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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. It's that or the Council picks, and there are still complaints about the last time they picked, are there not?
  2. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5797"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5797[/url] [url="http://apexamreviewperiod5.wikispaces.com/file/view/Geocentric_VS_Heliocentrism.jpg/222605848/Geocentric_VS_Heliocentrism.jpg"]http://apexamreviewperiod5.wikispaces.com/file/view/Geocentric_VS_Heliocentrism.jpg/222605848/Geocentric_VS_Heliocentrism.jpg[/url] The way I see it, the two ideas are two different ways of describing the same thing, similar to the difference between an earth-centric model and a sun-centric model, the solar system. As you can see from my imperfect MSPaint representation, the first is more descriptive, while the second is more plain and easy to understand. Essentially, though, they are both the same: the complex, perfect future becomes the imperfect, fading past. Also somewhat related since you mentioned your second book, it reminded me of your first book. Do you still have any copies now that I have the means to buy them? The information would probably turn my brains to more mush, but it'd be really cool to have a piece of Mur among my collection of books
  3. Not interested in elementals, sorry. Elementals Tormented Souls (and soulweavers) Water Daimons Birds Unholy Priests Santas Nutcrackers Trees Knators Barren Souls Jokers (colourless and coloured) Imps I am not interested in any of the above creatures, possibly others, but I can't think of them at the moment. Tokened creatures I am specially interested in would be a much shorter list: plain aramors (and Annivs) and draches (all variants)
  4. [s]6th Year Anniversary Aramor (Blue coloured)[/s] [color=#ff0000]Selled[/color] [s]Stored Heat 514763 Age 551 ID 719444 No tokens[/s] Nutcracker Stored Heat 0 Age 450 ID 696535 No tokens [s]Happy Elu[/s] [color=#ff0000]Selled[/color] [s]Stored Heat 30945 Age 360 ID 749917 No tokens[/s] Loreroot Archer Stored Heat 5079656 Age 902 ID 626983 claw1, claw2, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, blooddrop3, stardust Sharptear Stored Heat 7878189 Age 889 ID 653305 claw1, claw2, blooddrop2, stardust, emeraldglare, kellethafire, jewelshards, firedrop Tormented Soul Stored Heat 199983 Age 1170 ID 421931 claw2, blooddrop3 Interested in trades for highly tokened creatures, Reins or some fun rare things (ie. Darklings, Swordsmen, etc.). Won't sell if I don't like the offer, and if you're going to PM me, I'd prefer in game, as my forum PM box is 3% away from full. I'm usually idle at Fenths Press. And just to be perfectly clear, none of this has anything to do with TK, TK stock, or other TK members (unless they bid on stuff). These creatures are all from my own collection and all trades/coins will go to my personal inventory. [s]Edit: If you wish to offer credits, I will go by the rate determined after all that debate in [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13018-trading-credits-for-gold/"]Seig's thread[/url], 5 credits = 1 gold.[/s] Edit Edit: Nevermind, I'd prefer coins to credits (though if you have no other options, contact me)
  5. Harpy Bipthday, Seig.
  6. I've got 6th and 7th Annivs, an Elu, some (less) tokened angiens, a nutcracker, a swordsman, a tokened LR archer and Sharptear, and a few other things. How would you value these things, if you want them at all?
  7. If you would prefer and Grido would consent, the TK (Well, I as a member, anyways. Haven't talked to anyone else at the moment.) would like Ed the Snowman to (eventually, after it can be traded) be put in the treasury and given out as a sponsored quest reward. Let me know if you have any questions.
  8. Ж is probably my favourite letter. I'm not Russian and I don't speak Russian (and I also don't know about other languages it's used in), but wikipedia told me that in Russian, Ж is a zh sound, like the s in pleasure, and that's a really fun sound, plus the symbol is all symmetric and cool. Strictly English letters, though, I think A because again, it's symmetrical, plus it has some cool angles and even an isosceles triangle, plus it's the third most frequently used letter, again according to wikipedia. It's pretty cool.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chewett


      wow, someone sent me a pm, cool, let me reply to that properly

    3. Pipstickz


      If you couldn't tell by the spelling errors and all caps, I'm far from serious and don't really care about it. SRY CHEWEET I DIDNT MEN IT

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Alright, now I understand. Thanks for answering :)

  10. You could just advance. MP5 isn't all that bad. inb4 you just want to attack him. Answer is no, he probably gives me bad honour.
  11. I'm grateful for graters.
  12. Even numbers are nice and round and initially very attractive, but the allure of the odd numbers is their disorder when compared with even numbers (repeating decimals when divided in some cases, flipping between odd and even when added, etc). As change is an agent of chaos, it must favour disorder, and so does Change, as a model of his/her namesake.
  13. Yay petty squabbles.

    1. Pipstickz


      It's the perfect Christmas tradition.

    2. Curiose
  14. Very cool use of clickables, reminiscent of Cutler's Astral Plane, but of course it did not have spoilers and used original (I think? <<) artwork. All in all, there was only one thing that I didn't like as much with this, and that was getting a certain item over and over again.
  15. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1355910857' post='128490'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Off-topic (a little) :[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I've always noticed that everybody who wishes happy birthdays get a + rep. Then after a while someone comes and gives everybody neg rep, bringing it back to 0. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I mean, why?[/color][/font] [/quote] It's easier to rationalize giving a negative (or positive, for that matter) rep in the name of balance. Lots of the time it's about context, not content.
  16. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1355725428' post='128348'] Scyther! [/quote] Pokemon Snap
  17. lolemus lolicarum

    1. Show previous comments  7 more


      Lolla (Jolla)

    3. ZenTao


      Magic Lol Archives



      Ackshan, more like:

      Lol'ers of Enloltenment :P

  18. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1355713765' post='128344'] Anaerobic and parasitic cover [/quote] Giant praying mantis aerobics class
  19. Research and connections Cauldrons and other similar types of items (essence extractor, etc.) Creatures with no stats (unless they're meant to be permanent collectables, but I don't think so) Story mode (doubtful but always worth a try) Adventure Log? Spell pages and inner magic That's what I came up with off the top of my head.
  20. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1355642587' post='128295'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Silence spell [/color][/font] [/quote] Overreactions
  21. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1355617714' post='128288'] windmill battery [/quote] Structuro-spousal abuse?
  22. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1355388750' post='128091'] horseshoe [/quote] Corner Gas
  23. Happy birthday Yrth! I would've made a thread but I didn't! Sorry!

  24. In past years, those who win have had others accept rewards for them, with a prepared thank you speech or something, if they could not attend (I think...). Seeing as it's a celebration of players, I would agree with Max that the more players that can attend, the better, because huge gatherings are always the most fun. Personally, I probably won't be able to attend no matter when it is, but I'd just like a decision to be made because I can be somewhat flexible with my schedule, so I might be able to pop in for a bit. Don't worry Ackshan, you're important too.
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