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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Awww, drinkable dragon was my favourite :(

  2. There are a few ways to get stat damage.
  3. Is it an act of political extremism to say "Nazi"? Am I a spokesman for Walmart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walmart) if I tell you what I think their slogan means? Mur's post is about symbols, not about Nazi ideology.
  4. Pipstickz 1800 AD 11.94 Volition Took 2-3 walks through Tribunal and back, anything else gained has been from normal walking.
  5. And I'm back. Been a rough start in a tiny new (to me) apartment, but I think I can finally start settling in.
  6. So...if someone silvertongues you?
  7. In No Man's Land when visc was +40, I gained 0.08 volition per step. In Tribunal (land loyalty 552) when visc was at +40, I still gained 0.08 volition per step. In Marind Bell (land loyalty 59) when visc was at +40 (location cost was 1 + 40 - 59 AP), I still gained 0.08 volition per step. In short, still not working as intended.
  8. "Players with less than 80 days Zleiphneir" - From a PL. Weird.

  9. Yes, this IS a community built game, and that leads to things getting left behind and forgotten, especially when it's something that doesn't pertain to most of the players (not admins, not game designers) that would know how to fix it or get it fixed.
  10. Hally Birdsday Udgard.
  11. Heads contest is unfair. Compete again next time and get your reward then.
  12. 190 silver going to Make Your Own Role! That's more than 12 gold's worth!

  13. Chew's not obliged to fix anything, is he? It'd sure be nice if he'd put aside personal remarks and disagreements for the sake of everybody in the game, but he doesn't have to.
  14. "Harpy Belated Bipthday Chew" - Pip, two days from now
  15. Can't to take some cars for the anniversary!

    1. Pipstickz


      Can't wait*

      Good job, stupid.

    2. Chewett


      english is complex eh?

    3. Pipstickz


      It sure is hard...

  16. Armour set bonus + creature species: Certain species of creatures get a bonus for being in a rit together. Bonus can vary, but shouldn't be huge. Tokens + armour: Fairly self explanatory, tokens that make armour better. Spell effects + memory stones: If you are under an effect, such as movelock, you can use a memory stone and some heat to enchant a weaker version of that in a stone, even though you don't have the spell yourself. Inner magic + cauldron type items: Preset inner magic spells (recipes) that can be cast by using an item (cauldron). Story mode + pickables: Rather than the story being a separate interface, make it an actual adventure (ie. when you are offered a cube, you can click it or leave the scene).
  17. After a quick google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thixotropy http://www.thefreedictionary.com/thixotropy It seems to describe the fluid substance itself, but perhaps something along those lines.
  18. Did this quest end?
  19. Come on people, let's bankrupt the treasury! With the twelve (I think...) people participating now, we will be giving out a total of 78 silver coins, come on come on come on! Let's do it!
  20. Mur manual? More like Mur "Manu"al.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dragual


      Manuscript? More like Manu Script!

    3. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Manual override? More like "Manu" all over ride...

    4. Dragual


      Merchant? More like Mur Chant!

  21. http://projectzomboid.com/ It's not multiplayer (I think), but it's quite similar.
  22. Aelis birthday, Happy
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