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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. That was quite good fun. Thanks Lazar Beam.
  2. Older? More mature? How do you figure?
  3. Happy brithday.
  4. Aaaah, happy late birthday Fyrd. Sorry I'm late!
  5. Thank you for this fix.
  6. What are the specific powers of each type and what purpose does this serve?
  7. TipuQuest, coming soon to stores near you! Fight the bad fight and fart your way into the bad books of everyone! Conquer sub-boss Fang Archbane and final boss Fenrir Greycloth! Pre-order now!

    1. Pipstickz


      PS happy birthday Willem

    2. Tipu


      Hey u forgot about the happy ending ...me marrying miss Universe ...

    3. Nimrodel
  8. I didn't sign up because I have an up and down past with Seig and I didn't want to bother with the stress that participating in one of his quests always brings, and not even competitive stress like in heads, just pointless argument stress. Then my laptop stopped working altogether, so good choice me.
  9. Oh, I've solved my own problem. I had to enable cookies (weird thing to have disabled by default). As long as layout.php gives me AD, both of my problems will be solved. I'll check tomorrow some time.
  10. When attempting to log in from my phone (using both the regular and mobile login pages), it kept giving me "Enter the correct letters" or whatever it is that it says. Also, does anybody know if you get active days for logging in with the mobile version? Because I don't think it did last time I tried, and that's about the only way I have of logging in regularly.
  11. No. As tempting as an independent tool would be if I were to get one, I would just as soon sell it. The only wrinkle would be if it were unavailable to the general public (ie. water bucket, axe, stone detector, bone thing? etc.), then I would have to give more consideration to who it went to.
  12. Happy birthday Mya.
  13. Uggghhhhhh. Computer troubles.

  14. Happy birthday. Insert sappy comments here.
  15. Harpy Bipthday Bordy
  16. Credits are free. I suggest you re-evaluate your position if the only reason you have for this argument is "to make a point". The choice of 15 silver=1 gold was arbitrary, but the choice of 5 credits=1 gold was determined by the market. If nobody wanted it, nobody would pay for it and the values would change, but as it is apparently the people who go for such transactions are content with it, and so they pay.
  17. If it was a long time coming, perhaps you should have planned better.
  18. I wish people would stop calling them Shade Swordsmen. Just because he's shadY, doesn't mean he's a Shade.

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      I am reminded more of a wraith than a shade when I look at the swordsman.

    2. Pipstickz


      He is clearly dressed up as me. But from before I had my Murkeover. You're welcome for puns.

  19. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1321242509' post='95769'] If you really want herbs but all of these locations are harvested, contact me and I will try to give you some. [/quote] I am all for depleting herbs, because in over a year now, not a single person contacted me regarding this, and I'm fairly sure I've had all four varieties in my inventory since posting this. Plus, people get all worked up because they feel something is being taken from them, even though it never belonged to them in the first place, it's like if somebody insults your favourite TV show: You can defend it all you want but at the end of the day the actors and producers and writers and stuff (similar to herbs in this example) don't care about what you and your friend say to each other about it, they're just gonna do what they do. In my eyes, the only reason not to deplete anything is for efficiency's sake, so that the maximum amount can be harvested, but there is very little demand for herbs, so perhaps if supply goes down far enough for long enough, we will see some change.
  20. Do you realize you're asking for something as powerful as a land weapon (as far as I know), which is 100% ridiculous. And for nothing in return, too? The nerve.
  21. [quote name='MRAlyon' timestamp='1360237537' post='132249'] in MB... there is scene that need 200 aps for go there... a MB enters in it... a GG or NC or lore go into also and the MB figter go out spending only 2 aps... instead other fighters can't chase the MB fighter because they are without aps... loreroot have got more than 3-4 scenes with high viscosity (go and check!!!)... [/quote] The scene you're talking about also happens to be a sanctuary, I doubt anybody would go in. Aside from that, though, there are also scenes in MB and LR (and the lab in GG) that some people do not have access to, giving those that do have access a distinct advantage.
  22. If I were to be a vegetarian, my best reason would probably be that I can't deal with small bones or other bits I can't chew in meat. If I get something like that, I'm pretty much guaranteed to start gagging until I get it out of my mouth, after which I look at it and gag a bit more. Yes, I'm a bit of a baby. Other than that though, I have no real reason not to eat stuff.
  23. @No one: [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1359727221' post='131813'] [b]We are going to prepare a place in the wooded area right before you reach the Temple.[/b] [/quote]
  24. Pipstickz


    At the moment, I've got a big old "not-a-flatscreen" TV on which I alternate between N64, PS2 and Wii, and a smaller new flatscreen on which I play PS3. For N64, I pretty much only play the two LoZ games, Banjo Kazooie (sort of trying to find Tooie, doubt I will without emptying my wallet though <<), and occasionally James Bond (Goldeneye AND The World is not Enough) and Turok: Rage Wars. For PS2, I recently picked up Shadow of the Colossus and a little less recently found Okami. I played most of the way through Okami (I think so anyways...) and it's really great, plan to finish it eventually. I've only played a few hours in Shadow of the Colossus and I really should've played it when I had more time for all these games. Otherwise, some notables from my collection: Final Fantasy X and X-2, Kingdom Hearts 2, Jak 2 and 3, all five Grand Theft Auto games released on PS2 (of which I've only finished three since acquiring them) and God of War 1 and 2, neither of which I really liked, which is odd apparently. For Gamecube and Wii, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are probably my two favourite games. Aside from those, I have Super Smash Bros Melee, Tales of Symphonia disc 2 (lost disc 1 in a tragic game-losing incident T.T), Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, all three console Paper Mario games (though I refuse to enjoy Super Paper Mario), Animal Crossing: City Folk, and probably my luckiest find at the local used game store: Super Mario Sunshine, which I'm slowly working my way through for the first time in years, since borrowing it from a friend. For PS3, I don't think I've bought a game that I didn't enjoy playing, and that includes CoD. I've got the three most recent Call of Duty games, Infamous 2, Resistance 3 (co-op campaign is fun if you've got a friend to play with), 3D Dot Game Heroes, Mass Effect 3 (I played ME1 on PC, ME2 on Xbox and ME3 on PS3, but I plan to get through them all on PC eventually...when I'm ready to play again), Assassin's Creed: Revelations (I used wikipedia for the story from the previous games, and have since borrowed and played through AC3) and finally, my favourite PS3 game up to now: Ni No Kuni. I bought it on release day and have hardly been able to play anything else since then. Just play it please. For Steam, some of the more interesting games I have are: Fallout: New Vegas, Castle Crashers, FTL: Faster Than Light, Realm of the Mad God (high five Mallos), and my most played game: TF2, with 67 hours. I also plan to buy Antichamber and Proteus because they both look really cool. Kay I think that's enough. Maybe more later though <<
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