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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. From the perspective of the present, it's hard to get away from the idea that there was one past leading up to one present which could branch out into any number of possible futures. In a different sense, though, if there are infinite possibilities for the future right now, then some of them must lead to the same conclusion in the future. For example, if instead of finishing this sentence, I clicked away and watched a youtube video, then came back and finished, but wrote the same thing (simplified example, I would in reality probably write something different). No real difference, so no net change, but I took a different route to get there, and since there are infinitely many future possibilities, there must also have been infinitely many ways to get to this moment from the past. In that way, it's not a line that branches out but many lines on either side that are squeezed into a point that we call the present. Because of this, the past is inconsequential because if it didn't happen one way, it would perhaps have happened another, and what happens in the future is inconsequential because beyond prediction and what little control you have over it, you can't change it much. Both equally important to what happens right now.
  2. Semi/inactive for the next few days, Merry Tuesday/Wednesday, everybody!

  3. http://tinypic.com/r/24l7ywx/5 So if you click someone's name and then quickly click someone else just as the first person's avatar is loaded, the first person's avatar will show up above the second person's name. Small bug that doesn't seem to affect anything, and is kind of fun, but I figured maybe it should be documented (and ABUSED) when a quick search turned up nothing. Examples in the link above.
  4. Happy birthday.
  5. Not necessarily a No Man's Land alliance, but it is based in No Man's Land. There's a reason it's Established Housings and not just No Man's Land, and I feel the distinction is important.
  6. "People of Marind Bell and Necrovion are now in peace with each other." I can't believe they can all fit in there!

    1. dst


      Peace must have gained some weight and height since she left.

    2. Seigheart


      Kegel exercises will be needed after they start fighting each other.

  7. Guess who got t-boned and now has no usable car. It's meeeeeeee.

    1. Rophs


      Just sacc a bunch of creatures in the treasury to the Random Number God

  8. I would suggest taking the permanent VE sacrificing reward off of level 2, and also raising and discovering a few more creatures yourself, then coming back and making some changes. Right now it looks like a Dark Archer with auras.
  9. Fang is not as well acquainted with bugs as you are dst, and he likely thought it was one of MD's "features", and was perhaps worried that something like this may happen to him if he reported it, since Fang likes to help new players too.
  10. I'm only saying that the information available doesn't indicate an origin at all, and therefore a landmass shouldn't be assumed outright, unless there's something I'm missing?
  11. There doesn't need to be land to the west for a ship to come from the west.
  12. He doesn't know who messed with stuff, Seig, and obviously the person who did it will say that they didn't. While inconvenient for the rest of us, something needed to be done about it.
  13. Grido: Why are you looking to reduce the number of categories? Shouldn't we be looking for more things to celebrate, rather than nitpicking over alts and friends voting for friends and all that stuff? While it is pertinent to do away with unnecessary or repetitive awards, you have seemingly picked an arbitrary number and charged the public with figuring it out with no suggestions, feedback or explanation of any sort, and then threatened everybody with "I will pick if you can't". I don't mean to sound ungrateful, as I'm sure it takes plenty of organizational work to put this together, but I would prefer to see it grow rather than shrink.
  14. I don't like the message cloud. Even if I were to use it, there's too many categories to sort things into. Having two or three categories might be useful sometimes, but not twenty or whatever it is. I also don't like the way it changes the interface. The whole thing's a bit too complicated for my apparently old man-ish mind.
  15. Worked 22 hours over the weekend. Ugh.

    1. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      good for you... or your wallet

    2. Pipstickz


      Oh, there's another 12 hours from today.

  16. What does this support entail? Just running holiday quests, or something else?
  17. Can I dibs in for when it's working again?
  18. Woooo, almost forgot about my birthday because I was partying (read as: working) so hard! Thanks, everybody :cool: Especially you,. Yeah, you, reading this now.
  19. Name: Grease Fryer Input: 8000 heat, 16 fat, 4 unidentified plants, 4 skin Output: 8 fries Description: A machine that can treat your taste buds to heaven, but forget to clean it and you'll glimpse hellfire.
  20. In fact, there is a page for that already, Tom: http://magicduel.com/pages/info.challanges.php Good idea.
  21. http://magicduel.com/players/eara%20meraia Stats are public knowledge.
  22. I'd love to see GG draches devalued, because that'd mean that something stronger has come along. They've been king of the creatures for a long, long time.
  23. He's only got one creature that does damage to you and three (or two, I forget) that damage themselves, while you've got two creatures that can heal each other.
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