Presently, it is not overly hard for a group of two or three, or even one person alone if they're smart about it, to dismantle an alliance, no matter how many other members there are (unless it's full). That's wrong, as it should take a bit more finesse and planning to sabotage 10 people at the same time, let alone 50. So I suggest a formula based on land loyalty as well as loyalty score, and a unique aspect different for each alliance (or perhaps land if there's not enough things to do). For example, SoE could be based on how often you submit research to research and connections in Marind Bell locations, or Caretakers could be based on how much tea you've made recently, or whatever. Though something like this may require a bit of subjectivity, it would hopefully require leaders to actually work to keep their standing, and if somebody were to try to take over the alliance, it'd have to be someone who put some effort into improving the alliance they plan to dismantle. Though if this were to actually change, it would require a change to what happens when an alliance is taken, because it takes that much more effort to actually do.