No, SS, you just don't see me agreeing with things because when I agree with something I don't go out of my way to make it clear. Also, disagreeing with one thing is usually agreeing with another, so let's have a semantics battle, because I know you like them so much.
The announcement is from before the fugitive system: Phantom Orchid spent plenty of her sentence outside the jail, was there any repercussions for that? Based on that evidence I am assuming that announcement has been made defunct due to new features.
Plenty of people are rude, do they get sent to jail for that? No. So why should they be left in jail? Because Grido doesn't like the way they talk? Yeah, it'd be totally awesome if everybody was nice, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to play the game with the rest of us. Neno isn't being rude to Grido specifically, either, from what I've seen. Has he even mentioned Grido? The reason he's being rude is because he believes he is being treated unjustly, which is rooted in either his initial sentence or the fact that he has not been freed yet. Anyone can get angry and do things they would not otherwise do if they are subject to unfair treatment, and that's what happens every time somebody is left in jail longer for than their sentence. The whole thing's rather pointless. Nobody benefits from people staying in jail longer than they should, but they do stay there because Mur said Grido doesn't [b]have[/b] to release people.
If you don't care enough to set a proper release date, and then don't have the time to stick to it, then you shouldn't be banning people in the first place. Yeah, people do things that we think are wrong, they make mistakes, maybe they're just ignorant. That's part of being a community, you take the bad with the good, but when the people in charge use their power to keep people away because they're ignorant, what does that say to the rest of us? Best example is redneck being banned. He was basically the victim of an MD lynch mob: Everybody hated him, and that was enough for Grido to ban him. At the time, I thought it was pretty funny, because redneck was the scum of the earth and we'd all be better for it, I thought that was ok because Grido did it, and he had the power, but now? If that happened now, I'd be one of the first to protest it, though I'm sure that Grido has changed since then too, and that it would not happen again.