Some people are actually in a neg rep war with each other. Its not like anything negative happens if you have negative rep.

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Sometimes I'll say, "Ouch! Negative reps." most of the time as a joke. Sorry. :P

    4. Pipstickz


      I was hovering around -50 rep (total) or something for a while. Did I complain about it?

  3. Some aspects of Khalazdad's reign don't deserve the admiration they receive, and I'm talking particularly about his twilight years when he started a "family". What exactly did he do? Sit around and tell stories. He talked and talked and talked, and so the seeds of what's been dubbed New Loreroot flourished in Necrovion. I detest it. Don't get me wrong, personally, he was friendly, generous and knowledgable, but he was not the leader that deserved Necrovion. The Khalazdad "Dynasty" is nothing but a fairytale (read as: Legend) now. It does not have influence outside what it's few members as individuals possess, and to be quite honest, it never did. If you want to keep legends alive, let them remain legends: that's what the wiki, forums and the archives are for.
  4. 17 gold. Bid or don't bid. There's no in between.
  5. I would prefer it stay open: My offer for lending/giving away herbs is still available.
  6. So, let me get this straight. You tell us what to research, we put in time and effort looking for information, and then send it to you, with the reward being the knowledge that we find? Why should anyone send you things at all then? Last I checked, you're not even a Marind Bell citizen.
  7. Why so many people saying "Delete my post if..." lately?

  8. [quote name='Guillak' timestamp='1327518718' post='102358'] ... recipient would see (grayish?): <my name here> whispers: <message> ... while all others would only see (grayish?): <my name here> whispers to <recipient> [/quote] Already suggested, Laphers
  9. Is it 1 gold buyout per stack of herbs or 1 gold for all four? If it is for all four, I'll do that <<
  10. For the login problem, just having a notice in the login page saying please use your email to log in or something would help.
  11. Close.
  12. I'll never feel comfortable just giving all of my creatures and items to somebody, no matter who they are, and aside from that, my creatures would lose their max level and age even if returned to me, and there's always the problem of creature slots. Also, something that can never be truly reset is your reputation and to a certain extent your personality, as demonstrated by Seigheart here. Stats would be a problem as well, since to actually reset those would take lots of time for most people. Best way to really do this is making an alt: no risks/damages to your personal achievements and collections, and you get to experience the true beginning again. Though, I think Brulant's idea would be kind of fun. Perhaps it could be made into a new large-scale competition. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1327123931' post='101565'] It's interesting. I had done something similiar to this for the Festival of Pain last year. Anyone who would give up all their creatures (sacrificed them) would be rewarded. I can't remember if anyone else did it, but I did. [/quote] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5282-festival-contest-day-278-painful-sacrifices/"]http://magicduel.inv...ful-sacrifices/[/url] Hm. Don't see any Seighearts in the thread.
  13. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1327103318' post='101523'] I don't have illusions, i don't understand them completely but I vote to keep the old alliance after illusion reset. All the reasons for & against has been said already. True, in case of an alliance take over, you should be able to kick him out, but again one should be able to fight back. [/quote] Yes, of course you'd prefer for dst to keep the alliance. You're obviously biased.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Curiose


      Oh yes, I'm such a herp derp. I only logged on Cuz Eon told me of pips status. So cute. Makes me want to pinch those little cheekies.

    3. Pipstickz
    4. Maebius


      Insert "better love story than Twilight" reference here?? :P

  15. ID: 696387 Heat: 54123 Age: 249 Bid smart.
  16. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326936007' post='101124'] [b]I am accepting both coins and notes![/b] but only of one sort. This means that if the sale starts with silver, your bid must be in silver. [/quote]
  17. The way I see it, since shop resets are usually free, but take a while to get, Eon is paying 30 gold to get something that is usually free, just faster: I say let him. Though I don't really know how shop resets are given out most of the time, since I've only reset the shop once, and have never had no resets available.
  18. He still needs gold.
  19. If it matters, I'd still like to see mute functions in MD. Whether it can be done from the outside or not, it's still something relatively easy (I assume), and useful.
  20. [quote name='Juni0r' timestamp='1326790878' post='101028'] So I was messing around with my creatures [/quote] What exactly does this entail? >>
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