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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. If all of the traffic lights stopped working, how many more car crashes would there be? It's a sad thing to think about.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chewett


      If you silly americans had used roundabouts you wouldnt have these issues...

    3. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      Some cities do have them, but people don't navigate them properly here.

    4. Grido


      We've got to a point in England where we even have mini-roundabouts encircling a larger one.

      Over here if the traffic lights stopped working, we'd all be polite and wait for each other to go, resulting in total standstill - but at least no accidents.

  2. Mur told me, very very long ago, that there are community rules and there are system rules. The Council continues to blur those lines.

    1. Maebius


      I blame the tides. It's always the moon's fault, moving those lines in the sand.... :P

  3. And Hitler was a Christian, does that at all change the way you view Christianity? I'm not sharing Feynman's words because they come from Feynman or because Feynman was some all-knowing [i]scientist[/i], but because they are pertinent to the topic at hand.
  4. [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1340873221' post='116173'] @Chewett: I didn't find it on the internet. I have been a theosophist for years. I simply advised people who wanted to know more about it to google Theosophy. Strange that I am being neg-repped just because I believe in something. [/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRmbwczTC6E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRmbwczTC6E[/url] I'll let Feynman answer this one.
  5. [quote name='J-D' timestamp='1340500242' post='115900'] Is it right for a killer to walk away freely? Of course not. But of course, there is the matter of: what can we do to punish the killer? The system is obviously quite unbalanced. The people with the killing and reviving items are the most powerful people around. With a few exceptions, these people tend to be greedy. [/quote] You underestimate the power that the community as a whole possesses. There are ways to punish someone, we just need to know who to punish, yeah?
  6. This about killing and reviving has gone on long enough. If we as a community are not mature enough to handle this aspect of the game, then please just trade all of these items in for something else. I mean really, do we even know who killed Spartiatis or why? Then we've got Seig killing Chewett because he thinks it'll help somehow, or maybe he's just doing it out of spite and then pretending he had a better reason. I've always claimed patience is important when playing MD, but what good did patience do for Spartiatis? So good job us, we're driving people from our own game.
  7. Power = current * voltage

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nimrodel


      wasnt Ohm for resistance? I dont see any resistance there. Watt, ampere and volts make sense >>

    3. Maebius


      because resistance is futile. *derails comments*

    4. Jubaris
  8. He's no artist, but my guy thinks it's quite alright. Then again, what does my guy know, his entire existence is anchored on mine. In other words, it looks fine to me, and put the apostrophe in the correct position next time
  9. MD can be broken down and categorized, but the fact remains that everything is interconnected. Your questing affects your fighting through rewards, which might affect how you see yourself and therefore your role, which may give you access to certain information because of that role, which allows you to work on research, which gives you a greater knowledge base for quests, and so on. This is only one way that the facets of MD can be arranged and looked at, you should find what suits you, but that doesn't mean you need to stick to it if you change your mind.
  10. If MD were only about RP, it would be a chat client.
  11. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1339068897' post='113893'] Actually, as someone pointed out to me there have been no offical petitions to get the alliance back because of: It would be interesting to hear other CoE members views on this, i can only assume this has changed since amoran, who i believe is a senior CoE member, has started this pertition. However i know little of the inner CoE structure, so she might just be starting it on her own without permission. again this is just conjecture. [/quote] I believe I understand why Tarquinus takes this position regarding the Council, and I can see where you're coming from as well, I would just like to offer my view: If the CoE simply did their thing and waited to be recognized, the Council would not recognize them. They are preoccupied with other things, and have little time to go looking for people to reward, no?
  12. Different from each other, yet we are joined by one common aspect: we all must play this "game" under an incompetent ruler named anonymity. Break your bonds, stand together and fight the elite, before they are all that remains.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chewett


      The ability to delete PL comments is nice and open to abuse, isnt it pippy?

    3. Pipstickz


      She's doing it too, Chew.

      PS: This is the status panel.

    4. Chewett


      oh yeah, i know everyone loves to do it

  13. To me, an alliance is an official recognition of a group's dedication to a role. Crafters, Dimensional Shifters, MR Fraternity, Shattered Illusions, Seal of Six, Lair Keepers, Soldiers of the Inner Sun, Kelle'tha Order, Caretakers: What role do these groups fulfill? Most of them used to have roles and purposes, but now? They are pretty badges for the few people that wear them actively. Crafters and Lair Keepers had a mechanical role, by which I mean they were given unique abilities to accomplish their purpose, how often are those abilities used, though? Even now, the Lair Keepers is violating the three member "rule", and it will continue to do so because Indyra is as inactive as ever. The Crafters, on the other hand, have five members, yet only one is active. I admire Udgard's dedication, but he alone is not an alliance. Sasha tried to work on giving a role to DS, then it was taken and is held by someone who will let people in and out as they please, and he has made no statement as to its intended role. Shattered Illusions: (Ann. 895)"Its role is to centralise people that have particulary high achievements in understanding and documenting exploits", three of the accounts in the alliance belong to dst, another is somebody else's alt, and the last member is Rex. The fact that the majority of the members are alts says quite enough. The Caretakers' role was, initially, "To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past"* so where are the legends, statues, articles, ceremonies, anything? SotIS and Kelle'tha Order are both intended to be research groups of sorts, but each only have one active member: Brulant and Shadowseeker respectively, they are hardly groups. MR Frat was meant to be a military group within Golemus, yet it as well only has one active member, the MRs as a group are long gone. Despite Alyon's willingness to invite someone he might consider worthy if they happen to come along, I sincerely doubt that will happen any time soon. Finally, SoS, I was not sure whether or not to include them, as they could easily have a role under Eon, but then I remembered his willingness to do away with it in exchange for Loreroot or GG land loyalty in a conversation I had the pleasure of sharing with him. I challenge the members of these alliances to step forward and tell me that they indeed have a role and it is being fulfilled by more than one member. If the members do not care about the role, they should not be in the alliance. If the alliance does not have a proper role, the alliance should not exist in the first place. Here's an idea: Destroy every alliance, go back to one per land and build from there. Then we will see who really cares about their badge and role, and who simply wears it to wear it. *[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5198-caretakers-alliance/"]http://magicduel.inv...akers-alliance/[/url] Edit: Added Caretakers
  14. Indyra gets her alliance back, despite being inactive and not using it, better yet, she gets rewarded for her failure as an alliance leader. CoE is disbanded days after a request is put in that would lead to its return. The Council's personal agendas should not take precedence over the community, but go ahead, not like you need to be responsible.

  15. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1338942742' post='113539'] LHO, is not available to 95% of MD. [/quote] Not at a moment's notice, no, that's the reason that the LHO button sends a PM. There are plenty of people who can answer basic questions in chat anyways. Patience is key.
  16. I thought RP heads transfer was BHC only?
  17. Will Necrovion and GG be off-limits next BHC? Not Tribunal, of course, Eon can go there easily.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BFH


      There are people that can actually enter Necro. Theoretically it's possible to enter all lands. Eon could enter Necro easy I guess. So I don't think that's an issue

    3. Seigheart


      I can get into Necrovion whenever I want?

    4. nadrolski


      dst will never, ever let you in (lol)

  18. Based on my moderate understanding of code stuff: it'd just be a matter of figuring out what exactly clicking the arrow tells the game that changes your location, then writing some script that tells the database directly, therefore bypassing the need to load the scene and click the arrow?
  19. If beauty's in the eye of the beholder, meanings are in the mind of the listener.

  20. I'd just like to remind everybody that continued heat donations would be good, as it sort of dropped off after 1 million.
  21. Pipstickz

    Heat Orb

    It would be useful to have separate buttons for operating your Erolin Device. Currently refreshing your heat total and storing heat in orbs is done the same way: Clicking the Device. This is a problem because when you want to store, say, 3000 heat and you have 2800 but you're not sure how much you have, you need to reload the whole page to see. There is some empty space below it, a button could be added to do either of these things, could it not?
  22. Numbers round up, from what I've seen, so 13 will regen to 20, not 19.
  23. Pipstickz


    In similar fashion to my topic for herbs in the Tribunal, I've put together a list of acceptable harvesting limits, so that they will regenerate full, for locations with water. Please correct me if I've done some funky math or let me know if I'm missing any locations. Marind's Roundabout: 5/8 Willow's Walk: 5/10 Angien's Ferry: 5/10 Angien's Shrine: 30/30* Grassy Roads: 5/10 Wasp's Totem: 13/20 Oak Fort: 5/10 Well of tears: 3/5 Fountain of Dark Vibrations: 3/5 Storm Coast: 5/10 Power's Ascent: 10/15 Wraith's Wreck: 13/20 Ivory Lighthouse: 13/20 Fenth Beach: 13/20 Golem's Mill: 40/60 *I have heard that it is the wish of some Marind Bell citizens that if you ever find yourself at the Shrine, you do not harvest its water. I do not know their reasoning (though I could easily guess), but I respect their request. Note: 5/10 will not regen to full, but will refill the same amount as 7/10 anyways. I had not realized this.
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